Team USA

How could we be missing out, lol? They're practically the same minus a few differences here and there?!

It's fascinating stuff, though, when you think about the term "luxury" which between these two societies, they're defined drastically different from one another. While in the US luxury can surpass the gluttonous level and the sky's the limit since we embody a capitalist society. But in a communist society like China, it doesn't work that way. It would go against the collective concept of equality so they would never encourage too much luxury since not everyone could participate and enjoy such levels of luxurious comfort. But they can push the limit as far as it becomes borderline acceptable and still remain in the "average" level for the majority and still pass as the collective while at the same time, giving the impression that it isn't restrictive.

This is the classic representation of pushing the bounds of negative freedom to mirror positive freedom as much as possible to make it acceptable to the masses. This was foreseen way back in ancient times by the greats such as Aristotle & Cicero and so on when they defined the concepts of positive & negative freedoms.

It's fascinating stuff because if you think about it, the Chinese ruling party has realized that the concept of negative freedom associated with Communism restricts & hinders positive growth, and there must be a collective order to maintain that balance between freedom and constraints. At the same time, realizing it needs to compete with the world to get on top, it can't practice the full extent of the laws of negative freedom. The younger and motivated generations won't stand for it. So, the genius that is the ruling Chinese have accepted & acknowledged that while individuals should have the freedom to make choices for the benefit of growth, it had to be limited and cannot allow full positive freedom because that's the essence of a free society and contrary to the basic tenets of communism, hence there are limits to strike a balance and ensure a harmonious society.

That's exactly what we see here in that balance which prevents unrestricted actions that could disrupt social order. So, it's about finding that sweet spot where some freedom can coexist with responsibility AND respect for others. The Chinese have mastered that because they've learned from Tiananmen Square and the new, younger generation and the need to appease the masses and grow the country at the same time without losing the essence of Communism and collective equality.

The mainland Chinese that are either of the CCP or highly sycophantic to it or stockholmed to it have realised diddly squat.

They keep Mao pickled in his crypt.... Mao who said what Japan did to China was a GOOD thing....and CCP yet feigns amnesia on that and tries to use ww2 as cudgel on Japan today.

The same Mao who wanted China to explore its population as large as possible....and then the CCP doing malthusian overreach afterwards in the 1980s like its a switch you turn on and off on that with no consequence.

Tiananmen is a tiny tiny part of the phenomenon. These things happened before and they happen after....the only reason Tiananmen came to the forefront was location, timing (communist collapse worldwide) and the intersection fears with the PRC regime (the heavy purging of Zhao Ziyang, who was supposed to be Deng's successor) in that particular incident.

The CCP have learned nothing and adjusted to nothing....the long term result is the heavy blackpilling of the Chinese population. TFR is likely well below what is officially reported.....and PRC has nowhere the coin per capita like South Korea (if you look at the incentive that SK offers for families that still isnt enough) to try jumpstart that to something higher say around 1.5 at least....PRC debt/GDP total is already 300% this early too.

US and India will harness their mutual advantages for this century and make sure PRC window for aggression is heavily constrained by simply heavily weaponising the full arc from japan to SK to taiwan to PH to Vietnam as required. PRC demographic cliff will do most of the rest of the job to itself.
checkout "coach"...

Yeah, definitely a level down right there. That's wild those folding seats right out in the middle of the hallway!? Dude walking by barely had 5 inches or so. And that was only one dude. Imagine if 10 people were sitting on those folding chairs it would take 20 minutes to get by them. That was probably the strangest thing to me lol.

The food looked ok. I looooove Chinese food who doesn't right? House fried rice with a bowl of hot & sour soup and a side of chicken wings with some hot oil yawzah! But gimme a gaddam fork or a spoon screw those friggin chop twigs man I can never pick up a gaddam thing with those gaddam things.
Tiananmen is a tiny tiny part of the phenomenon. These things happened before and they happen after....the only reason Tiananmen came to the forefront was location, timing (communist collapse worldwide) and the intersection fears with the PRC regime (the heavy purging of Zhao Ziyang, who was supposed to be Deng's successor) in that particular incident.

This is very true. I only used Tiananmen as a relatable example to most who might be reading to make my point about China's need to maintain negative freedom. The other examples might not be so known to most readers, so I was KISS.

But it sounds like you don't agree with me anyway LOL! That's totally fair, and I do see your point for sure.
Yeah, definitely a level down right there. That's wild those folding seats right out in the middle of the hallway!? Dude walking by barely had 5 inches or so. And that was only one dude. Imagine if 10 people were sitting on those folding chairs it would take 20 minutes to get by them. That was probably the strangest thing to me lol.

