TF-X / KAAN / Hürjet Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircrafts News & Discussions

Calm down and check the facts … the smaller sibling is being built - and allegedly close to being tested for the first time - but definitely not the Kaan‘s engine. This monster engine is even by Turkish sources still some years away.

BY the way, @hyperman … can you please merge this with the other MMU/TFX Kaan thread? There is no need for now a third one.

Thread merged.
There's no place on the internet as toxic as the comment section of TWZ. What's wrong with these people?

They feel insecure and feel the need to lash out at anything non US or European.

Generic comments about F-22 or F-35 from aliexpress or wish, or Burger at home memes. just ignore them. This is a very capable platform for those who are familiar with it.
Calm down and check the facts … the smaller sibling is being built - and allegedly close to being tested for the first time - but definitely not the Kaan‘s engine. This monster engine is even by Turkish sources still some years away.

BY the way, @hyperman … can you please merge this with the other MMU/TFX Kaan thread? There is no need for now a third one.
Turkish engine company TEI has already produced many engine parts, also produced helicopter and turbojet engines. But never produced a turbofan engine. Therefore, it is gaining experience by producing an engine with a thrust of 6000 lb without afterburner and 10,000 lb with afterburner. These engines were named TF6000 and TF10000. If successful, it will produce the TF35k engine with 35,000 lb of thrust with afterburner. The first engine run test of the TF6000 and TF10000 will take place soon.
Turkish engine company TEI has already produced many engine parts, also produced helicopter and turbojet engines. But never produced a turbofan engine. Therefore, it is gaining experience by producing an engine with a thrust of 6000 lb without afterburner and 10,000 lb with afterburner. These engines were named TF6000 and TF10000. If successful, it will produce the TF35k engine with 35,000 lb of thrust with afterburner. The first engine run test of the TF6000 and TF10000 will take place soon.

Any official confirmation for this? Link?
There is no need for a source; TEI General Manager Mahmut Faruk Akşit has explained this hundreds of times.

Do you have a link for those of us that don’t follow Turkish military developments?

Thank you.
Do you have a link for those of us that don’t follow Turkish military developments?

Thank you.
I couldn't find a source in English, but if you type "mahmut faruk aksit tf6000" on youtube, you can find a lot of explanations.
By the way cheeky request could someone please put up a summary breakdown of specs. Thank you in advance.
I couldn't find a source in English, but if you type "mahmut faruk aksit tf6000" on youtube, you can find a lot of explanations.

Thank you. How about the TF10000? Any idea when it will be ready? Cc @MMM-E
This KAAN folk is a game-changer and paradigm-shifter in all aspects: tactical, operational, strategic, and geo-political......

It's not a mere aircraft that has taken off, it's the freedom taking off by HIS PERMISSION and INFINITE MERCY....

I can live without food, but never without freedom - Ustad Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
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This KAAN folk is a game-changer and paradigm-shifter in all aspects: tactical, operational, strategic, and geo-political......

It's not a mere aircraft that has taken off, it's the freedom taking off by HIS PERMISSION and INFINITE MERCY....

I can live without food, but never without freedom - Ustad Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
Congratulations brother for this wonderful/successful first flight of KAAN and first and only muslim country in the world to the develop 5th generation jet
By the way cheeky request could someone please put up a summary breakdown of specs. Thank you in advance.
KAAN's principal Mantra: Detect before getting detected, strike before getting struck...

The rest are all details where the Devils lie; and, slay those Devils with the Zulfikar being grinded by Iman, Ihlas, Akl, Jesaret, Mujadele, Sabr, Shukr etc....

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