Team USA

Speaking of the USA, as great as this country is and its essence of freedom that we all love and cherish, there is some truth with how twisted values are in mainstream USA.

Lol Ant & Nilgy and all other fellas, heads up:

DISLAIMER> Super racy language but this is a prime example of how twisted values can get that unfortunately come with the risks of a free society.

Speaking of the USA, as great as this country is and its essence of freedom that we all love and cherish, there is some truth with how twisted values are in mainstream USA.

Lol Ant & Nilgy and all other fellas, heads up:

DISLAIMER> Super racy language but this is a prime example of how twisted values can get that unfortunately come with the risks of a free society.

I'm doing what I can to help people come together on basic "normie" issues upstream, so we get better politics downstream in say 10, 20 years etc...

The problem is people kind of let wedges come between them and then everything gets tribal from the grievances that build up ....and everyone wants to point fingers in the turbulence....when really the fixing is done at ground level and as early. You need to sap politicians of as much oxygen as possible (not one side you prefer, but BOTH sides cohesively).....what is the govt/politician scope, this has to be fixed and compartmentalised as far as possible by society. That's what made the US great for so long was it had good balance here for as long as it did, now the statism (and thus way media harnesses the culture flashpoints etc to escalate and feed into those things even more for a quick buck) is way out of control....the US (principles and collective memory) is not made for heavy statism....thats why we're feeling the heat from the over-wrought politics now. Its a federal blanketing thats getting to be too much....DC should be minimal and let the states figure out what states need to figure out as states are diverse from each other. Then people can vote with their feet over time and there is feedback and competitive process rather than "all in" stuff for DC. Past things like national defence, federal administration, federal courts, national standards.....I don't see any other role to be given to DC....let each state handle that get more responsive/grounded politicians the closer they are to you locally...and less media limelight they get (in DC inevitably, the whole thing turns into a celebrity cult circus for politician drama).

Here in Canada, the politicians that do provincial and local stuff are much higher caliber in end in their approachibility and "grounding" compared to ones we send to Ottawa, whatever their party (liberal or conservative)....same reason in play. Like I don't care too much about the party at the local level, basically I check their career and objective priorities they have listed etc, their track record if incumbent and so on.

Federal overreach (and thus federal govt role) needs to be understood and alloted well, otherwise inevitably you get too much of someone too far away setting too much for you where you live....bypassing what you had locally before. A problem with a country so vast (I mean Europe has growing problem with the EU bureaucracy for same reason).

This will take time to work out this decade in US, there was too much laissez faire regarding this (US domestic politics to be kept at state level at most) from the 1990s "unipolar" bonhomie that fed too much into DC ego and then sudden jarring of this with 9/11, the response and further growth of DC (and its ease to have debt financing and kick the can unlike what can be done at state level)....and now every kind of normie is increasingly at odds with the new wedge issues DC needs as floorboards, to make their lives easier at cost of making everyone else more miserable with this bullhorning and social erosion to try make easy mobs for federal politicians.

Anyway they overcalculated on things and there will be pushback from US normie population.

I think people get they need to fix things far earlier before it gets to politics, esp at DC level where everything reductively becomes A vs B tribalism nowadays (as thats easier for politicians to dramatize when they are removed from their constituencies and listen only to those that can screech and cry-bully the loudest, whatever fringe they tend to be on of left and right) rather than having politicians actually do the job they are there for....regarding the more "centrist" (quieter) bulk of the population.
Well done to the celtics. We had a good time here when raptors won in 2019 too lol.

That's right the COVID championship lol. Just busting them. They held off the Warriors that was quite the feat.

I was looking at some of the salaries of all these Celtics players and Jaylen Brown after last year I believe was an unrestricted free agent and according to the CBA, he was qualified as a "max salary player" meaning that he qualified for the maximun allowable contract salary under the team's salary cap and that he was most likely not going to take anything less and if the Celtics weren't going to pay him the max, he would go somewhere else, being a free agent.

So the Celtics signed him, at 28 years old (he's 29 now) for $59 million a year for 5 years which totaled almost $304 million lol.

