The country has gone bankrupt, and no one is willing to lend us money," says Qaiser Bengali.

Almsgiving, while certainly good in taking care of present difficulties, doesn't do much for long time. The only solution is for people to become productive and that can't be achieved by remittances. If anything, remittances will only promote dependency and laziness.
Nations need only pump some times. Pakistan is not a small county it has 250 millions population. This large consumer market. And world was on a default mood during Covid time productions were stopped markets were looking new production lines and Pakistani production system was running overtime. We were waiting in lines to get our orders done in faslabad. My friend theywere working 24/7 in their factories
Pakistan adversaries, they will not let it go the eye on Pakistan nukes. Their assets are working tirelessly. IMF controls Pakistan. Their solo aim to take away Pakistan’s nuks.
And what will they do with it later? If I offer Pakistan on a platter and make you the Sultan, will you accept the 'gift'?
He did not close his economy like other countries. That was perfect. It paid him well.
And what will they do with it later? If I offer Pakistan on a platter and make you the Sultan, will you accept the 'gift'?
Come on man bring something reasonable
Pakistan adversaries, they will not let it go the eye on Pakistan nukes. Their assets are working tirelessly. IMF controls Pakistan. Their solo aim to take away Pakistan’s nuks.
Nukes can probably be neutralised in other ways, you can't completely take out the eco system, so imagine they get stolen? you just build some more very quickly, the knowledge and skills to build nukes are well established

I think the stealing of nukes is a smoke screen

I think now is the time to give other parties the benefit of doubt over the Pak establishment

Maybe the IMF are not massively the bad guys here
COVID-19 was opportunity for many countries in third world. Rich countries were scared that time. It was perfect Pump Pakistan had but this is a topic for some other day . we are talking about. We can send skill people to train young generation with single education system. We can help him to build a nation in next 20 years. Abroad living Pakistanis just need some heads who committed treason.. we have many experts and skilled people here.
It is like this in every institution in Pakistan. Even the Cricketers are
told to fix/lose matches.
Did you know in that last/ recent tournament, many in our hockey team asked for political asylum. Sharamnaak bagherton ko koi parva nahi hae, can you believe they actually did this? Collapse has happened already.
COVID-19 was opportunity for many countries in third world. Rich countries were scared that time. It was perfect Pump Pakistan had but this is a topic for some other day . we are talking about. We can send skill people to train young generation with single education system. We can help him to build a nation in next 20 years. Abroad living Pakistanis just need some heads who committed treason.. we have many experts and skilled people here.
I mean how can you speak for all expats with such confidence? Just be a good expat for your country. Be kind and adapting to the country you are living in. Be generous and understanding towards your native countrymen. That's all you can do as a single individual. Hopefully many of such people show up for Pakistan so it becomes a better place. Stop speaking as if you know what is good for Pakistan.
I mean how can you speak for all expats with such confidence? Just be a good expat for your country. Be kind and adapting to the country you are living in. Be generous and understanding towards your native countrymen. That's all you can do as a single individual. Hopefully many of such people show up for Pakistan so it becomes a better place. Stop speaking as if you know what is good for Pakistan.
We need somebody hard to come in and swing dat sotta at high speed and beat these jahl khotay on their bhunds big time!

All these harami terrorists destroying our country on race/ ethnic/ sectarian jahilliyat nonsense.

Bewaquff jungli khotay got no way out now. Anybody raising a platform of division based on ethnicity religion separatism or politics…….we’ll deal with them.
We need to send billo tranny to Tehran to stop the $18 billion penalty which is actually now over $20 billion bhai. Tell them that look you already control our energy portfolio, just let us pay back via smuggling ok? We are trying our best. Iran won’t fukk us over, we know that. We cant imagine Iran doing something serious to us. That’s just nonsense.

Next thing to do is to ask for an extension from the Chinese on repayment amounts……this is somewhat manageable.

Our main concern is da IMF/WB/Paris club. This is the crux!
Is begging the only solution you know? I guess once a beggar always a beggar.
The money is there, but they need to get better at collecting it via taxes.
The money is there, but they need to get better at collecting it via taxes.
All the Money is eaten by Pensions, Plots, Perks of "masters".

No matter how much you squeeze out of common man via taxes, there will never be money left.
Is begging the only solution you know? I guess once a beggar always a beggar.
Bhai don’t lose hope……. I’m praying that Iran intervenes in our pathetic situation and they salvage what they can cuz apparently we can’t manage ourselves no?

All this oil n gas exploration Iran kar ra hae, I’m guessing for low cost/ high value, just to make sure what was told to IK 3 years ago was legit.

Iran is a master of offshore oil n gas. They have a lot of experience no? They have a 100 offshore rigs producing and they set them all up themselves no? Without Halliburton or Exxon or Total or ENI or Conoco or shell or Chevron or stat oil or BP or Sinopec and a dozen others.

They do their own exploration and drilling and extraction.

They don’t need da west nor China or Russia.

Irani’s already running our energy portfolio…….bewquff pendu jharrnail on the whims of our khota establishment can be thanked for this, because of incompetence and laziness.

Smuggling got a green light but exploration and trying to get up on your own feet is a curse? 100k tons of low cost refined irani oil and gas monthly has destroyed our local oil n gas industry. Our refineries are now bankrupt.

We can’t run the country, in case you haven’t noticed it yet.
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