TF-X / KAAN / Hürjet Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircrafts News & Discussions

KAAN's principal Mantra: Detect before getting detected, strike before getting struck...

The rest are all details....
If Pakistani economy will allows we will surely buy your glorious KAAN in 2035-2040 time frame In Sha Allah

This is some bad reporting by dailysabah in couple paragraphs.

The TEI 6000/10000 is lower engine class for the UAV programs like Kizielma.

i.e 6000 lb thrust dry and 10k lb thrust wet (AB) to have full domestic platform to replace the Ukrainian powerplant (AL-322) currently there.

The F110 substitute from TEI will come later, the F110 used right now has ~ 17k lb thrust dry and 29k wet.

Its a far larger class, and there are three ongoing branches: JV with Kale and Rolls Royce, TR Motor and TEI progressing the TEI-10000.

The third nation.

Su-57 isn't a true 5th gen stealth fighter.

Who and what is the objective process and authority that decides the J-20 is and Su-57 isn't?
Who and what is the objective process and authority that decides the J-20 is and Su-57 isn't?

It should be the OEM to declare that. For KF21/IFX program it is clear that they say it is still 4.5 generation, but with current design the program to make it 6 generation has been announced by Korean gov.

If the design is already Stealthy, next development could reach 6 generation like by using Wingman drone, etc.

For Indonesia, we will develop IFX independently inshaAllah, this is why we get 1 prototype that will be used as test bed plane for our own development. The cooperation with SK in KF21 development will stop in block 1.

Space in belly could be used either for installing weapon bay to make it full 5 generation or used for more electronics to control stealth drone. The plane has already been design to reach 5 generation design with weapon bay with some space inside plane belly. This is the reason of the plane look fatter compared to aerodinamically perfect 4 generation design like F16/F15.
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Congratulation to the Turkish posters on this great achievement of your nation. Must say Turkish aviation has improved leaps & bounds in the recent time. Great going and should be inspirational to other developing nations.
KAAN 5th-generation stealth Fighter jet designed to dominate the skies in multirole missions

Air-to-air combat
Air-to-ground strikes
Electronic warfare

Length : 21 m
Hight : 6 m
Wing Span : 14 m
Max speed : mach 1,8
Service ceiling : 17,000 m (55,000 ft)
Positive / Negative G Limits : +9g / 3,5g

1-- with AI-enhanced battlefield awareness
( 360° situational awareness with 4 AESA radars - sensor fusion with EOTS , IRST )

Aselsan BURFIS AESA Radar with GAN technology ( 2.000+ T/R modules )

2-- Aselsan FEWS Electronic Warfare Suite

3-- Aselsan YILDIRIM DIRCM Directed Infrared Countermeasure System by high power LASER

4-- Aselsan TULGAR HMDS to provide a sense of use as if the Aircraft does not have a fuselage

Color screen and digital night vision technologies ( the first time in the system )

5-- full data-to-decision (D2D) capability for multi-layered distributed team of diverse manned aircraft working in concert with unmanned types ( KAAN , ANKA-3/4, KIZILELMA )

According to TAI , Turkish Fighter provides air dominance through:

- Increased air to air engagement ranges with Novel Weapons
- Precise and accurate weapon firing from internal weapon bays at high/supersonic speed
- Augmented lethality with support of Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks

Source :

Clash of the 5th gen Fighter Jets

KAAN targets Mach 1.8, rivaling F-35’s mach 1.6 but falling short of J-20’s supercruise capability

KAAN will have supercruise capability with indigenous 35.000 lbf Engines

KAAN’s HMD joins F-35’s advanced cockpit, both outpacing J-20’s less integrated systems

Only KAAN and F-35 have HMDS
J-20 and SU-57 have head-up display (HUD)

360° situational awareness :
KAAN with 4 AESA Radars - sensor fusion with EOTS , IRST
SU-57 with 4 AESA Radars - sensor fusion with EOTS , IRST
J-20 with Six electro-optic sensors called the Distributed Aperture System
F-35 with DAS six high-resolution infrared sensors

DIRCM Directed Infrared Countermeasure System by high power LASER
Only KAAN and SU-57 have DIRCM
-- SU-57 with 101KS-O DIRCM

Within the scope of KAAN Program, Turkiye becomes one of the few countries to possess the necessary technologies, engineering infrastructure and production capabilities.
Gökyüzüne bir kere daha bak ( Look at the sky one more time )

Turkish Aviation Industry first flights
*Anka: 30 December 2010
*Hürkuş: 29 August 2013
*Bayraktar TB2: 29 April 2014
*Aksungur: 20 March 2019
*Akinci: 6 December 2019
*KIZILELMA December 14, 2022
*Hürjet: 25 April 2023
*Bayraktar TB3: 27 October 2023
*Anka-3: 28 December 2023
*Kaan: 21 February 2024
The J-20 also uses WS-10s and AL-31s and is considered a 5th gen fighter. despite the fact that those engines are from the same generation as the F110 engine.
KAAN aircraft is a level below the 5th gen aircraft category---. You may call it a 4.5 Gen +++ or a 4.75 Gen +++ type of aircraft--- It is similar to the So Korean aircraft---.

KF-21 doesnt have internal weapon bay for stealth flight capability

KAAN is a 5th gen Fighter Jet

-- with stealth design , advanced magnetic coating and RAM panel layer
-- with internal weapon bay
-- with sensor fusion ... ( 4 AESA Radars , IRST , EOTS , HMDS )

The F-135 engine runs at 1980 degrees, meaning a very high heat signature.
The F35 has structural cooling to reduce this signature. However, with this cooling, the heat signature still cannot decrease to the level of the F110 Engine

The zigzag nozzle in the F-35 increases the 360 degree stealth feature

but it does not necessarily have the 360 degree stealth feature against F-35 , SU-57 and J-20 in head to head engagement

While KAAN is going to the enemy lines, it will meet the radar from the front.
and KAAN has 5th gen capability from the front line ( head to head against the F-35 , J-20 and SU-57 )

We won't have to worry about F110 Engine giving more views from behind in head to head engagement

GE-F110 engine is a good engine but only 29.000 lbf
So,, if J-20 and SU-57 5th gen Fighters then KAAN is also a 5th gen Fighter

btw 35.000 lbf indigenous Engine will give the 360 degree stealth feature to KAAN
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This is a very commendable achievement by Turkey. I am honestly surprised that they were able to come up with a flying 5th gen fighter aircraft before so many other established players, who have so much more experience than them. The makers of the finest 4th gen aircrafts (Eurofighter, Rafale etc) have not yet produced one. Truly remarkable.

I hope India accelerates her AMCA program and produces it sooner than the presently estimated timelines.

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