Team USA

Just another reminder of how fortunate and spoiled we are nowadays. Everything is handed to us in the most automated and easiest ways. I love watching those clips of parents showing teens a rotary phone and challenging them to figure out how to make a call lmmmaaaaoooo! remember how "we had it easy" compared to the current generation..who say their lives "are going backwards compared to their parents" know that "dividend" we supposedly magically got.

In April I had free self-driving in my Tesla (which works very well BTW)...a car that has no rusting muffler/floor/body panels...which is what I remember being another "marvelous dividend" growing up along with the others previously mentioned above.

So while my kids will have fond memories of their happy dad in a car driving itself I have memories as a kid looking at the rust holes in the floor panels of our family station wagon and certainly not a smiling dad.
Last edited: remember how "we had it easy" compared to the current generation..who say their lives "are going backwards compared to their parents" know that "dividend" we supposedly magically got.

Yep! There's also the other side of the coin in that scenario as a result of this generation bitching and complaining about how hard their lives are. You get the old-timer telling them "when we were your age, we got up at 3am and fed the cows, made our own lunches and walked 3 miles to school in 3ft of snow you spoiled little bastards". Love hearing old grumpy curmudgeons hand it to 'youtts'.

In April I had free self-driving in my Tesla...a car that has no rusting muffler/floor/body panels...which is what I remember being another "marvelous dividend" growing up along with the others previously mentioned...

LOL! Indeed, rusty panels were the worst thing ever. Showed you had bought a used car and couldn't afford a new one! lol

Speaking of self-driving Teslas, I saw a YT vid of cops who pulled over some black dude on the highway in his Tesla because it was doing a perfect 70mph and perfectly lined up in its lane except they couldn't see anyone driving it. Finally they got close enough to see the dude had the recliner all the way back and was fast asleep lmaowowoawo! They pulled his ass over but I forget if they gave him a ticket or not. I think they did because they called it something along the lines of driving while distracted or something. Not sure if it was endangering the public since that's a major violation, probably arrestable not sure but I don't think he was arrested. Just goes to show, spoiled.
Yep! There's also the other side of the coin in that scenario as a result of this generation bitching and complaining about how hard their lives are. You get the old-timer telling them "when we were your age, we got up at 3am and fed the cows, made our own lunches and walked 3 miles to school in 3ft of snow you spoiled little bastards". Love hearing old grumpy curmudgeons hand it to 'youtts'.

LOL! Indeed, rusty panels were the worst thing ever. Showed you had bought a used car and couldn't afford a new one! lol

Speaking of self-driving Teslas, I saw a YT vid of cops who pulled over some black dude on the highway in his Tesla because it was doing a perfect 70mph and perfectly lined up in its lane except they couldn't see anyone driving it. Finally they got close enough to see the dude had the recliner all the way back and was fast asleep lmaowowoawo! They pulled his ass over but I forget if they gave him a ticket or not. I think they did because they called it something along the lines of driving while distracted or something. Not sure if it was endangering the public since that's a major violation, probably arrestable not sure but I don't think he was arrested. Just goes to show, spoiled.

I did not attempt to use it on the highway...which oddly enough an early version has been available (almost unchanged) since 2017 as a "smart" cruise control they call "AutoPilot". I have had cruise control for decades in cars and I was never comfortable with it as it seems inherently dangerous. People relying on Tesla's highway cruise control is what 99.999% of the Tesla accidents/deaths you hear about center on...not the new FSD local street driving.

So while I think the 20 to 40mph mellow street self-driving tech is real close I wouldn't say it is something I would trust driving 70mph on a highway full of idiot drivers who might try playing a game of "bumper cars" with you sending you tumbling. That's going to take some serious convincing. If the highway was full of other mellow self-driving cars I wouldn't feel as uneasy.
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I did not attempt to use it on the highway...which oddly enough an early version has been available (almost unchanged) since 2017 as a "smart" cruise control they call "AutoPilot". I have had cruise control for decades in cars and I was never comfortable with it as it seems inherently dangerous. People relying on Tesla's highway cruise control is what 99.999% of the Tesla accidents/deaths you hear about center on...not the new FSD local street driving.

