Team USA

Even though the RMV knows I have a Tesla the state may not be smart enough yet to pinpoint me as an EV owner. I intentionally declined getting an EV plate. You can get a special electric meter for EVs..which I also declined. The reason...that above image of being hit with special EV surcharges. I could see that coming a mile away. I'm not drawing any extra attention to myself just to get hit with a fee.

Smart man.

Funny thing, half (or even most) those things are cons. They list them in a way that makes you think they're necessary, even mandatory if you're not sure. And let's face it, the stereotype of people buying electric cars is that of "well off" to put it mildly. Not saying that might or might not be the case with you, my friend. Just in general, the stigma, so to speak. Hence the unknown "surcharges" here and there.
So as you know, my girlfriend got snubbed from the Olympic team, and guess by whom?

And the crazy part is two-fold.
1) The reason is absolutely disgusting! And it's a sorry copout for the elephant in the room.

2) There are 12 players, if for some actual good reason they didn't want her on the team, she didn't have to be one of the starting 5?!

Unfortunately, racism isn't highlighted enough in this country when it's the other way around from what's perceived as the historical norm. It's a crying shame and this guy puts it pretty well in perspective but if we're to be honest, she basically was left off the team because she's whiter than clouds and the other famous black chicks & veterans are wicked jealous that she didn't fall on her face coming out of college and is still putting up crazy numbers and IS the most popular chick in women's basketball. There you go, I have no problem saying it. Those black chicks are racist as F.

Never Forget:

Never Forget-0995.jpg
But apparently we are missing out

How could we be missing out, lol? They're practically the same minus a few differences here and there?!

It's fascinating stuff, though, when you think about the term "luxury" which between these two societies, they're defined drastically different from one another. While in the US luxury can surpass the gluttonous level and the sky's the limit since we embody a capitalist society. But in a communist society like China, it doesn't work that way. It would go against the collective concept of equality so they would never encourage too much luxury since not everyone could participate and enjoy such levels of luxurious comfort. But they can push the limit as far as it becomes borderline acceptable and still remain in the "average" level for the majority and still pass as the collective while at the same time, giving the impression that it isn't restrictive.

This is the classic representation of pushing the bounds of negative freedom to mirror positive freedom as much as possible to make it acceptable to the masses. This was foreseen way back in ancient times by the greats such as Aristotle & Cicero and so on when they defined the concepts of positive & negative freedoms.

It's fascinating stuff because if you think about it, the Chinese ruling party has realized that the concept of negative freedom associated with Communism restricts & hinders positive growth, and there must be a collective order to maintain that balance between freedom and constraints. At the same time, realizing it needs to compete with the world to get on top, it can't practice the full extent of the laws of negative freedom. The younger and motivated generations won't stand for it. So, the genius that is the ruling Chinese have accepted & acknowledged that while individuals should have the freedom to make choices for the benefit of growth, it had to be limited and cannot allow full positive freedom because that's the essence of a free society and contrary to the basic tenets of communism, hence there are limits to strike a balance and ensure a harmonious society.

That's exactly what we see here in that balance which prevents unrestricted actions that could disrupt social order. So, it's about finding that sweet spot where some freedom can coexist with responsibility AND respect for others. The Chinese have mastered that because they've learned from Tiananmen Square and the new, younger generation and the need to appease the masses and grow the country at the same time without losing the essence of Communism and collective equality.
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BTW, all those super tight rooms and bathrooms and spaces are so typical of trying to fit everything into as small a space as possible. Just like our boats. Ever try getting into the head on a 30ft Cabin Cruiser like a Sea Ray? Or the galley? it's the same thing, everything is there crammed in for the best possible ergonomics in the tightest spaces.

Reminds me of this crazy thing I saw the other day. Have you seen these new Kenworth Super Trucks? lol, talk about borderline innovation gluttony! Look at this thing!


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The ancient wisdom of the Nez Perce:

Chief Joseph-02287.jpg
How could we be missing out, lol? They're practically the same minus a few differences here and there?!

