The Munir Doctrine

In my humble opinion it is not as doom and gloom as some would have people believe. Sadly we are still a nation with dining room politics but there may be some light at the end of the tunnel.
Unfortunately the problem with Pakistan in general is much akin to the Bani Israel story. There is too much emphasis on either Miracles, quick myopic wins, selfishness or sheer inability to resist instant gratification versus the long haul. This actually ends up self sabotaging most if not of their opportunities and ventures regardless of how it began or not.

Then, couple that with a lack of culture change since the Raj due to poor education and literacy and you have pretty much no will to hold anyone accountable until all hope runs out.

It’s why Honor killing holds true instead of being more actively involved their daughters lives and upbringing
In my humble opinion it is not as doom and gloom as some would have people believe. Sadly we are still a nation with dining room politics but there may be some light at the end of the tunnel.
Or is that light the next IMF train with the headlight shining upon us?
Sir Gwadar will bring in so much long term investment in Pakistan, people are failing to see the bugger picture.

What is the point of Gwadar at this point of history ? It is an useless project in the short to intermediate time frame. I see no benefits.

There are bigger issues Pakistan needs to resolve.
Unfortunately the problem with Pakistan in general is much akin to the Bani Israel story. There is too much emphasis on either Miracles, quick myopic wins, selfishness or sheer inability to resist instant gratification versus the long haul. This actually ends up self sabotaging most if not of their opportunities and ventures regardless of how it began or not.

Then, couple that with a lack of culture change since the Raj due to poor education and literacy and you have pretty much no will to hold anyone accountable until all hope runs out.

It’s why Honor killing holds true instead of being more actively involved their daughters lives and upbringing

Is this a concession that while Brits were in charge there was some change in culture for the better.
The establishment is an elephant of its own and to expect Munir doctrine would be much different from Bajwa doctrine will be delusional.

On a larger realm, Pakistan’s issue stems from the fact that organs of the state are not allowed to operate freely and grow organically. And then there is one institution that has an overreaching shadow on all others.

The solution is to have the institution who’re operating well outside their constitutional mandate to start withdrawing and allow time for institutions to grow.

From a strategic perspective, Pakistan cannot allow itself to be aligned to one power or the other.

That means, Pakistan is open to investments from US, China, Russia, GCC. Pakistan tones down the rhetoric against India. No bases to foreign countries and no rentier mentality. Finally, Pakistan takes extreme steps to correct its macro economic indicators and right its economy.

Honestly, there are no signs of that happening, so yes, lagey raho.
Is this a concession that while Brits were in charge there was some change in culture for the better.
No, it’s that Jinnah’s loss left no one to incite true independence and change to the system. The unionists and other sharks within the muslim league moved in to take out any of the original muslim league cadre that had Jinnah’s vision. In the end the leadership just changed hands but no change like the one led by Nehru and his associates took place.
The solution is to have the institution who’re operating well outside their constitutional mandate to start withdrawing and allow time for institutions to grow.

And expecting an institution addicted to absolute power to give any of it up out of the goodness of its heart would be merely naive.
What is the point of Gwadar at this point of history ? It is an useless project in the short to intermediate time frame. I see no benefits.

There are bigger issues Pakistan needs to resolve.
Photo of FTZ and Business Center

Before 2015, the FTZ was just an idea. But now the FTZ has attracted some 20 companies in the fields of banking, insurance, logistics, food and aquaculture processing, from China and Pakistan, with a combined investment of 3 billion yuan (420 million yuan), and it has generated 1,200 jobs.

Inside the FTZ, Henan Yulin Holdings, a forestry enterprise, invested in a tropical plant research center, and China Linyi Trade City Co, a merchandising firm, invested in warehousing facilities. Ningbo Huilong Co, from East China's Zhejiang Province, set up a metal processing plant and became the first company in the FTZ to enter commercial operation. In 2022, the company generated nearly $1 million in revenue.

The port operator aims to build Gwadar into a smart port city by 2050 with a total population of more than 1.7 million and an annual GDP of $30 billion.

The 75-page master plan document, prepared by Chinese state-owned company China Communications Construction Company in conjunction with Pakistan's Minister of Planning, Development & Reform and Gwadar Development Authority, chalks out an elaborate road map and plan on how Gwadar is to become the trade and economic hub of South Asia with a GDP per capita of $15,000 - 10 times that of Pakistan's average.