So while I think the 20 to 40mph mellow street self-driving tech is real close I wouldn't say it is something I would trust driving 70mph on a highway full of idiot drivers who might try playing a game of "bumper car" with you sending you tumbling. That's going to take some serious convincing. If the highway was full of other mellow self-driving cars I wouldn't feel as uneasy.

That's exactly what he had the car on now that you mention it, auto-pilot. I don't even have that on the boat and it's one of those luxuries in recreational boating which you couldn't pay me enough to use, knowing how not only dangerous it is on the water, but it's tough enough captaining with just throttle and the wheel. Maybe in far, open water on long, coastal trips one might consider it. But not even on long, 5-lane open highways in any car.

Here's the video and it's pretty educational when it comes to this new technology and the laws that cover it which were never really there until this new fad has come out. Even the cop wasn't sure what the laws were for this particular violation (most of them are clueless as to the basic laws and the constitution anyway). It's really interesting to listen to this cop and the things he says.

The reason I watched it was because of our rights and how cops try to con you and get you to admit your guilt on body cam and all that. Best thing is NEVER answering any of their questions because you're no obligated to and never give them consent to search your car. The only reason they ask all these questions (many of them are stupidly ridiculous and start out friendly to get you comfortable with them and then you slip and incriminate yourself) is to get you to admit your guilt. Plus, not only would I not have answered any questions, but I also would've NEVER given them consent to search my vehicle.

They ended up giving him a ticket for "inattentive driving" and didn't even let him drive it from there. It's definitely educational.

I don't even have that on the boat and it's one of those luxuries in recreational boating which you couldn't pay me enough to use, knowing how not only dangerous it is on the water, but it's tough enough captaining with just throttle and the wheel. Maybe in far, open water on long, coastal trips one might consider it.

Well its one thing if the boat was going only a mellow 25mph negotiating with a crowd of boats in the harbor vs doing 70mph with the same crowd. You know if something goes wrong things are going to hit the fan real quick whether it is you or an AI driving. It's pretty damn stupid actually to drive that speed in a boat crowd. Even the people at that wacky Haulover Inlet in Florida go out one at a time.

The reason I watched it was because of our rights and how cops try to con you and get you to admit your guilt on body cam and all that. Best thing is NEVER answering any of their questions because you're no obligated to and never give them consent to search your car.

famous speech..19Million views
Well its one thing if the boat was going only a mellow 25mph negotiating with a crowd of boats in the harbor vs doing 70mph with the same crowd. You know if something goes wrong things are going to hit the fan real quick whether it is you or an AI driving. It's pretty damn stupid actually to drive that speed in a boat crowd. Even the people at that wacky Haulover Inlet in Florida go out one at a time.

And 25mph in a 30ft boat on the water feels like 85 on the road. It's closer to being on a bike than a car mostly because of the open air but also the friction of the hull to the water. And the calmer the water, the faster it feels. It's an interesting phenomenon.

famous speech..19Million views

Do you have the video for what type of coffee that professor drinks? Holy Shamoly he talks fast lol.

I've watched my share of first amendment audit videos and civil rights criminal cases and all that stuff and really the best ones are the guys who obviously know their stuff and the first thing they do when they get pulled over is roll down the window about 2 inches only and handle the cops like bosses. Best thing. Needless to say it's surprising how much that pisses them off like there's no tomorrow hahaha but it's great. But guess what -- I know you already know this I'm just entertaining the thought -- there's no law that says you have to roll down the window all the way. But despite the fact that it pisses them off royally, it automatically sends them a message that they're dealing with someone who's aware of his rights and it won't be an easy intimidation factor on the cop's part. Despite it may trigger them to push you harder which in most cases it does because ALL cops (and I mean ALL of them there are no exceptions) have such huge egos that they can't stand being played like that way that undoubtedly, they'll attempt to retaliate in some way. So, one might ask well then why do that, why piss them off and suffer even more mistreatment from them? Well, because no matter what you do, you're getting a ticket many more times than not so why make it easier for them? You, don't, answer, any question.

