Team USA

Damn you, Hembo! 🖕
I put an angry face on your post because you had me searching online for an hour dammit! lol. Just busting them bro.
That's actually a great question - it was on X and I didn't post the whole tweet because IIRC, there were some disparaging remarks not just about the Cybertruck, but about Tesla in general and I didn't want to promote certain views I don't necessarily agree with. But I found a similar post about the same pic and somewhat of an answer to your question.

From what I'm seeing, Cybertruck is having issues for sure, and maybe they rushed it into production a bit sooner than they should have? Hard to say I think you can argue either way and everything has teething periods & growing pains I suppose. Problem is, in most countries when it comes to consumer safety, the standards are supposed to be pretty high, least of all in the US. And who's to say these particular issues of quality control wouldn't or couldn't happen with any other gas-operated trucks? The problem Tesla has is it's self-driving technology which is only going to take time to work out all the quirks, just like anything else.

Are they selling in Bahrain?

Bro, I thought the lovely Missus and I were going to DIE yesterday just doing house chores holy crap! That heat index rubbish is out of control.

You know back in the old country we see 100º easily for 5 - 6 months straight in the summertime but as you probably know it's mostly dry being desert heat. This humidity is just a killer man I hadn't been so sticky in my life! My arm pits were glued together not to mention other parts lmao. Ridiculous. The rest of the country is hurting really bad, too. I don't think it's settling down anytime soon. Hey, things could be a lot worse I suppose.

BTW, these gaddam songbirds are driving me crazy! I've never been bothered by these sons of bitches ever chirping and singing and yelping first thing in the morning, but I don't know WTF is going on lately they're starting way too early! 4 AM they're out buzzing and chirping and dancing it's pissing me off. And the culprit is this prick right here!

View attachment 49522

Bastard has a real distinct song, if you want to call it that. I call it annoying AF!

I have a table fan going to generate white noise that will drown them out (highly recommended) but sometimes i’m awake at odd hours and yes the birds are up earlier than usual this year chirping away.
The video shows a man with green hair bumping into a deli worker in Woodside, Queens!

After throwing the victim around, the suspect kicks him in the face, knocking him unconscious.

The man proceeds to kick the unconscious man in the face seven more times.

The suspect then returns and kicks him three more times in the head before leaving.

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"Looking backward" by Laura E. Foster, 1912

Anti-suffragists, such as Josephine Dodge, argued that giving women the right to vote would overburden them and undermine their privileged status.[60] They saw participation in the private sphere as essential to a woman's role and thought that giving them public duties would prevent them from fulfilling their primary responsibilities in the home. Anti-suffragists claimed that they represented the "silent majority" of America who did not want to enter the public sphere by gaining the right to vote.[83] Being against women's suffrage didn't mean, however, that all Antis were against civic pursuits.[84] Jeanette L. Gilder, a journalist, wrote "Give women everything she wants, but not the ballot. Open every field of learning, every avenue of industry to her, but keep her out of politics."[85] Dodge encouraged women to become involved in "charitable, philanthropic and educational activities."[84] It was also cited that women had made reforms such as raising the age of consent without the vote and that gaining this right was, therefore, unnecessary and could even be harmful to further reform movements.[86] The thought was that women were able to influence the government because they were seen as politically neutral and non-partisan and giving them the right to vote would strip them of this unique position.[87] In addition, because voting is "only a small part of government," they believed there was no need to vote in order to participate in politics.[82] This particular line of reasoning, that women should stay out of politics, kept the General Federation of Women's Clubs (GFWC) from officially endorsing suffrage until 1914.[88]

While men were involved in the anti-suffrage movement in the United States, most anti-suffrage groups were led and supported by women.[37] In fact, more women joined Anti-suffrage groups than suffrage associations, until 1916.[38] While these groups openly stated that they wanted politics to be left to men, it was more often women addressing political bodies with anti-suffrage arguments.[37] The first women-led anti-suffrage group in the United States was the Anti-Sixteenth Amendment Society.[39] The group was started by Madeleine Vinton Dahlgren in 1869.[40] During the fight to pass the nineteenth amendment, women increasingly took on a leading role in the anti-suffrage movement.[41]


Of all the arguments the majority of women, prior to 1916, had against the 19th Amendment, I do not think in their wildest imaginations America will sink so low as to consider drafting women for war.

Damn you, Hembo! 🖕
I put an angry face on your post because you had me searching online for an hour dammit! lol. Just busting them bro.
That's actually a great question - it was on X and I didn't post the whole tweet because IIRC, there were some disparaging remarks not just about the Cybertruck, but about Tesla in general and I didn't want to promote certain views I don't necessarily agree with. But I found a similar post about the same pic and somewhat of an answer to your question.