And Jrue Holiday which they picked up during this season and was unbelievable and helped them win this championship had bonus clauses in his contract that totaled $3.8 million and out of that I think was $1.4 million just for winning the finals. All this is on top of his base salary of $39 million a year. Crazy what these pro athletes can make playing a kid's game for a living.
I know, right! Dang these guys, man. loool

I'm too busy right now to worry about China even if you paid me! Celtics are 1 quarter away from the championship and up by 21 starting the 4th.

I got 12 guys here we're barbequing and watching the game and yelling and howling everyone's going nuts the lovely Missus is not too happy with me ATM lol... the neighbors came over it's like grand central station around here I got shrimps on the barby ATM, bro! I cooked lobsters earlier got my specialty halal steaks and avocado salad just served my special Gomig grilled whole garlic cloves with huge chucks of butter all you gotta do is scoop out the garlic out with a spoon and eat it straight or spread it on some sour rye I gotta season the shrimp with some Old Bay then we're getting ready to drop the American and put up the Celtics flag on the side entrance once the game is over gonna try to head out to the marina later this mooring and go bluefishing gotta give the gatekeeper $50 each X 10 dang bro is gonna make some scratch tonight but hey, life is good AHDLAH last thing I'm thinking about is China lol. But @Nilgiri I'll get you later, buster.

Ant, did you see this shot right at the end of halftime?

Try brioche burger buns if you haven't already.
They take the burger to a whole new level.
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WAYMO: Introducing our newest feature: Grandma mode​

Maybe they are targeting the elderly..or maybe they are just weird
Ah! I now see:
#AprilFoolsDay #WaymoDriver
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Boston’s heat on Wednesday was a record-setter​

The city broke the record for June 19, set in 1923.​

So hot my Tesla charger hit the 122F temp max and stopped.

..and yes I was outside doing yardwork (resetting pavers) per orders of the "boss".
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Were they in self driving mode?

Damn you, Hembo! 🖕
I put an angry face on your post because you had me searching online for an hour dammit! lol. Just busting them bro.
That's actually a great question - it was on X and I didn't post the whole tweet because IIRC, there were some disparaging remarks not just about the Cybertruck, but about Tesla in general and I didn't want to promote certain views I don't necessarily agree with. But I found a similar post about the same pic and somewhat of an answer to your question.

From what I'm seeing, Cybertruck is having issues for sure, and maybe they rushed it into production a bit sooner than they should have? Hard to say I think you can argue either way and everything has teething periods & growing pains I suppose. Problem is, in most countries when it comes to consumer safety, the standards are supposed to be pretty high, least of all in the US. And who's to say these particular issues of quality control wouldn't or couldn't happen with any other gas-operated trucks? The problem Tesla has is it's self-driving technology which is only going to take time to work out all the quirks, just like anything else.

Are they selling in Bahrain?

Boston’s heat on Wednesday was a record-setter​

The city broke the record for June 19, set in 1923.​

So hot my Tesla charger hit the 122F temp max and stopped.

..and yes I was outside doing yardwork (resetting pavers) per orders of the "boss".

Bro, I thought the lovely Missus and I were going to DIE yesterday just doing house chores holy crap! That heat index rubbish is out of control.

You know back in the old country we see 100º easily for 5 - 6 months straight in the summertime but as you probably know it's mostly dry being desert heat. This humidity is just a killer man I hadn't been so sticky in my life! My arm pits were glued together not to mention other parts lmao. Ridiculous. The rest of the country is hurting really bad, too. I don't think it's settling down anytime soon. Hey, things could be a lot worse I suppose.

BTW, these gaddam songbirds are driving me crazy! I've never been bothered by these sons of bitches ever chirping and singing and yelping first thing in the morning, but I don't know WTF is going on lately they're starting way too early! 4 AM they're out buzzing and chirping and dancing it's pissing me off. And the culprit is this prick right here!


Bastard has a real distinct song, if you want to call it that. I call it annoying AF!
Ant, have you seen this?


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