The country has gone bankrupt, and no one is willing to lend us money," says Qaiser Bengali.

I am pursuing a case against a company for swindling almost $100K from in business in Pakistan. its been two years, as an overseas Pakistani american i will never invest in Pakistan.
Bro find a Politician e.g Minister and offer him 10 to 20k $ he'll do anything for you.
This is the only solution in current Pakistan. BRIBE and that's it.
You are describing a f**ked up country.

In the long run you either fix the country. Otherwise you always have the options of inviting the Brits, Yankees, Chinese, Arabs or Indians to fix it
Hahaha......this is exactly what's actually happening.....imf , gulf States , USA and China Are on the same page when it comes to Pakistan . more freebee fix your system ....Ik was kicked out cause he was too scared to take much needed drastic steps ..... Americans said , no martial law , other than that do what needs to be done ....all the other actors agreed with Americans........hence the sharifs and zardaris were brought in ( with guns on their heads ) .....these corrupt baboons have no choice but to make necessary but unpopular decisions ......Ik is the luckiest mofo on the planet , he is reaping the rewards for the unpopular decisions being made by govt... don't pay heed to these expat buffoons , they know nothing..... Pakistan is on the right track .
Hahaha......this is exactly what's actually happening.....imf , gulf States , USA and China Are on the same page when it comes to Pakistan . more freebee fix your system ....Ik was kicked out cause he was too scared to take much needed drastic steps ..... Americans said , no martial law , other than that do what needs to be done ....all the other actors agreed with Americans........hence the sharifs and zardaris were brought in ( with guns on their heads ) .....these corrupt baboons have no choice but to make necessary but unpopular decisions ......Ik is the luckiest mofo on the planet , he is reaping the rewards for the unpopular decisions being made by govt... don't pay heed to these expat buffoons , they know nothing..... Pakistan is on the right track .
"IK was kicked out because he was too scared to take much needed drastic steps"

What an epic idiotic post. didnt need to read after that.
Bro find a Politician e.g Minister and offer him 10 to 20k $ he'll do anything for you.
This is the only solution in current Pakistan. BRIBE and that's it.

One rule always lived with, no bribes ever, going through due channel, its up to the people living to give justice, or else justice will be served to them on the day of judgement. whatever the case, i will win.
"IK was kicked out because he was too scared to take much needed drastic steps"

What an epic idiotic post. didnt need to read after that.
If you were smart enough you wouldn't be crying about loosing $100k ... your ancessteral lands have been occupied by other people ? Go kill yourself man instead of doing ran**I Rona here .....what a pathetic character calling himself a Maverick ...
We the abroad living Pakistanis give our words if imran khan come back we will take care all of this shit…. If they give us words that they will punish Asim ajanam maryam Nawaz zardari and shabaz
We the abroad living Pakistanis give our words if imran khan come back we will take care all of this shit…. If they give us words that they will punish Asim ajanam maryam Nawaz zardari and shabaz
I would say this, for me Imran is better than the rest however if a better candidate is out there with less baggage than him who can unite the institutions and people and not be corrupted like the rest and thinks genuinely for the betterment of the nation they should be given a go. The dynastical politics along with military engineering needs to end for this to be possible.
I would say this, for me Imran is better than the rest however if a better candidate is out there with less baggage than him who can unite the institutions and people and not be corrupted like the rest and thinks genuinely for the betterment of the nation they should be given a go. The dynastical politics along with military engineering needs to end for this to be possible.
During Imran Khan's time, remittances indeed saw a record increase. In the fiscal year 2020-2021, remittances reached $29.4 billion, the highest in Pakistan's history at the time. This marked a substantial rise compared to previous years, demonstrating increased confidence among overseas Pakistanis in the country's economic direction under his leadership.
2. Roshan Digital Accounts (RDA): The Roshan Digital Accounts, launched in September 2020, were a major initiative aimed at attracting investments from the Pakistani diaspora. By the end of Imran Khan's tenure, RDAs had accumulated approximately $5.2 billion. The rapid success of RDAs showed the strong response from overseas Pakistanis, who were keen to invest in Pakistan’s economy through secure and innovative banking solutions.
3. Economic Momentum: The rising trend in remittances and RDAs indicated strong economic momentum. Projections like reaching $25 billion in RDAs over the next 5 years were optimistic but feasible if the same economic environment and supportive policies had continued.
4. Political Instability and Its Impact. The abrupt political changes and Imran Khan’s removal from office were seen by his supporters as a betrayal, halting the economic progress that was underway. Many view this as an act of political treason, undermining the economic strategies that were beginning to bear fruit.
We need some heads to be rolled under article 6. Under treason charges. This is not big thing for Pakistanis abroad living.
Tax code needs to be simplified and tax rate needs to be lowered by half on the current payers while those industries avoiding the tax net need to be brought into system.

