TF-X / KAAN / Hürjet Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircrafts News & Discussions

My brother, it doesn't matter which one is better. What matters is the TOT that Indonesia gets from this project. Eventually you will build your own Fighter and you have to do it.

We will see whether we could develop IFX from 5th prototype in the coming years or not. Hopefully we could inshaAllah despite US imposed restriction on Indonesian engineers involvement during EMD phase (2016 forward) on some key technologies development.

Many people talking about TOT here and TOT there, from the start it is joint development with each nation has its own chief engineers in these areas :

Aerodynamics, configuration design, system engineering, subsystem, propulsion, flight control, air combat system, project management, structure analysis, and design structure.

One of Indonesian Chief Engineers in KF21/IFX program is him, later inshaAllah more information will come out from Indonesian side when we have completed the cost share payment

“The KFX/IFX program is a multi-year program, has a large cost, and involves various sectors and foreign partners. For this reason, there must be a definite declaration regarding its continuation. "For Indonesia, it is important to determine its financing scheme and HR planning," said Dr Rais Zain, M.Eng, KFX/IFX Configuration Design Leader to Angkasa, at the end of last January.

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Just something to keep in mind - not something unique to Kaan, but all modern aircraft programs - but the Kaan that flew recently was a design that was frozen almost 2 years ago. Yes they've been small modifications from that design but nothing major.

I can assure you that Kaan has iterated upon A LOT since 2 years ago and the next prototype is going to have noticeable changes. Again, we've seen this with all aircraft programs but we will see that with Kaan at the Turkish speed that we've come to expect.
A personal and potentially very unpopular first take on the TAI Kaan.

From public TAI information, the Kaan measures at 21x14x6 in terms of length, width, height parameters, which makes it even larger than the J-20 as the largest 5th gen made to-date. But curiously the MTOW figure for the jet remained at 28 tonnes, whereas a tacticaljet of this scale, experience wise should be around 35-38 tonnes. This is highly unusual, given Turkey clearly have deep-strike demands for this fighter, requiring it to have long operational range and able to carry 1000 lb level A2G armament. Either this MTOW figure is only for the demonstrator, or there might be some serious structural issues still yet to be solved.

Given the immense wingspan, modest wing sweep angle, and wide fuselage design, in terms of flight performance, the TAI Kaan should be somewhere between the F-35 and F-22 in terms of favored mach zone, which is collaborated by the presentation slides outlining Kaan's supercruise ability by TAI.

There are other lesser, room for improvement like lack of jagged paneling for the fuselage, EOTS not installed, very large actuator bulges for flapperons presenting stealth flaws and outlining potential component weakness, but those are infintessimal compared to the achievement that is putting a demonstrator in the air that can be improved on over time.

Wrong silhouette painted on the demonstrator btw. Get with the program PR team!v2-c3564d76838392799cefb6c43cf0d0e9_r.jpg
There are other lesser, room for improvement like lack of jagged paneling for the fuselage, EOTS not installed, very large actuator bulges for flapperons presenting stealth flaws and outlining potential component weakness, but those are infintessimal compared to the achievement that is putting a demonstrator in the air that can be improved on over time.
this is the first prototype...
What an amazing feat by Turkey. The pace of development of their aerospace capabilities is mind bogglingly fast.

Even well established players, in these fields, can draw many lessons from Turks, about the way they have gone about developing these aircraft.

TAI ( TUSAŞ ) General Manager Temel Kotil

"We will start the production of 20 KAANs in 2025 and deliver them to the Turkish Air Force in 2028"

"We will deliver the KAAN before the F-35 is delivered to Greece."

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TAI ( TUSAŞ ) General Manager Temel Kotil

We did the hard part.
When choosing KAAN's technology, we chose higher technology as F-22 and F-35

KAAN is capable of fighting all existing Fighter Jets in the World


We made KAAN which is designed like the F-22 combined with its design for supercruise and air-to-air combat capability with the F-35's modern avionics, electronic warfare and stealth features capabilities

with AI-enhanced battlefield awareness
( 360° situational awareness with 4 AESA radars - sensor fusion with EOTS , IRST )

Aselsan BURFIS AESA Radar with GAN technology ( 2.000+ T/R modules )

2-- Aselsan FEWS Electronic Warfare Suite

3-- Aselsan YILDIRIM DIRCM Directed Infrared Countermeasure System by high power LASER
Only KAAN and SU-57 have DIRCM

Aselsan TULGAR HMDS to provide a sense of use as if the Aircraft does not have a fuselage

Color screen and digital night vision technologies ( the first time in the system )
Only KAAN and F-35 have HMDS

full data-to-decision (D2D) capability for multi-layered distributed team of diverse manned aircraft working in concert with unmanned types ( KAAN , ANKA-3/4, KIZILELMA )

- Increased air to air engagement ranges with Novel Weapons
- Precise and accurate weapon firing from internal weapon bays at high/supersonic speed
- Augmented lethality with support of Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks
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TAI ( TUSAŞ ) General Manager Temel Kotil

"KAAN is the most complex engineering device the Turks have ever made. We did the hard part"

""Work is also being carried out to transform KAAN into the 6th generation""

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Force multiplier state-of-the-art tech Aselsan TULGAR

💢 KAAN pilots' Helmet, TULGAR, is being developed to be not only a high-tech equipment, but also an extension of the Pilot's senses in situational awareness.

KAAN’s HMD joins F-35’s advanced cockpit, both outpacing J-20’s less integrated systems

Only F-35 and KAAN have HMDS

F-22 , SU-57 , J-20 , KF-21 have head-up display (HUD)
A personal and potentially very unpopular first take on the TAI Kaan.