It's fascinating stuff, though, when you think about the term "luxury" which between these two societies, they're defined drastically different from one another. While in the US luxury can surpass the gluttonous level and the sky's the limit since we embody a capitalist society. But in a communist society like China, it doesn't work that way. It would go against the collective concept of equality so they would never encourage too much luxury since not everyone could participate and enjoy such levels of luxurious comfort. But they can push the limit as far as it becomes borderline acceptable and still remain in the "average" level for the majority and still pass as the collective while at the same time, giving the impression that it isn't restrictive.

This is the classic representation of pushing the bounds of negative freedom to mirror positive freedom as much as possible to make it acceptable to the masses. This was foreseen way back in ancient times by the greats such as Aristotle & Cicero and so on when they defined the concepts of positive & negative freedoms.

It's fascinating stuff because if you think about it, the Chinese ruling party has realized that the concept of negative freedom associated with Communism restricts & hinders positive growth, and there must be a collective order to maintain that balance between freedom and constraints. At the same time, realizing it needs to compete with the world to get on top, it can't practice the full extent of the laws of negative freedom. The younger and motivated generations won't stand for it. So, the genius that is the ruling Chinese have accepted & acknowledged that while individuals should have the freedom to make choices for the benefit of growth, it had to be limited and cannot allow full positive freedom because that's the essence of a free society and contrary to the basic tenets of communism, hence there are limits to strike a balance and ensure a harmonious society.

That's exactly what we see here in that balance which prevents unrestricted actions that could disrupt social order. So, it's about finding that sweet spot where some freedom can coexist with responsibility AND respect for others. The Chinese have mastered that because they've learned from Tiananmen Square and the new, younger generation and the need to appease the masses and grow the country at the same time without losing the essence of Communism and collective equality.

Note in the second video the "Best First class" requires sharing tight sleeping accommodations with total strangers.
BTW, all those super tight rooms and bathrooms and spaces are so typical of trying to fit everything into as small a space as possible. Just like our boats. Ever try getting into the head on a 30ft Cabin Cruiser like a Sea Ray? Or the galley? it's the same thing, everything is there crammed in for the best possible ergonomics in the tightest spaces.

Reminds me of this crazy thing I saw the other day. Have you seen these new Kenworth Super Trucks? lol, talk about borderline innovation gluttony! Look at this thing!

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But oddly the features they are stressing to make it aerodynamic are some of the same truckers were hating on with the Tesla Semi...Center seating position..rear cameras instead of mirrors.
View attachment 48508
Note in the second video the "Best First class" requires sharing tight sleeping accommodations with total strangers.

Yeah, we're definitely NOT missing out on that!
That sort of defeats the whole point of "first class", don't it?

But oddly the features they are stressing to make it aerodynamic are some of the same truckers were hating on with the Tesla Semi...Center seating position..rear cameras instead of mirrors.

You know I thought about that, I wouldn't want a center seat in any vehicle of any type. It would feel weird most likely because of habituation. Maybe in a fighter jet you don't have the option lol. It's also important especially for truckers who spend 2/3rds of their lives with their asses planted in those seats to have company every once in a while, especially pets as in doggos who must sit beside. I can see them not digging that option for sure.
Yeah, we're definitely NOT missing out on that!
That sort of defeats the whole point of "first class", don't it?

You know I thought about that, I wouldn't want a center seat in any vehicle of any type. It would feel weird most likely because of habituation. Maybe in a fighter jet you don't have the option lol. It's also important especially for truckers who spend 2/3rds of their lives with their asses planted in those seats to have company every once in a while, especially pets as in doggos who must sit beside. I can see them not digging that option for sure.

Truckers were claiming a big part of their job is to stick their heads out the driver's window (vs using mirrors) as they are reversing to make sure they don't screw-up. The mirrors will not give the best angle when the truck cab is twisted vs the trailer.

Guy looking out window while backing because the mirror angle not showing the dock clearly when cab angled to the trailer. If you are sitting centered you can't look out the window.
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Truckers were claiming a big part of their job is to stick their heads out the driver's window (vs using mirrors) as they are reversing to make sure they don't screw-up.

I can see that. It's also good to just roll down the window and rest your elbow on the edge of the opening and get a good breeze. Blow smoke, flick ashes, give a piggy the 🖕 you know, the fun stuff!

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