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Russian stealth fighter Su-75 Checkmate gets new configuration


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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China can get that built in only like 2 or 3 years. It has a ski jump but no EM catapult.

I believe it. Chinese people are some of the smartest & hardest working people in the world. There's a reason why China is right there up top of the world in almost all fields.

Ski-jump is advantageous in many ways, less complicated to build hence less expensive hence less maintenance required. I'm not even sure if there are any drawbacks compared to a catapult carrier.

And this one looks like it's also an icebreaker for all points frozen North of Russia which is an interesting twist. I just saw this figured I would post it since it's showing naval Su-57, which means potentially a naval Su-75.


Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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I believe it. Chinese people are some of the smartest & hardest working people in the world. There's a reason why China is right there up top of the world in almost all fields.

Ski-jump is advantageous in many ways, less complicated to build hence less expensive hence less maintenance required. I'm not even sure if there are any drawbacks compared to a catapult carrier.

And this one looks like it's also an icebreaker for all points frozen North of Russia which is an interesting twist. I just saw this figured I would post it since it's showing naval Su-57, which means potentially a naval Su-75.

No country in the world builds ships faster than China does.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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The West will ensure that the Russian military exports are gone....

A good news for the Turkish military industrial complex.....
The Russian military industrial complex is like Xerox in the 80s. Both Apple and Microsoft learned from them, just like the way China and India are learning from them, eventually to eclipse the Russians when they move beyond their tech.

India being Apple and China being Microsoft, except India and China didn’t really collaborate the way Apple and Microsoft did for a brief while.

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Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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This is probably only likely if the Indians fund it. The Indians seem intent on building their own ship and building their own carrier fighter after they procure the Rafales.

Well, I just found out from some Russian fellas that apparently this was an idea that came out in 2015 by the Russian MoD and it never really materialized into anything substantive, but no one is sure if nothing has happened or if it started and was put on the shelf once things got hot in Crimea and the subsequent events that led to the SMO of 2022.

But I like your "Xerox" analogy, it's quite fitting and just like @Hakikat ve Hikmet was saying that the west (particularly the US) will ensure Russia's military exports go hell into a basket and as a result, that will affect their ability to develop these new systems heck we're seeing it already with Russia's inability to market the MiG-35 or even get Su-35 export contracts with that aircraft's touted capabilities. The fact that the US has been able to successfully threaten anyone thinking of purchasing Russian platforms through CAATSA has had a huge impact on the Russian military industrial complex. The US' seizure of Russia's $300 billion in financial assets and trying to pass a bill that will allow Congress to divert those funds straight to Ukraine to fight Russia is insane! The balls the US has is like none other we've seen in the history of cold war tactics.

And you're 100% spot on about India being a huge part of Russia's military export success and the latter did botch that relationship. Despite what it has supplied India from the rights to assemble the MiG-21 Bison and the Su-30MKI and all sorts of other things, it seems like they just stopped short of fulfilling what they probably should have in the Su-57 FFGA to make India happy in the sense that it was of utmost importance to do whatever it took to make them happy and continue to bring in the funds through loyalty. Except Russia wasn't willing to give more and it has cost them.

It certainly doesn't help that the US, with all its might has a hankering for making Russia its enemy no matter what Russia would do. If there were actual democratic elections and Putin was replaced by a friendlier to the west individual and trading grew much larger between the two countries, the US would still find a way to make it its enemy simply because it needs to. It has to have that phantom threat regardless of the nukes or any of that other secondary stuff. The US will always maintain a hostile relationship with Russia because it's much more beneficial than a friendly one.

But if the Russians keep pushing their stuff and find a way around the threat of sanctions to countries interested in purchasing their equipment, it will be fine. It just needs to put an end to Ukraine and move onto those important aspects ASAP.

And with the way this thing is looking as of late and the way the west (and others) are working tirelessly day & night to knock it down, let me tell you, this thing is going to be a knockout in the first round when the shit starts hitting the fan. No question about it and after that, if they can pump out the development phase of the Checkmate, the skies' the limit.

Look at this thing. And contrary to the common misconception about its deficiencies, I'm telling you, people are in for a treat when this thing finally gets going.