From public TAI information, the Kaan measures at 21x14x6 in terms of length, width, height parameters, which makes it even larger than the J-20 as the largest 5th gen made to-date. But curiously the MTOW figure for the jet remained at 28 tonnes, whereas a tacticaljet of this scale, experience wise should be around 35-38 tonnes. This is highly unusual, given Turkey clearly have deep-strike demands for this fighter, requiring it to have long operational range and able to carry 1000 lb level A2G armament. Either this MTOW figure is only for the demonstrator, or there might be some serious structural issues still yet to be solved.

Given the immense wingspan, modest wing sweep angle, and wide fuselage design, in terms of flight performance, the TAI Kaan should be somewhere between the F-35 and F-22 in terms of favored mach zone, which is collaborated by the presentation slides outlining Kaan's supercruise ability by TAI.

There are other lesser, room for improvement like lack of jagged paneling for the fuselage, EOTS not installed, very large actuator bulges for flapperons presenting stealth flaws and outlining potential component weakness, but those are infintessimal compared to the achievement that is putting a demonstrator in the air that can be improved on over time.

Wrong silhouette painted on the demonstrator btw. Get with the program PR team!View attachment 21330
Don't you think it's a little bit too early to make statements like yours? This is not the Holy Grail of fighter jets; it's simply a prototype with a previously frozen design. Of course, major changes are bound to be implemented in the upcoming versions. Comparing KAAN's current stage with a F35 or F22 fighter is dubious in my opinion. The latter one went through decades of refinements and modifications. The whole purpose of the heavily monitored maiden flight is to address the points you've raised.

By the way, KAAN is laid with fibre optic cables instead of copper which helps in the reduction of weight. We simply have not enough data to come to a final conclusion yet. Be patient.
TAI ( TUSAŞ ) General Manager Temel Kotil

💢 ANKA-3 flies day and night . A component of the 6th generation concept
KAAN will be able to work with ANKA-3 and KIZILELMA

💢 We will deliver ANKA-3 within one year

Let's see how the next few prototypes come off the line and start the next phase of development and integration, followed by IOC aircraft for the TuAF and eventually the FOC jets as serial production starts. Time scale five years give or take?
Don't you think it's a little bit too early to make statements like yours? This is not the Holy Grail of fighter jets; it's simply a prototype with a previously frozen design. Of course, major changes are bound to be implemented in the upcoming versions. Comparing KAAN's current stage with a F35 or F22 fighter is dubious in my opinion. The latter one went through decades of refinements and modifications. The whole purpose of the heavily monitored maiden flight is to address the points you've raised.

By the way, KAAN is laid with fibre optic cables instead of copper which helps in the reduction of weight. We simply have not enough data to come to a final conclusion yet. Be patient.
I agree that TAI Kaan is still in early stage of development, perhaps not even a prototype but a demonstrator, and major changes will come to pass.

But still, what doesn't change easily is key aerodynamic layout and critical structural designs such as narcelle diameter, as these are carefully designed to collaborate strategic needs, take repeated terabyte level processed data support and wind tunnel tests. The choice to adopt wide fuselage lift-body layout and medium wing sweep angle, prioritizing payload and operational range over transonic, supersonic, and supercruise ability, should persist.

Fibre optic databus is nothing new, but good for TAI Kaan for adopting it.
Force multiplier state-of-the-art tech Aselsan TULGAR

💢 KAAN pilots' Helmet, TULGAR, is being developed to be not only a high-tech equipment, but also an extension of the Pilot's senses in situational awareness.

KAAN’s HMD joins F-35’s advanced cockpit, both outpacing J-20’s less integrated systems

Only F-35 and KAAN have HMDS

F-22 , SU-57 , J-20 , KF-21 have head-up display (HUD)
HUDs and not mutually exclusive with HMDs. HMDs are not only very substantially sized, they can weigh upward of 2 kilograms, and especially under over-G circumstances is quite a significant stress upon the pilot for day-to-day training and low intensity missions. Having an HUD backup just means the jet is still partially functional even when pilots are not equipped with HMDs.

Speaking of HMDs, I do find Kaan's design decision regarding all-round awareness curious, as afaik there's no plans for implementing EODAS like F-35 and J-20, but rather Su-57 style EOTS+MAWS+DIRCM, which doesn't allow HMDs to be utlilized to the fullest in enabling the pilot to have 360 see-through vision through the airframe.
TAI ( TUSAŞ ) General Manager Temel Kotil

We did the hard part.
When choosing KAAN's technology, we chose higher technology as F-22 and F-35

KAAN is capable of fighting all existing Fighter Jets in the World

View attachment 21379

We made KAAN which is designed like the F-22 combined with its design for supercruise and air-to-air combat capability with the F-35's modern avionics, electronic warfare and stealth features capabilities

with AI-enhanced battlefield awareness
( 360° situational awareness with 4 AESA radars - sensor fusion with EOTS , IRST )

Aselsan BURFIS AESA Radar with GAN technology ( 2.000+ T/R modules )

2-- Aselsan FEWS Electronic Warfare Suite

3-- Aselsan YILDIRIM DIRCM Directed Infrared Countermeasure System by high power LASER
Only KAAN and SU-57 have DIRCM

Aselsan TULGAR HMDS to provide a sense of use as if the Aircraft does not have a fuselage

Color screen and digital night vision technologies ( the first time in the system )
Only KAAN and F-35 have HMDS

full data-to-decision (D2D) capability for multi-layered distributed team of diverse manned aircraft working in concert with unmanned types ( KAAN , ANKA-3/4, KIZILELMA )

- Increased air to air engagement ranges with Novel Weapons
- Precise and accurate weapon firing from internal weapon bays at high/supersonic speed
- Augmented lethality with support of Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks
View attachment 21381
HMDS is not something top gear,even the JF-17Block3 has a HMDSGXqRb7y.png

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