The Government of Pakistan and China project Gwadar's economy to surpass $30 Billion per annum in the long-term, creating 1-1.2 Million high paid jobs with an income per capita of $15,000. Pakistan's current income per capita meaning the economic output the country generates per person is around $1500 which Gwadar will eclipse by some 1000%.

According to Gwadar's new master plan, the city will become the fulcrum of economic development in western Pakistan, the main port in western Pakistan, one of the westward sea routes in western China, the five Central Asian countries and the trade centers of Afghanistan, South Asia and the neighboring Middle East.

Megaprojects include a $5 billion investment into Gwadar's power sector with 15 new power plants, $1 billion invested into generating 700,000 m3 of freshwater per day through desalination plants, a man-made island, central business district, Pakistan's tallest building all in a tax-free environment where life can be enjoyed whilst avoiding taxes.
Gwadar Intl. Airport:



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Bostan Special Economic Zone:
Bostan Industrial Zone covers an area of 1000 acres which is situated at district Pishin bordered with Quetta (provided with enough skilled labor), Qila Saifullah (famous livestock, fruits, and vegetables), Ziarat (famous for dry fruits, apple and grapes) and Qila Abdullah (climate suitable for fruits and vegetables).

The availability of different means of connectivity (Airport, seaport dry port, railways, and roads) makes this zone feasible for business activities and ensures the mobility of the labor force to start operations. The zone is situated at a distance of
- 23 KM from Airport (Quetta),
- 713 KM from seaport (Karachi) and
- 976 KM Gwadar, and
- 32 KM from dry port (Quetta).
- located near national highway N-50 which will connect the zone to other regions of Pakistan.

Following clusters/sectors are feasible to be established at Bostan Special Economic Zone:
Fruit Processing
• Agriculture machinery
• Pharmaceutical
• Motor Bikes Assembly
• Chromite
• Ceramic industries
• Ice and Cold storage
• Electric Appliance
• Halal Food Industry

Dhabeji Special Economic Zone (DSEZ) is being developed on 1530 acres of land in Thatta. Dhabeji Industrial Zone is planned to be constructed in 2 phases comprising of 750 acres for Phase I and 780 acres for Phase II.

Dhabeji has certain locational advantages including easy access to Port Qasim enabling raw material import and finished goods export without incurring major inland transportation costs and saving time. A direct access road (8km) connecting Port Qasim to Dhabeji Zone is being developed.

A dedicated cargo deck connecting the zone with ML-1 from Dhabeji Junction and a Jetty to connect Port Qasim alongside Dhabeji zone from creek side is envisaged to facilitate export oriented industries - Karachi Airport (35 Km) via National Highway enabling safe travel of foreign workers and management personnel, - National Highway enabling the transportation of goods to upcountry and Central Asian nations utilizing the National Trade Corridor.

Various industrial clusters/sectors are proposed/planned to be established in DSEZ including following:

  • Light Engineering
  • Automotive and Auto parts
  • Chemical & Pharmaceuticals
  • Consumer Electronics Engineering
  • Textile & Garments
  • Steel-Foundries
  • Warehousing
  • Building Material

Eastbay Expressway

Pak-China Technical and Vocational Institute at Gwadar

1.2 MGD Desalination Plant

Fresh Water Treatement plant
Bostan Special Economic Zone:
View attachment 5907
View attachment 5908
Bostan Industrial Zone covers an area of 1000 acres which is situated at district Pishin bordered with Quetta (provided with enough skilled labor), Qila Saifullah (famous livestock, fruits, and vegetables), Ziarat (famous for dry fruits, apple and grapes) and Qila Abdullah (climate suitable for fruits and vegetables).

The availability of different means of connectivity (Airport, seaport dry port, railways, and roads) makes this zone feasible for business activities and ensures the mobility of the labor force to start operations. The zone is situated at a distance of
- 23 KM from Airport (Quetta),
- 713 KM from seaport (Karachi) and
- 976 KM Gwadar, and
- 32 KM from dry port (Quetta).
- located near national highway N-50 which will connect the zone to other regions of Pakistan.

Following clusters/sectors are feasible to be established at Bostan Special Economic Zone:
Fruit Processing
• Agriculture machinery
• Pharmaceutical
• Motor Bikes Assembly
• Chromite
• Ceramic industries
• Ice and Cold storage
• Electric Appliance
• Halal Food Industry

Dhabeji Special Economic Zone (DSEZ) is being developed on 1530 acres of land in Thatta. Dhabeji Industrial Zone is planned to be constructed in 2 phases comprising of 750 acres for Phase I and 780 acres for Phase II.