And once it gets its engines, lookout. And we're still yet to see it's firepower which I am positive will be mind-blowing with the list of new weapons they're customizing just for this beast.



Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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Well, I just found out from some Russian fellas that apparently this was an idea that came out in 2015 by the Russian MoD and it never really materialized into anything substantive, but no one is sure if nothing has happened or if it started and was put on the shelf once things got hot in Crimea and the subsequent events that led to the SMO of 2022.

But I like your "Xerox" analogy, it's quite fitting and just like @Hakikat ve Hikmet was saying that the west (particularly the US) will ensure Russia's military exports go hell into a basket and as a result, that will affect their ability to develop these new systems heck we're seeing it already with Russia's inability to market the MiG-35 or even get Su-35 export contracts with that aircraft's touted capabilities. The fact that the US has been able to successfully threaten anyone thinking of purchasing Russian platforms through CAATSA has had a huge impact on the Russian military industrial complex. The US' seizure of Russia's $300 billion in financial assets and trying to pass a bill that will allow Congress to divert those funds straight to Ukraine to fight Russia is insane! The balls the US has is like none other we've seen in the history of cold war tactics.

And you're 100% spot on about India being a huge part of Russia's military export success and the latter did botch that relationship. Despite what it has supplied India from the rights to assemble the MiG-21 Bison and the Su-30MKI and all sorts of other things, it seems like they just stopped short of fulfilling what they probably should have in the Su-57 FFGA to make India happy in the sense that it was of utmost importance to do whatever it took to make them happy and continue to bring in the funds through loyalty. Except Russia wasn't willing to give more and it has cost them.

It certainly doesn't help that the US, with all its might has a hankering for making Russia its enemy no matter what Russia would do. If there were actual democratic elections and Putin was replaced by a friendlier to the west individual and trading grew much larger between the two countries, the US would still find a way to make it its enemy simply because it needs to. It has to have that phantom threat regardless of the nukes or any of that other secondary stuff. The US will always maintain a hostile relationship with Russia because it's much more beneficial than a friendly one.

But if the Russians keep pushing their stuff and find a way around the threat of sanctions to countries interested in purchasing their equipment, it will be fine. It just needs to put an end to Ukraine and move onto those important aspects ASAP.

And with the way this thing is looking as of late and the way the west (and others) are working tirelessly day & night to knock it down, let me tell you, this thing is going to be a knockout in the first round when the shit starts hitting the fan. No question about it and after that, if they can pump out the development phase of the Checkmate, the skies' the limit.

Look at this thing. And contrary to the common misconception about its deficiencies, I'm telling you, people are in for a treat when this thing finally gets going.

View attachment 51316

And once it gets its engines, lookout. And we're still yet to see it's firepower which I am positive will be mind-blowing with the list of new weapons they're customizing just for this beast.

View attachment 51315
With India out, Russia will be more dependent on sales or ToT to China. I anticipate more Russian help to the Chinese, with tech from the Su-57/75 programs being completely strained out and into the J-20/J-31 programs, especially in engines.

For the navy, the Chinese Type 095 will soon enough match the latest Yasen-M subs of the Russian navy, and we might see the T-14 influence a future Chinese tank design.

Russia may end up becoming a sub-contractor for Chinese systems, and get its exports to market that way.

So, in the long run, Chinese systems and munitions will get the “ruggedness” of Russian systems and still have their own more advanced then Russian tech, undercutting Russia from being able to compete going forward.


Jan 6, 2024
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I very much like the design of Checkmate, just looking at external shape it is probably much more stealthy compared to Su-57. Back then there was a rumor Chengdu maybe developing a single engine 5th gen I was envisioning something just like Su-75, basically a stealthified J-10 to supplement J-20. Its a no-go with J-35 arround the corner, so I'm very excited to see how Su75 will pen out. Only problem is whether the Russians can complete the project given their financial difficulties.


Elite Member
Sep 24, 2018
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India needs so many other systems much more, to dream of a strategic bomber - and even more so a project that maybe won't ever materialise and will never be exported - is again just a wet-dream.

India almost leased four Tu-22M Backfire bombers 20-25 years ago. I never understood the rationale

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