The funny thing about people is they don't understand they're not obligated to answer any questions especially the irrelevant ones! "Where are you coming from?" All due respect officer (and that politeness is not even needed I would just say it right away) it doesn't matter where I'm coming from. See their reaction then, they get humbled really quickly after that. Most of the time they'll just got back to their cruiser, write you the ticket and off you go. So why tell them where you're coming from, where you're going, where you work, are you from here, is that your wife and kid with you none of that is important and frankly it's none of their gaddam business in the first place. THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS. They start out playing that game befriending you and asking you all these cute questions and for what reason? Only to get you comfortable enough to open up and............incriminate yourself. No thanks.
And 25mph in a 30ft boat on the water feels like 85 on the road. It's closer to being on a bike than a car mostly because of the open air but also the friction of the hull to the water. And the calmer the water, the faster it feels. It's an interesting phenomenon.

Do you have the video for what type of coffee that professor drinks? Holy Shamoly he talks fast lol.

I've watched my share of first amendment audit videos and civil rights criminal cases and all that stuff and really the best ones are the guys who obviously know their stuff and the first thing they do when they get pulled over is roll down the window about 2 inches only and handle the cops like bosses. Best thing. Needless to say it's surprising how much that pisses them off like there's no tomorrow hahaha but it's great. But guess what -- I know you already know this I'm just entertaining the thought -- there's no law that says you have to roll down the window all the way. But despite the fact that it pisses them off royally, it automatically sends them a message that they're dealing with someone who's aware of his rights and it won't be an easy intimidation factor on the cop's part. Despite it may trigger them to push you harder which in most cases it does because ALL cops (and I mean ALL of them there are no exceptions) have such huge egos that they can't stand being played like that way that undoubtedly, they'll attempt to retaliate in some way. So, one might ask well then why do that, why piss them off and suffer even more mistreatment from them? Well, because no matter what you do, you're getting a ticket many more times than not so why make it easier for them? You, don't, answer, any question.

The funny thing about people is they don't understand they're not obligated to answer any questions especially the irrelevant ones! "Where are you coming from?" All due respect officer (and that politeness is not even needed I would just say it right away) it doesn't matter where I'm coming from. See their reaction then, they get humbled really quickly after that. Most of the time they'll just got back to their cruiser, write you the ticket and off you go. So why tell them where you're coming from, where you're going, where you work, are you from here, is that your wife and kid with you none of that is important and frankly it's none of their gaddam business in the first place. THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS. They start out playing that game befriending you and asking you all these cute questions and for what reason? Only to get you comfortable enough to open up and............incriminate yourself. No thanks.

Actually I tend to be exactly like that “friend” guy in the car who is mouthing off at the cops. Lol!

Meh..kick my ass I don’t care.
WTH is going on? This is a trend?


"Sopranos" actor punched

Wow @GoMig-21 this has to be the thickest lawn I've ever had and that includes all the years tending my parent's lawn as a kid. It is easily 3 times thicker than usual.

I was late putting this stuff on to prevent weeds from germinating (supposed to be March but I did it in April) so I put like 4 to 5 times the recommended max dosage and wow I have accidentally stumbled upon the secret to having a spectacular lawn.

BTW still rabbits all over...noticing more smooshed in the streets this year.
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Only in America.
Only in San Francisco, the most romantic city on Earth.

I will always cherish walking up and down those fog covered hilly streets on chilly mornings to grab a fresh croissant and coffee with the girl I was dating at the time...
Wow @GoMig-21 this has to be the thickest lawn I've ever had and that includes all the years tending my parent's lawn as a kid. It is easily 3 times thicker than usual.

