TF-X / KAAN / Hürjet Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircrafts News & Discussions

The third nation.

Su-57 isn't a true 5th gen stealth fighter.
Neither is Kaan at the moment. There's hope that it will be in the future.

South Korea also has an aircraft, what generation is it?
KF-21 doesnt have internal weapon bay for stealth flight capability

KAAN is a 5th gen Fighter Jet

-- with stealth design , advanced magnetic coating and RAM panel layer
-- with internal weapon bay
-- with sensor fusion ... ( 4 AESA Radars , IRST , EOTS , HMDS )

The F-135 engine runs at 1980 degrees, meaning a very high heat signature.
The F35 has structural cooling to reduce this signature. However, with this cooling, the heat signature still cannot decrease to the level of the F110 Engine

The zigzag nozzle in the F-35 increases the 360 degree stealth feature

but it does not necessarily have the 360 degree stealth feature against F-35 , SU-57 and J-20 in head to head engagement

While KAAN is going to the enemy lines, it will meet the radar from the front.
and KAAN has 5th gen capability from the front line ( head to head against the F-35 , J-20 and SU-57 )

We won't have to worry about F110 Engine giving more views from behind in head to head engagement

GE-F110 engine is a good engine but only 29.000 lbf
So,, if J-20 and SU-57 5th gen Fighters then KAAN is also a 5th gen Fighter

btw 35.000 lbf indigenous Engine will give the 360 degree stealth feature to KAAN

Then why did Lockheed Martin go through the length of such engine design and even hide the nozzles on F-22?

What makes you think they won't circle around you and see you from behind or from side?
President of Defense Industry Prof. Dr. Haluk Görgün

💢 KAAN's test flights will continue at different altitudes and different flight profiles

💢At the same time, domestically and nationally produced Avionic systems, Electronic warfare systems, many different sensors and ammunition will be integrated and developed, and will be ready to be delivered to the Turkish Air Force and mass production.

💢 Our goal is to deliver KAAN to the Turkish Air Force in 2028

💢 We are trying to train the domestic Engine for mass production. We aim to have it in the first deliveries

💢 When we look at the world aviation history, there is no other example of a warplane that left the hangar and made its first flight in such a short time.

💢 We think and aim to achieve the same success in mass production.

Full data-to-decision (D2D) capability

full data-to-decision (D2D) capability for multi-layered distributed team of diverse manned aircraft working in concert with unmanned types ( KAAN , ANKA-3 and ANKA-4 )

💢 ANKA-3 flying wing stealth UCAV
💢 KAAN 5th gen Fighter Jet

The new target of TAI ( ANKA-4 unmanned stealth Fighter Jet )

Future Tactical Air Combat

KAAN will be centred around a core Next Generation Weapon System . piloted New Generation Fighters will work together with Unmanned Fighters – all connected to other systems, in space , in the air, on the ground, at sea via a data network
Here are detailed images of the flight test of KAAN, a work of art by Turkish Engineers

Büyük başarılar normal cabayla ortaya cıkmazlar , burası normal bir yer degil
Great achievements do not come from normal effort, this is not a normal place.


Turkey achieved a significant milestone in its defense capabilities on February 21, 2024, as the TAI TF Kaan National Combat Aircraft (MMU) completed its maiden flight, lasting approximately 11 minutes. This accomplishment marks a pivotal moment for the country's defense industry, positioning Turkey among the elite nations capable of manufacturing 5th-generation fighter jets.

Full Article:
The workload and pace of development is undeniably impressive. So many high fidelity prototypes in less than one and a half years. What ever the end results will be, this is very commendable.


Again how is the effect on say final RCS (especially far field) objectively measured?...with X Db level being some cut-off suddenly?

Past what may or may not be issues with J-20 own far field signature, there are other selective things people can form niggles about likewise with J-20 to say it is not "truly" 5th gen. Fit and finish plays just one final+smaller role w.r.t larger shaping to begin with, just like RAM plays its final smaller role as well.

i.e What is this truly objective process? 5th gen is a significant RCS reduction exercise in the end along with significant requirements from the powerplant, avionics, radar and so on.

But nowhere is there say 100 Radar and propulsion scientists with agreed upon equipment to measure them all one by one the same way....and give a final objective index say weighing and summing everything up.

This all allows folks to draw a line to say western = true 5th gen. China, Russia is not and 4.5 or 4.75 or "5 minus"...given naming rights and first entry club etc of the US.

Just one example both are not included w.r.t West being "true":

So there is no real sense to subjectively move a line again and include China and not Russia or vice versa.

The US DoD calls the Su-57 5th generation plenty of times, as does others in the west, here's the UK MOD for example:

Now people can then discuss and debate the tiers of adjudged performance within 5th generation....but I don't take the "not true 5th gen" too seriously in end as long as the basic parameters have been met w.r.t RCS shaping, supercruise, internal payload bay and so on with regards to what separates 5th gen from 4th gen in first place.

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