Dhabeji has certain locational advantages including easy access to Port Qasim enabling raw material import and finished goods export without incurring major inland transportation costs and saving time. A direct access road (8km) connecting Port Qasim to Dhabeji Zone is being developed.

A dedicated cargo deck connecting the zone with ML-1 from Dhabeji Junction and a Jetty to connect Port Qasim alongside Dhabeji zone from creek side is envisaged to facilitate export oriented industries - Karachi Airport (35 Km) via National Highway enabling safe travel of foreign workers and management personnel, - National Highway enabling the transportation of goods to upcountry and Central Asian nations utilizing the National Trade Corridor.

Various industrial clusters/sectors are proposed/planned to be established in DSEZ including following:

  • Light Engineering
  • Automotive and Auto parts
  • Chemical & Pharmaceuticals
  • Consumer Electronics Engineering
  • Textile & Garments
  • Steel-Foundries
  • Warehousing
  • Building Material

Eastbay Expressway
View attachment 5911
View attachment 5912
View attachment 5913

Pak-China Technical and Vocational Institute at Gwadar
View attachment 5914

1.2 MGD Desalination Plant

Fresh Water Treatement plant
View attachment 5916

China has spent $30 billion on various projects. Your economic growth has not increased. Ditto with Sri Lanka and other recipients of Chinese construction projects
China has spent $30 billion on various projects. Your economic growth has not increased. Ditto with Sri Lanka and other recipients of Chinese construction projects
Can't blame China for that my friend, that problem rests with a very domestic problem. :)
These are facts. Munir and predecessors like him live in an isolated world. It seems that these generals are oblivious to ground realities. China and Russia will never allow the US entry through Pakistan. Yet, this COAS thinks he can get it all done. Instead this general can expect the ire of Russia and China. It reveals just how disconnected people are. Even those in power.
Inn beghairatoN ki saari investment amreeka Europe mein hai, you can't expect these Popa John generals to break away from amreeka bahadur and align with China and/or Russia.
What to make of this doctrine?
There are good steps initiated in multiple domains which are security, economy and foreign relations.

The exit of Afghan refugees shows that the fact has been accepted by GOP how detrimental Afghans had been to Pakistan's security and economy. One wonders, including myself, why drone strikes against TTP are not taking place inside Afghanistan and the answer is in front of us- cleaning out own backyard. Dismantling militant groups, not negotiating with TTP through talks, multiple arrests and taking out TTP terrorists in IBOs etc as well as giving warnings to Taliban Govt in Afghanistan. I reckon the war will be taken inside Afghanistan once the terror strikes bog down inside Pakistan and that might take another few years.

This brings out another factor - US exit from Afghanistan and leaving behind a plethora of terrorist factions including AQ, ISIS, Taliban and others. This means USA might come back some day again. Even if it doesn't, at some point USA will ask Pakistan to take certain measures based on USA's own interest. That will be start of another era - if GOP succumbs to USA pressure yet again in return of economic aid or will GOP bring in China on the negotiation table.

This above begins the pretext of military getting weapons through FM aid. Like in past, USA F-16s, Ah-1s, M-109s etc arrived in 80s' and 2000's through USA foreign military aid. This trend has been checkmated in two ways. The first is Pakistani military opting for modern Chinese weapons while deviating away from USA weaponry, the second is the strings attached with FM aid of USA which is not the case with China as in past since 60's, China has been aiding Pakistani military with free weapons (1966 onwards such as T-59s, F-6 etc) as well as loans and shared technological R&D (JFT, AK series MBT), something which Pakistan couldn't find elsewhere (western countries) apart from Turkey now. The Chinse investment inside Pakistan's infrastructure is another point where Pakistan doesn't look at western countries for crucial military aid or imminent investment.

If the modern military acquisitions for Pakistan are sought out- for example the F-16s are being matched by JFT Blk III and J-10s, the AH-1Fs with Z-10s and the M-109s with SH-15s.

On the domestic side, Military's involvement in economic revival means that military will not exit such projects easily and may as well mark out certain conditions when handing over projects (e.g. agriculture) to the GOP. It is the Civil Government's own shortcoming that military resources for civilian projects are being asked for. If the ministers handling different ministry's had been doing their job without incompetence and corruption, as this point in time the military would have been sidelined easily. When military resources get involved, then ISI and other military intel detachments will be a part of that.

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