Terrorism Review - 2024

Let the Political workers who are in Prison free and correct the election results
So they can set forth policy to handle with such issues.

This idealogy of few crooks in politics together with few folks deciding on

Azam-e -Shahenshah Or Azam-e-badshah bazi

I don't buy this anymore

The phantom Enemy ???!!!
Free Imran Khan , and Political workers , and correct the stealing of Seats in election

I am sure there will be Istehqam

Can't subjugate 220 Million people trying to control 200-300 odd people

KPK province has rejected any Military action inside KPK
What's the point of repeating the same nonsense again and again. Who will free a convicted criminal? Why release a convicted criminal? A criminal must face the law and IK is no exception. In fact, he is a hardcore criminal. Crime is his second nature. That idiot has committed many other grave crimes that need to be undertaken to bring the sick-minded criminal to justice.

There is only one way for IK to get out of the jail and that is proving his innocence in the courts of law. IK has not denied the charges in any of the cases that he is facing in courts. That is, he is not denying the crimes that he committed. So far, this criminal and his layers have tried only delaying tactics and technical grounds rather than defending himself by proving his innocence.

Imrandu judges have previously been accepting his lawyers’ trash arguments and granting him relief beyond the legal limits or even violating the laws of the land. However time is changing. Some of those imrandu judges have cowardly run away (i.e. lid kar dee hei) and a few remaining ones (disgracefully calling themselves kaale bhoond) find themselves being aliens in the legal proceedings. These disgraced imrandu judges are disgracing themselves by their attempts to put their words in the mouth of IK’s lawyers, their non-pertinent and silly questions, and idiotic remarks during the hearings. Looking at the natures of his crimes, I don’t think the convicted criminal will come out of the jail any soon.

His release without punishment for his grave crimes will actually increase terrorism in Pakistan. It’ll set a bad precedence that any mafia head or gang leader can arm-twist a state by resorting to terrorism and violence to bulldoze his criminal agenda. No self-respecting person can accept such blackmail
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Imran Khan (The honorable) has not committed any crime

We as Pakistani Citizen do not buy no such Azm this or Azm that
Imran Khan (The honorable) has not committed any crime

We as Pakistani Citizen do not buy no such Azm this or Azm that
The law of land and the wishes of brainless youthias are two opposit things.
In the past six months, our brave Pakistan Army has faced tremendous challenges, with around 1,063 incidents of terrorism occurring in KP and Balochistan.

Despite these harrowing events, our dedicated soldiers and officers carried out an astounding 22,714 operations.

Tragically, we lost 111 of our heroes in the line of duty.

Their sacrifice will never be forgotten, and they remain forever in our hearts. During this period, our forces also eliminated 354 terrorists, bringing hope and a sense of security to our nation.

We extend our heartfelt prayers and well-wishes for the safety and protection of all our courageous soldiers. May they continue to defend our homeland with valor and return safely to their families.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) has witnessed a significant surge in counter-terrorism operations, resulting in the neutralization of 124 terrorists and the arrest of 322 others.

A total of 1,433 intelligence-based operations (IBOs) have been conducted, demonstrating the persistent efforts to curb terrorist activities in the region.
Army conducts 22,714 operations over six months

Around 1,063 incidents of terrorism occurred in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan during the last six months of this year. During this period, the Pakistan Army conducted 22,714 operations in which 111 soldiers and officers were martyred while 354 terrorists killed.

Top security officials while giving an in-camera briefing here on Saturday said the Pakistan Army was conducting 126 operations every day, so every hour there were five operations in which action was taken against terrorists, but they conceded that despite these efforts, terrorist incidents were taking place. “The nation fights terrorism while the army fights terrorists. We are fighting but is the nation also fighting?” they questioned.

A senior military officer said 13 anti-terrorism courts functioned in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, while nine courts were established in Balochistan; similarly, there were 23 courts in Punjab and 32 in Sindh, even though the majority of incidents of terrorism were happening in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan. He said despite 126 operations and five operations every hour and martyrdoms, terrorist incidents were happening, which meant that they were being financially supported. Resources are being provided to them so that the ongoing terrorism in the country does not end.

“Only 217 terrorists were sentenced and only 24 cases were related to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan. As many as 605 terrorism cases are pending in courts, of which 48 in Punjab, 195 in Balochistan, 208 in Sindh and 154 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,” he said, adding that 13 anti-terrorism courts were functioning in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, while nine courts were established in Balochistan. Similarly, 23 courts are working in Punjab and 32 in Sindh. The total staff of the Counterterrorism Department in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is only 536, who lack funds and modern weapons.

The official said the illegal spectrum of smugglers, drug dealers and criminal elements were involved in terrorism to safeguard their activities. These elements have engaged the forces in fighting terrorism. Money is collected from oil smuggling, illegal importation of non-customs-paid vehicles and illegal trade in tobacco and cigarettes.

The same illegal money is converted into dollars and sent abroad. He said electricity worth 1.6 billion rupees was stolen every day, arrears of 1,049 billion rupees had been accumulated and 335 billion rupees arrears had been accumulated in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

The senior officer claimed that the problems could end but there were different issues, including the long Afghan border, while the Afghan government did not want to pay attention to the border. Also the criminal justice system had failed to deliver speedy justice so that terrorists could be swiftly punished.

The mafia has engaged the security forces through terrorists to keep their illegal business running. High officials in the administration are bought off with bribes while political parties give them protection.

June 30,2024
Breaking News:

CTD Sindh arrested Hidayatullah aka Maulana Abdul Hakeem in charge of education affairs of TTP Swat and TTP Karachi area.

The terrorist was arrested while collecting donations for the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan.

The arrested terrorist's father, Muhammad Ghos, has been killed in 2000 Afghan Jihad. A brother of the arrested terrorist, Kifayatullah, was a close associate of TTP Swat Maulvi Fazlullah.

3:15 AM · Jul 13, 2024

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