Cash transactions also make it impossible for companies (such as MNCs) that pay taxes (because they have a paper trail) to compete.

Doing productive business (especially those that employ lots of people) needs to be incentivized.

Solve the political crisis, end the monopoles and oligarchies hold on the tax code, and restore the duly elected candidate to their rightful place, and investor confidence will spike, with investors looking to quickly Snatch up market share for “pennies on the dollar” before the country rebounds. Investment in import substitutions; especially food processing and food storage will see a decrease in imports and the potential end to the circular debt.

FDI From the diaspora, in the form of remittances directed to prioritize investments could raise productivity and coupled with more broader tax ( but lower) could create the right incentives to raise taxes in a sustainable manner that doesn’t hurt growth and meets the IMF demands.

Just breaking oligarchy would be a huge huge thing

That's a civil war that needs to be decisively won, which forces the oligarchy to share the pie and invest better

You need to win their respect

Btw, Pak having nukes probably precludes that, cannot get that unstable

In reality looks like Pak will teeter on life support for a while

Not opposed to bringing the British back. At least their system worked.

Well, that was ik and PTI, you had loads of well meaning expats who would bring something looking like solid western governance into Pakistan because they trusted Imran khan and what he represented

Ex pats should not be used just for hand outs, but as a real exogenous force

A by the book management layer needs to be cultivated and encouraged across industries

a system of rewarding the law abiding citizens needs to be devised, it just has to be tried
Remember it was COVID peak time. World was messed up.. we trust only khan. We have been betrayed many times. We don’t trust no body..
During Imran Khan's time, remittances indeed saw a record increase. In the fiscal year 2020-2021, remittances reached $29.4 billion, the highest in Pakistan's history at the time. This marked a substantial rise compared to previous years, demonstrating increased confidence among overseas Pakistanis in the country's economic direction under his leadership.
2. Roshan Digital Accounts (RDA): The Roshan Digital Accounts, launched in September 2020, were a major initiative aimed at attracting investments from the Pakistani diaspora. By the end of Imran Khan's tenure, RDAs had accumulated approximately $5.2 billion. The rapid success of RDAs showed the strong response from overseas Pakistanis, who were keen to invest in Pakistan’s economy through secure and innovative banking solutions.
3. Economic Momentum: The rising trend in remittances and RDAs indicated strong economic momentum. Projections like reaching $25 billion in RDAs over the next 5 years were optimistic but feasible if the same economic environment and supportive policies had continued.
4. Political Instability and Its Impact. The abrupt political changes and Imran Khan’s removal from office were seen by his supporters as a betrayal, halting the economic progress that was underway. Many view this as an act of political treason, undermining the economic strategies that were beginning to bear fruit.
We need some heads to be rolled under article 6. Under treason charges. This is not big thing for Pakistanis abroad living.
Almsgiving, while certainly good in taking care of present difficulties, doesn't do much for long time. The only solution is for people to become productive and that can't be achieved by remittances. If anything, remittances will only promote dependency and laziness.
During Imran Khan's time, remittances indeed saw a record increase. In the fiscal year 2020-2021, remittances reached $29.4 billion, the highest in Pakistan's history at the time. This marked a substantial rise compared to previous years, demonstrating increased confidence among overseas Pakistanis in the country's economic direction under his leadership.
2. Roshan Digital Accounts (RDA): The Roshan Digital Accounts, launched in September 2020, were a major initiative aimed at attracting investments from the Pakistani diaspora. By the end of Imran Khan's tenure, RDAs had accumulated approximately $5.2 billion. The rapid success of RDAs showed the strong response from overseas Pakistanis, who were keen to invest in Pakistan’s economy through secure and innovative banking solutions.
3. Economic Momentum: The rising trend in remittances and RDAs indicated strong economic momentum. Projections like reaching $25 billion in RDAs over the next 5 years were optimistic but feasible if the same economic environment and supportive policies had continued.
4. Political Instability and Its Impact. The abrupt political changes and Imran Khan’s removal from office were seen by his supporters as a betrayal, halting the economic progress that was underway. Many view this as an act of political treason, undermining the economic strategies that were beginning to bear fruit.
We need some heads to be rolled under article 6. Under treason charges. This is not big thing for Pakistanis abroad living.

More than cash expats can provide skills, knowledge, encouragement and mentorship

The system will not suddenly fix itself and decide ok let's go by the book
Pakistan adversaries, they will not let it go the eye on Pakistan nukes. Their assets are working tirelessly. IMF controls Pakistan. Their solo aim to take away Pakistan’s nuks.

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