From what I'm seeing, Cybertruck is having issues for sure, and maybe they rushed it into production a bit sooner than they should have? Hard to say I think you can argue either way and everything has teething periods & growing pains I suppose. Problem is, in most countries when it comes to consumer safety, the standards are supposed to be pretty high, least of all in the US. And who's to say these particular issues of quality control wouldn't or couldn't happen with any other gas-operated trucks? The problem Tesla has is it's self-driving technology which is only going to take time to work out all the quirks, just like anything else.

Are they selling in Bahrain?

Bro, I thought the lovely Missus and I were going to DIE yesterday just doing house chores holy crap! That heat index rubbish is out of control.

You know back in the old country we see 100º easily for 5 - 6 months straight in the summertime but as you probably know it's mostly dry being desert heat. This humidity is just a killer man I hadn't been so sticky in my life! My arm pits were glued together not to mention other parts lmao. Ridiculous. The rest of the country is hurting really bad, too. I don't think it's settling down anytime soon. Hey, things could be a lot worse I suppose.

BTW, these gaddam songbirds are driving me crazy! I've never been bothered by these sons of bitches ever chirping and singing and yelping first thing in the morning, but I don't know WTF is going on lately they're starting way too early! 4 AM they're out buzzing and chirping and dancing it's pissing me off. And the culprit is this prick right here!

View attachment 49522

Bastard has a real distinct song, if you want to call it that. I call it annoying AF!

Lol! Apologies Bro, it was an honest and innocent query. Never imagined the repurcation it will cause.

I have seen very few Model Ys and Model 3s here. But no cybertrucks. Being in a region with subsidised fossil fuel price, I imagine EVs will not take off in GCC very soon.

As for the weather, I have been living in one of the hottest region in the world for a long time. Just yesterday the noontime temp reached 49 degrees. C (about 120), albeit the there was no high humidity. But it does comes high (<90% R.L.) from time to time. We have simply learnt to adopt to it. Did you read the news about 100s of Haj pilgrims dying of heat strokes. Bad times bro.

Cheers to the Global Warming nay sayers. Show them what's happening here and in South Asia.
Hey aren't they going the wrong way down Boylston.

That was the first thing I noticed when I saw that top view. Since I've been to many parades through the decades and almost always park my ass right at Park Street to get the best view, they were always going from downtown towards Copley and not the other way around like this. I thought they always went the other way since it's easier to start at Copley or wherever and end up back in town at either Government Center or TD Garden. So going the other way means they have to get back so it's two runs instead of just one. And the only other time I believe they did that was because they were going to take the Chrales River back with the duck boats plunging in the water which they did that one time with the Red Sox if you remember. They haven't done it since then and rightfully so lol. So this was a bit weird and funny you noticed that too.

BTW, have you been watching the Stanley Cup at all? @Nilgiri ? Florida Panthers (who beat the pulp out of the Boston Bruins bastards) were up 3 - 0 to the Edmonton Oilers and had 1 more game to win and get their 2nd Stanley Cup I believe. They played game 6 last night and Edmonton thrashed the Panthers 5-1 TYING UP THE SERIES! Now they're playing game 7 on Monday winner takes all what a series that's been. That kind of turn around in a series is the historic type of thing since it's almost unheard of that a team which is down 3-0 in a 7-game series is able to win 4 straight after that and take the championship. That kinda things almost never happens and the last time I remember it happening was with the Boston Red Sox against the all-time hated evil empire NY Yankees bastards in 2004.

You remember that, right Ant? Oh man, that was unreal; Yankees were up in the World Series 3 games to none and in game 4 ready to sweep the Red Sox who were down 4-3 in the top of the 9th with 2 outs lmmmaaaoooo and what happens? Francona sends in Dave Roberts to pinch run for David Ortiz and he steals 2nd base on Derick Jeter the Red Sox win that game and somehow win the next 3 and the series go on to sweep the Cardinals in the WS and end the brutal curse of the Bambino and the rest as the say is history, baby. That was unreal and probably the 2nd best sports moment for yours truly. The first is Malcolm Buttler's interception against Seattle in the 2014 Super Bowl. That was going from the euphoria of victory to the agony of a potential defeat only to escape that agony and be thrusted right back into the thrill of victory loool. Great stuff.
That kinda things almost never happens and the last time I remember it happening was with the Boston Red Sox against the all-time hated evil empire NY Yankees bastards in 2004.

Yes, I remember that. BTW who was that ex yankee in the box seats who smugly kept saying "Don't worry the Sox always lose/choke". It wasn't Sheffield. Maybe Berra or Phil Rizzuto? That #$%@$% clown...that's right sit down your team lost.
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He paid 500k in 1990 for unlimited flights. See how many miles he's accrued​

Yes, I remember that. BTW who was that ex yankee in the box seats who smugly kept saying "Don't worry the Sox always lose/choke". It wasn't Sheffield. Maybe Berra or Phil Rizzuto? That #$%@$% clown...that's right sit down your team lost.

