The country has gone bankrupt, and no one is willing to lend us money," says Qaiser Bengali.

Bhai don’t lose hope……. I’m praying that Iran intervenes in our pathetic situation and they salvage what they can cuz apparently we can’t manage ourselves no?

All this oil n gas exploration Iran kar ra hae, I’m guessing for low cost/ high value, just to make sure what was told to IK 3 years ago was legit.

Iran is a master of offshore oil n gas. They have a lot of experience no? They have a 100 offshore rigs producing and they set them all up themselves no? Without Halliburton or Exxon or Total or ENI or Conoco or shell or Chevron or stat oil or BP or Sinopec and a dozen others.

They do their own exploration and drilling and extraction.

They don’t need da west nor China or Russia.

Irani’s already running our energy portfolio…….bewquff pendu jharrnail on the whims of our khota establishment can be thanked for this, because of incompetence and laziness.

Smuggling got a green light but exploration and trying to get up on your own feet is a curse? 100k tons of low cost refined irani oil and gas monthly has destroyed our local oil n gas industry. Our refineries are now bankrupt.

We can’t run the country, in case you haven’t noticed it yet.
Until this changes and the army doesn't carry the gov things will remain the same:-

Until this changes and the gov doesn't carry the army things will remain the same:-

View attachment 63915
Now that our local refineries are bankrupt, tens of thousands of people will lose their jobs. We will lose all the expertise gained over the last 80 years of running this industry.

This is unacceptable!
Now that our local refineries are bankrupt, tens of thousands of people will lose their jobs. We will lose all the expertise gained over the last 80 years of running this industry.

This is unacceptable!
That's what happens when you have corrupts working for the Arabs. Not surprised at all. Who do the Arabs do the bidding of ? Their Israeli masters of course.
That's what happens when you have corrupts working for the Arabs. Not surprised at all. Who do the Arabs do the bidding of ? Their Israeli masters of course.
Sorry mods........sensitive topic. I'm only talking to my compatriot. Only addressed to him below:

ایرانی کوئی فرشتے نہیں ہیں.....انوں نے بھی اپنا متلبناکالنا ہے.....اور ہم غریب ہمیشہ بیوقوف بن جاتے ہیں۔
Waderay ye nahi honay dengay! AAP kuchh bhee kar lo cuz theyz got western protection.

They’ll push the army as usual out front as the patsy and cop all da blame! Get insulted, degraded, demonized and humiliated.

This is da drama bhai…..nothing else.
Waderay have political links and patronage of PPPP in Sindh. Corruption and greed in Pakistan is a common local issue because there is no emphasis on building values and the politcal system in place does not allow well-educated or competent individuals to get votes and put the country on the right track.
I beg to differ with one of your point. I will not invest in India. Even my all investment goes down in Pakistan. I will stick with country where my elders are buried. We will keep investing in our forefathers land. Asim anjam and maryam we will fix them inshallah
It is interesting to see that a Kafir hindu society has better values than a supposedly pious Islamic society.
And yet Pakistani people, like sheep,will refuse to vote for alternative parties despite the perpetual ineptitude, so the same PPP/PMNL/TERROIST MQM gravy train continues decade after decade.
Khan also created a bad team in 2018 to establish the government. Who was the third umpire he alluded to? This third umpire misled Khan? PTI has revisited its team which is a good thing but now Khan is in jail.

The political system of Pakistan does not allow well-educated and competent people to come to power and put the country on the right track. This needs to change but it is wishful thinking due to obvious reasons. Khan alone cannot do much even if his heart is in the right place.
Khan also created a bad team in 2018 to establish the government. Who was the third umpire he alluded to? This third umpire misled Khan? PTI has revisited its team which is a good thing but now Khan is in jail.

The political system of Pakistan does not allow well-educated and competent people to come to power and put the country on the right track. This needs to change but it is wishful thinking due to obvious reasons. Khan alone cannot do much even if his heart is in the right place.

Khan tried with his economic council, but then the Mullah Brigade showed up due to one individual being from the Ahmadiyya faith. The rest were Sunnis who then backed out as they didn't want to associate themselves with that sort of 3rd world mentality, and they too were PhDs in Business and Economics, Western-educated.

Jinnah also tried, and the waderas and feudal played the religious card. Had Jinnah stood his ground as the founder and straightened them out, we would have been on a different road altogether.

Another factor keeping us down is the establishment, which, with its full support of these types, keeps the country from progressing.
In a city they should allow houses that are 5 marla or
some areas 10 marla. But in Pakistan they are building
houses same size as Schools but hardly anyone living
in them.
I agree with this 100%. I have seen it first hand.
Just breaking oligarchy would be a huge huge thing

That's a civil war that needs to be decisively won, which forces the oligarchy to share the pie and invest better

You need to win their respect

Btw, Pak having nukes probably precludes that, cannot get that unstable

In reality looks like Pak will teeter on life support for a while

Well, that was ik and PTI, you had loads of well meaning expats who would bring something looking like solid western governance into Pakistan because they trusted Imran khan and what he represented

Ex pats should not be used just for hand outs, but as a real exogenous force

A by the book management layer needs to be cultivated and encouraged across industries

a system of rewarding the law abiding citizens needs to be devised, it just has to be tried
The civil war model might have worked in some cases in some locations but I don't see it work in recent memory. What is the outcome of the Syrian Civil War in recent years? The pious and noble peace price winner Syrian dictator called upon his foreign allies to prevent his downfall. The struggle of those Syrians who desired real change fell apart due to punishing blows received from the foreign allies of the Syrian dictator and the narrative they had created in the cyberspace. His excellency also provided shelter to questionable elements in Syrian soil who were wrecking havoc in Iraq and these elements took advantage of the Syrian Civil War to launch ISIL movement. It all went to hell. Change comes when there is a realization in bureaucracy to put the country on the right track.
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Look at how these massive new housing societies are eating up our agricultural land. He once said we must not allow housing societies to be built on agricultural land. The man had a vision, but we messed it up. Look at size of Rawalpindi and Islamabad how big increased in last thirty years. Lahore is eating its agricultural land like Bermuda Triangle. I can count 100z of Pakistani cities and towns they even not have single vertical building. I mean not even Three storied building
Just see Lahore, the city has has grown so exponentialy, all agricultural lands from Lahore to Kasur, or Lahore to Wagah, or Lahore to Sheikhupura, all prime agricultural lands turned into housing societies. Since growing up I am have been seeing the countryside around Lahore vanish to these monstrosities.
Vertical development is the need of the hour.
If you were smart enough you wouldn't be crying about loosing $100k ... your ancessteral lands have been occupied by other people ? Go kill yourself man instead of doing ran**I Rona here .....what a pathetic character calling himself a Maverick ...
bad decisions are part of life, you learn from bitter experiences.

can u pls explain what do you mean by your previous statement

"IK was kicked out because he was too scared to take much needed drastic steps"
Just see Lahore, the city has has grown so exponentialy, all agricultural lands from Lahore to Kasur, or Lahore to Wagah, or Lahore to Sheikhupura, all prime agricultural lands turned into housing societies. Since growing up I am have been seeing the countryside around Lahore vanish to these monstrosities.
Vertical development is the need of the hour.
Lack of urban planning and laws for how to expand a city. There is construction everywhere with buildings next to each other. There are no green belts or spaces between societies. No thought given on how to control pollution either. Construction methods involve use of sand but no thought given on how to reduce dust. Broken roads, underdeveloped sewerage system in different locations, and lack of planning on how to solve the issue of ganda nala.

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