The 14th Government of The Islamic Republic of Iran: Mas'ood Pezeshkian et al

رهبر جمهوری اسلامی در دیدار با مسعود پزشکیان، رییس‌جمهور، و اعضای دولت چهاردهم گفت: «آقای رییس‌جمهور برای انتخاب وزیران با من مشورت کردند. برخی را تایید و برخی را هم تاکید کردم. تعداد زیادی را هم نمی‌شناختم و نظری نداشتم.»

او بدون اشاره به تاکیدات مکرر پزشکیان در صحن علنی مبنی‌بر موافقت رهبر جمهوری اسلامی با کابینه و ضرورت رای دادن مجلس به فهرست یادشده که به‌عنوان عامل اصلی رای اعتماد مجلس به کل فهرست وزرا تعبیر شد، از «خداوند» به خاطر «موفقیت» ربیس‌جمهور در کسب نظر موافق نمایندگان مجلس، سپاسگزاری کرد.

مسعود پزشکیان در روز رای اعتماد در صحن علنی مجلس، درباره هماهنگی وزرای پیشنهادی خود با خامنه‌ای، گفته بود که «عباس صالحی»، وزیر فعلی ارشاد با تلفن خامنه‌ای حاضر به قرارداده‌ شدن نامش در فهرست کابینه شد، «عباس عراقچی»، وزیر خارجه، اولین فرد پیشنهادی مورد تایید او بود و خود خامنه‌ای گفت که «فرزانه صادق» به‌عنوان وزیر راه در کابینه قرار بگیرد.

by the way mr. pezeshkian in parliament said to select the ministers he asked the views of supreme leader and now some propagandist made outlandish claims, note that supreme leader didn't said majority , he said lots of . and he said his view was asked for all ministers

these people are funny people as they even censor the speech of supreme leader
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visit of supreme leader with cabinet guess who is present there


Mr. Zarif become Strategic deputy of the president AKA the head of presidency think tank center . aka the mastermind behind government action in next 4 year

Google translate of the Order
In the name of Allah, the Merciful
Mr. Dr. Mohammad Javad Zarif
Based on the 124th article of the constitution and considering the merit levels and valuable management experiences of the academic and executive records, I hereby appoint your Excellency to the position of "strategic deputy of the president".It is expected that by taking advantage of the accumulated experience of the country's senior managers in the past decades and the extensive scientific, specialized and practical capabilities of elites, think tanks and civil society institutions, major domestic and international developments and the success rate in achieving the goals of the constitution, the vision document and general policies Observe the approval of the Supreme Leader of the Supreme Leader and reflect it directly to me. In carrying out this task, it is necessary to pay attention to the electoral obligations and people's supervisory capacities.In order to prevent the addition of new structures and organizations and optimal use of existing capacities, it is appropriate to assume the responsibility of the Center for Presidential Strategic Studies and turn the duties and special tasks of this center into suitable organizations for the strategic vice presidency. It is obvious that in order to implement the duties of this deputy, government agencies and institutions will provide the necessary cooperation.I wish you success from the Almighty God.
Massoud Bezikian
President of the Islamic Republic of Iran
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1000040760.jpgFatemeh Mohajerani new speaker of Iran government
Eliass hazerati head of people relation comitee

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