SpaceX to launch first uncrewed Starships to Mars in 2 years: Elon Musk

What's the point of crewed missions to Mars? All that humans can do there, it can do robots too.

A unnecessary torture for the crew, just for marketing reasons, stupid thing.

Just like the tesla car they launched in a rocket to space, another stupid marketing thing, that it only contribute to more space garbage.

USA wasting money in stupid things is like another past empires in their final stage.
What's the point of crewed missions to Mars? All that humans can do there, it can do robots too.

What's the point of traveling anywhere for a vacation when you can just watch youtube videos of others doing it.

Meditative 360° VR Video Walking Tour of Madrid​

What's the point of living in some country when you can just view videos of people living there.

Maybe some people want to go too.

Just like the tesla car they launched in a rocket to space, another stupid marketing thing, that it only contribute to more space garbage.

It's usually sand. For instance here's the Russians testing their rocket:
This is the second test flight of the Angara-A5 launch vehicle. It carries mass simulator payload which is to be delivered to geostationary orbit.

USA wasting money in stupid things is like another past empires in their final stage.
:rolleyes: If China was doing this you'd probably be saying this is one of the greatest achievements in the history of mankind and a "slap-in-the-face" wakeup call to the West that they have collapsed in having cutting edge technology.
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