The food looked ok. I looooove Chinese food who doesn't right? House fried rice with a bowl of hot & sour soup and a side of chicken wings with some hot oil yawzah! But gimme a gaddam fork or a spoon screw those friggin chop twigs man I can never pick up a gaddam thing with those gaddam things.

LOL! Notice they were in metal prison mess trays? Gotta love coach!

Metal Prison mess tray
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View attachment 48618
LOL! Notice they were in metal prison mess trays?

Hey, they're durable man!


Ooop forgot to mention so much for 4 straight...

It's one thing to lose the 4th game where you could've swept your opponent, but to lose it by 38 points in epically embarrassing fashion where it looked like not only you didn't show up, but the other team showed you up and made it look like your last 3 wins were a fluke, especially when you kept them under 100 points in all three previous games? It was horrible. I'd take a loss no problem, but in that humiliating fashion shows that there's a lot of problems on the big stage.

The worry now is can they close it out in 3 more chances? That really is a serious question.

BTW, can't wait to get out there and catch some of these baaad Larries! Check out the size of this one, Ant.


Nachos are a Tex-Mex culinary dish[2][3][4] consisting of tortilla chips or totoposcovered with cheese or cheese sauce, as well as a variety of other toppings and garnishes, often including meats (such as ground beef or grilled chicken), vegetables (such as chili peppers, lettuce, tomatoes, and olives), and condiments such as salsa, guacamole, or sour cream. At its most basic form, nachos may consist of merely chips covered with cheese (usually Cheddar or American Cheese), and served as an appetizer or snack, while other versions are substantial enough as a main course. The dish was created by, and named after, Mexican restaurateur Ignacio Anaya, who created it in 1943 for American customers at the Victory Club restaurant in Piedras Negras, Coahuila

Nachos originated in the city of Piedras Negras, Coahuila in Mexico, across the border from Eagle Pass, Texas in the United States.[11][12]Ignacio "Nacho" Anaya created nachos in 1943 at the restaurant the Victory Club when Mamie Finan and a group of U.S. military officers' wives, whose husbands were stationed at the nearby U.S. Army base Fort Duncan, traveled across the border to eat at the Victory Club.[12] When Anaya was unable to find the cook, he went to the kitchen and spotted freshly fried pieces of corn tortillas.[9][12] In a moment of culinary inspiration, Anaya cut the tortillas into triangles, fried them, added shredded cheese, quickly heated them, added sliced pickled jalapeño peppers,[Note 1] and served them.[13] After tasting the snack, Finan asked what it was called. Anaya responded, "Well, I guess we can just call them Nacho's Special."[9] In Spanish, "Nacho" is a common nickname for Ignacio.

That's a fun post, Ant lol. What was the sudden inspiration behind that spontaneous nachos camachos post lol? Were you craving them or eating them and wicked enjoying them? lool.

BTW, I am getting to sick and tired of my sweetheart getting pounded left and right by a bunch of racist pigs & jealous bullies, especially this POS whatever the frig her name is who arguably committed assault & battery on this disgusting play. But way to go John Buccigross who I've been following on ESPN since he joined the broadcast back in the early 90's! He even put it mildly. What do you think of this latest filthy action by that disgusting human being, Ant? I also would really like to hear what @Get Ya Wig Split thinks about it.

@Davey Crockett what about you, bro? What do you think about this blatant assault & battery during a WNBA game.
.PRC debt/GDP total is already 300% this early too.
I read your comment with interest but can't reconcile everything you wrote with observations.
For example, regarding sovereign debt, these are some ratings:

United States
South Korea

PRC seems comparable to Japan and only slightly worse than South Korea (and significantly better than India).
That's a fun post, Ant lol. What was the sudden inspiration behind that spontaneous nachos camachos post lol?

Ordered some today at Father's Day brunch at Cabot's.
Cabots ice cream is fine...the lunch is mediocre.

BTW, I am getting to sick and tired of my sweetheart getting pounded left and right by a bunch of racist pigs & jealous bullies, especially this POS whatever the frig her name is who arguably committed assault & battery on this disgusting play.
This is all going to end stupidly with some injury and women's basketball will get sent back into its usual obscurity and then the athletes will start moaning about their pay getting cut and endorsement money drying up.
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Every congressman has an AIPAC babysitter.

If you know how bad things are, it doesn't follow basic logic and decency as OP demands.


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