Yeah bro, that looks awesome as heck. I use the same stuff been using it for a while now, makes a huge difference. But your timing is interesting I'll have to try that.

The bunnies are their usual around here, all over the place and just last weekend I was up early and went out to the driveway to get something from the truck and just peeking in through the window first I see a silhouette in my periphery and there's this MASSIVE opossum just chugging from the neighbors yard right towards me. I stood still and waited to see when he would realize I was there and scram. Nothing! loool, he walked right up to me and right by my feet barely a foot away and just kept trotting along under our deck and disappeared. I was surprised he was blind as a bat.

Yesterday I seen an adult cooper's hawk scream through the driveway wow what a spectacular bird and fast as hell!

Then a few days ago I was out on the deck lighting one up and I could hear my pencil-legged buddy and his clan up the end of the street all howling and laughing and causing a ruckus loool. It sounded like a mixture between wolves howling and hyenas laughing! Crazy coyotes.

Even though they look like over-grown rats, there's something endearing about them.


This bird is stunningly beautiful with its adult, blood red eyes and its hunting prowess. BTW, this exact accipiter is what the avian specialists at our local Audubon Society think is the reason for the decline of the American Kestrel in Massachusetts. It's figured out a way to hunt the other smaller bird of prey by attacking it while it's hunting. Since the Kestrel's primary method of catching its prey is to hover over open fields & grasslands looking for any movement from mice or meadow voles and such. While it's concentrating on that it's at its most vulnerable state since it's not aware of its surroundings when suddenly bang. Guess who!


My friend Norman was telling me that this is why they think the kestrel population and nesting counts have been declining here in MA for the last 20 years or so. Predation of a predator by a predator! Fascinating stuff, at least to me lol.

And of course pencil legs and pencil ears over here lool.

Even though they look like over-grown rats, there's something endearing about them.

Yeah I opened the backdoor one night once and there was a huge one sitting on the deck railing looking back at me.

One of those freeze moments where you say...hmm do I quietly walk past it or just backup and close the door. I decided to backup. Not sure if they get rabbies like raccoons.

Hmm...haven't seen any Coyotes lately.
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Yeah I opened the backdoor one night once and there was a huge one sitting on the deck railing looking back at me.

One of those freeze moments where you say...hmm do I quietly walk past it or just backup and close the door. I decided to backup. Not sure if they get rabbies like raccoons.

I hear ya. And it's not easy to tell if any animal has rabies, unlike the misconception we were falsely taught that you can see physical symptoms such as rashes or fur loss and things of that sort. I think that happens only at the latter stages of the disease when an animal is grossly infected by then. Otherwise, they just show symptoms of lethargy and can get a little aggressive which sometimes they are anyway, especially if they feel threatened. They'll start showing fangs and hissing and stuff lol. Better off doing exactly what you did.

But that lawn looks really good. Is that as far as you go with edging?
But that lawn looks really good. Is that as far as you go with edging?

So I'm debating edging it....would certainly like to...I have an edger.

Now of course this is mostly a cop-out answer by me...but I have heard the sun heats the brick up and fries the grass roots and that you should leave some shaded overhang. (<- :rolleyes:Gomig reaction)

Okay..okay..we'll see if an updated pic is posted by me...damn nailed by a white people's problem.
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So I'm debating edging it....would certainly like to...I have an edger.

Now of course this is mostly a cop-out answer by me...but I have heard the sun heats the brick up and fries the grass roots and that you should leave some shaded overhang. (<- :rolleyes:Gomig reaction)

Okay..okay..we'll see if an updated pic is posted by me...

Hahaha no no no, I would never roll eyes on you bro lol. It would be much more the other way around with the stupidity I tend to get myself into trust me lolzo.

It looks fine the way it is. I was just curious if that was your next step or if you like that look which honestly, I tend to prefer it that way. Although I do edge around the pavers I installed to extend my driveway by an extra spot, I still don't do it like your typical landscapers do with a really hard cut where most of the time you can even see soil. That I don't like, but just a trim to define it out usually works well.

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