Strategic Attacks on Pakistan’s Lifelines: A Nation’s Pain and Path to Recovery

He’s so jealous of Imran’s Oxford elections
Did anyone notice in this video that he was removed as ISI head following a complaint from the Iranian army chief? How embarrassing was that!"
Moeed Pirzada bohat hi barra scammer hai yeh inteha ki khush fehmi ka shikar...

No amount of lobbying from Pakistani americans will move the US admin/state department to undo their handiwork in Pakistan...

The Americans are actually playing a very smart game here. Playing on both side of the fence. It would be foolish to think that the Americans are suddenly the best buddies of Pakistani generals.

1. Keep pretending that relations with the generals are good. Extract leverage where possible.

2. Always keep the Imran Khan option as a stick against the generals. Especially when they fall out of line.
Can you imagine American, British, or French presidents or defence ministers living abroad or owning lands in foreign countries like UK Dubai, Belgium, or Australia? It’s unthinkable, yet in Pakistan, our ex-Prime Ministers and Army Chiefs freely live in the UK or own properties overseas without accountability. This isn’t just unethical—it’s a profound betrayal.

The Brits created Pakistan for a reason.
The reason was they wanted to focus on their own country after world war 2

"The disrespect shown to Imran Khan by a DSP in jail court, and the fact that his conversations are edited by the agency."

This reflects the harsh and unjust treatment being meted out, highlighting the cruelty of the forces at play. It's a reminder to the world that those who stand against these forces are facing not just opposition, but deliberate and calculated attempts to undermine and discredit them. The enemy is indeed ruthless, using every tool at their disposal to suppress voices of dissent.
When you follow the word of God brought/revealed to you by one of your own blood, you are not a convert. It is God's design. When you most need it. When you are ready.

The others? Battle converts.

First and second degree, depending on the time and persons invading.

Cheers, Doc
Gods design is what HE revealed in his words and in the teachings of HIS Messenger (S.A.W.), nothing like that there.

BTW most of the very first ones were battle converts.
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Im not talking about your belief system.

But the oldest original one, from which all Abrahamic faiths are derived and borrow from hugely.

There is no concept of conversion by humans, that God has already ordained when He sent you down to one man and woman and their faith.
The oldest one is neither one given to Abraham or to (probably) the one you are referring to. It was there from the beginning, the very first man.

As for conversion. I am sure you would reflect on that the one you are referring to left polytheistic/pagan practice and converted people around him to the same which was not the case prior to it.
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Even pagans received the word of God from their own. Thousands of years prior to the advent of Abrahamic faiths.

But that was for that bloodline only.

Even the original Abrahamic faith is tightly bound to bloodlines.

It is only the advent of Christianity that spread by war and proselytisation. Inorganically to alien bloodlines. And became the dominant faith in the west.

Islam followed and became the dominant faith in the middle east.

Both drove out the older ancestral faith from their lands and bloodlines.

But that was ultimately not a religious thing. But an imperialist program for world domination.

Those militaristic days are gone now. But the faiths remain hardwired to spread by conversion, as they battle each other for numerical dominance.

The same is seen in Europe currently.

China and India having stemmed the rot. And saved Asia. With near half the world's population.

And become the economic drivers of the next century. Regaining their ancient old world spot at the top.

The inexorable cycle if civilization.

Cheers, Doc
I was not referring to Abraham. At least we have made progress from being born into something to the message being for a particular people.

We saw us being ordained to be wiped out, subdued or relegated to irrelevance in the dreams of our well wishers countless times. Be it in the times of Mongol hordes devastated our people or in the more recent wars.

We remember who cheered at each instance till that test was removed on us.

Many shall see their wishes dashed in the coming decades, yet again.

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