Ooooooh yeah I remember that what a burn that was ugh! That rivalry was really the best in professional sports. I don't even think there is a FIFA WC or even Bruin/Canadienne's rivalry (which was also unbelievable in its own right) came close to Red Sox/Yankees. Each team would throw those brutal digs at one another through the media, sports talk radio, TV shows imagine if we had social media in those days the way it is now? But that one particular one was especially poking and irritating and sounded like something Yogi Berra would say lol.

The other thing that made it so special is the dreadfulness of the magnificent Curse of the Bambino. I mean, probably the greatest baseball player of all time, anywhere anytime anyhow Babe Ruth (just that name itself was larger than life as far as baseball greatness) who
- was a Red Sox,
- then was SOLD to the Yankees,
- for money,
- to pay for a stupid, unknown theater play!!!!
and he goes on to win countless championships with NY rubbing it in even more and because the last time the Red Sox won was with him!
Obviously he had one of his hundreds of witchy women put a spcial curse on us that went on for 80 something years without a championship loooool oh and BTW, if you remember, Ant, the few times the Sox actually did make it to either a pennant or conference championship and especially world series, they lost in spectacular fashion! Remember 86 against the Mets? Bill Buckner? That was the final straw indicating the placement of an unimaginably horrific curse had been cast hahaha this is the stuff of folklore legends and myths man.

So when Roberts stole that base, and the fact it was in the 9th inning of game 4 in a 7-game series and a chance for the Yankees to sweep the Red Sox, that triggers the most improbable come-from-behind series victory and represents that exact, pivotal moment the disgustingly dreadful curse of the Bambino was finally lifted! You can't make this stuff up, man lol.

What about this? Ring a bell?

Ant, ever go to this in Gloucester? Greasy pole contest on the 4th of July. Been to it a couple of times and now that I've FINALLY gotten the boat ready (what a tough son of a bitch nightmare that was to clean out and repair the damage caused by (guess what, those were racoons not squirrels) and get it in the water, we can get out there on the 4th and check this out again. It's always a fun thing to be a part of, just gotta watch out for all the drunk ass nitwits especially the ones behind fast boats. And dealing with constantly being boarded by jackboot coast guard thugs is always a pain in the ass. They got much more authority to violate people's rights on the water than regular cops on land.

But this is in Gloucester Harbor, home of the every so famous Wicked Tuna TV show on the Discovery Channel as well as the great, historical event known as The Perfect Storm played out in the famous movie under the same title starring George Clooney, Mark Walberg and others. One of the major fishing ports in New England and the Northeast United States also famous for fishing and whale-watching tours.

This is the greasy pole competition where people have to walk a cedar telephone pole loaded with grease and try to get the flag at the end. It's not easy as you can see especially when half these clowns are shit-faced lol.

This is at a section of the port near the boardwalk and the Blynman Bridge entering the Annisquam River which is a great boat ride all the way to the end and Wingaersheek beach. A great place & time on the water but definitely crazy on the 4th of July.

Greasy Pole at the Famous Gloucester Harbor.


And the stunning harbor itself is just magical.

Ant, ever go to this in Gloucester? Greasy pole contest on the 4th of July. Been to it a couple of times and now that I've FINALLY gotten the boat ready (what a tough son of a bitch nightmare that was to clean out and repair the damage caused by (guess what, those were racoons not squirrels) and get it in the water, we can get out there on the 4th and check this out again. It's always a fun thing to be a part of, just gotta watch out for all the drunk ass nitwits especially the ones behind fast boats. And dealing with constantly being boarded by jackboot coast guard thugs is always a pain in the ass. They got much more authority to violate people's rights on the water than regular cops on land.

But this is in Gloucester Harbor, home of the every so famous Wicked Tuna TV show on the Discovery Channel as well as the great, historical event known as The Perfect Storm played out in the famous movie under the same title starring George Clooney, Mark Walberg and others. One of the major fishing ports in New England and the Northeast United States also famous for fishing and whale-watching tours.

This is the greasy pole competition where people have to walk a cedar telephone pole loaded with grease and try to get the flag at the end. It's not easy as you can see especially when half these clowns are shit-faced lol.

This is at a section of the port near the boardwalk and the Blynman Bridge entering the Annisquam River which is a great boat ride all the way to the end and Wingaersheek beach. A great place & time on the water but definitely crazy on the 4th of July.

Greasy Pole at the Famous Gloucester Harbor.

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And the stunning harbor itself is just magical.

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I've been to Rockport a bunch to the various parks so I must have been in Gloucester too. Just a sec...let me break out the dang map as I get all those coastal towns confused with each other.

Hmmm...I think I just drove through it without looking much to the left or right because nothing is ringing a bell.

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