Turkish Air Force | News & Discussions


Elite Member
Jul 6, 2017
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............Unique concept in the region............

We should always be one step ahead of our opponents by using the latest technologies

1 ) Stealth Fighter Jets armed with long range missiles for network-centric warfare
2 ) SIPER and S400 Air Defense Systems for Counter Air capability
3 ) HAVASOJ next generation Jammer to provide stand-off jamming for degradation of early warning radars and Air Defense Systems
4 ) E-7T AEWCs and EIRS long range Radars for cooperative engagement and sensor network with integrated fire control capabilities

-- KAAN 5th gen stealth Fighter Jet
-- KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet
-- ANKA-3 flying-wing stealth UCAV
-- AKINCI strategic strike UCAV
-- HAVASOJ stand off Jammer Aircraft
-- Boeing E7-T AEWCs
-- 600 km ERALP Early Warning AESA Radar
-- Link-16 and KEMENT Data Links
-- GOKDOGAN and GOKHAN BVR Air to Air Missiles ( range of 100-200 km )
-- SIPER and S400 Air Defense Systems ( range of 150-240-380 km )

-- F-16 VIPER modernization equipped with APG-83 AESA Radar and 160 km AIM-120C8 air to air Missile

Also 40 Eurofighter Fighter Jets on agenda

King of the Kings ... KAAN "see without being seen, shoot without being shot"

Turkish Air Force shaping Its future with ‘Made in Türkiye’ Projects
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Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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MITSOTAKIS and DENDIAS threatened Turkiye with nuclear power France
and We gave a kiss to French in the Eastern Mediterranean when 3 Turkish Frigates locked radar 3 times on French Frigate near Libya
What exactly do you mean "threatened Turkey"? What did they say exactly? Don't go around spreading misinformation.

Turkish Navy kicked Greek French Frigates out of Turkish EZZ
and Turkish Air Force intercepted 6 Greek F-16s which harashed the BARBAROS seismic research Vessel
You're still going on about this 3-4 years later,even though we've debated it numerous times. You continue with your official narration...like a broken record or an AI chatbot that can't evolve.

in 2020 France-Greece forced Turkiye for a conflict ... when Egypt and The UAE fought against Turkiye in Libya
What are you going on about? Are you completely brainwashed by the AKP?

Nobody forced Turkey into a conflict. On the contrary,it was Turkey that almost weekly came out with new provocative statements against everyone. You had Erdogan,Cavusoglu,Akar and Oktay say things like:
"Don't forget how we kicked your ancestors to the sea!" or "We can be in Athens in 5 hours if we want!" or "There are some islands under occupation,when the time comes,we will act" or "If Greek Cypriots drill without us,we will act according to our interests!" and of course the famous "We might come suddenly,one night!"

Also,Egypt and the UAE didn't force a conflict on you because of Libya. You went to Libya to protect Sarraj on your own! You got involved yourselves in there,don't blame Egypt or Russia or UAE.

And Turkiye did not step back even one step in Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean
Yes,not even one step back. And what was the outcome?

  • Erdogan rushed to "bloody dictator" in Saudi Arabia and then the UAE asking for friendship and investments
  • After that,he ceremoniously welcomed the Israeli ambassador and forgot "kesap Netanyahu",asking for friendship again.
  • Kept trying to get a meeting with Biden for two years
  • Kept trying to apologise to "dictator" Sisi
  • Wanted to restore relations with "butcher Assad"
  • He went from "Mitsotakis yok" to "Kyriakos my friend"
Basically,he rushed to apologize and restore relations with everyone.


Elite Member
Jul 6, 2017
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Basically,he rushed to apologize and restore relations with everyone.

Losers trying to make a victory from epic failure in Syria , Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean

not Greece , not Israel , not Egypt , not S.Arabia , not The UAE , not France

but Turkiye is everywhere in N.Cyprus , Iraq , Syria , Azerbaijan , Libya , Qatar , Somalia and in the Eastern Mediterranean
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Feb 21, 2024
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for that, they would have to start building the engine next year. it's not impossible
I meant ignition in 2026, not in 2028. They should most certainly fire the engine by 2028


Elite Member
Jul 6, 2017
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SIPER will be more dangerous than S400

SİPER Long Range Air and Missile Defence System enter service in 2024

S400 works in stand alone mode

on the other hand
SIPER will work with Air/Land/Naval units for ability to operate in coordination via tactical data-links

Ground based Radars can not detect low flying Fighter Jets from long distance in the Aegean

but Boeing E-7T AEWC can detect even low flying Fighter Jets from 350 km away
and 150-250 km SIPER can block F-16V - RAFALE from long distance

SIPER Air Defense System

Range : 100-150-250 km
Speed : mach 4
Datalinks : link-16 and JREAP-C ( Joint Range Extension Applications Protocol )
Radar : 700+ km ERALP AESA Radar

Hellenic Air Force F-16V - RAFALE can not cross the 25th meridian in the Aegean

Deadly combination E-7T AEWC with 600 km AESA Radar and 150-250 km SIPER Missile

SIPER Block2 air defense missile with range of 150+ km ......
range of 250+ km with booster
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Feb 21, 2024
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i expect ignition in 2025 otherwise schedule would be too tight
Building the prototype will take 1-1.5 years. Since it is not being built yet, it cannot be fired next year.


Elite Member
Jul 6, 2017
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@hyperman Here's an example

I did it for you
The Greek media so obsessed with Turkiye

Your F-16V and RAFALE will have no advantage
SIPER and S400 will be enough

KAAN , KIZILELMA and F-16V will be extra power
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Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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The Greek media so obsessed with Turkiye
Greek media obsessed with Turkey? Not Turkish media going around "Yunanistan arming" and "Yunanistan arms race,Rafalinin acquisyonu para Fransa ve Amerika,Mitsotakis F-35 provokatif" etc etc?

😂 2020-2022 Turkish media were nagging every day about every tiny little thing we would buy,making a big fuss out of it. Erdogan and Akar were complaining all day "But why you buy? You know you can't win. You should not buy it. It won't give you the advantage".


Elite Member
Jul 6, 2017
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Greek media obsessed with Turkey? Not Turkish media going around "Yunanistan arming" and "Yunanistan arms race,Rafalinin acquisyonu para Fransa ve Amerika,Mitsotakis F-35 provokatif" etc etc?

I watch Greek Media everyday and obsessed with Turkiye

on the other hand I did not see any news about Greece in Turkish media since President ERDOGAN visited Greece on December 7, 2023


Jan 6, 2020
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for that, they would have to start building the engine next year. it's not impossible

They just ignited the TF6000, the next ignition is the TF10000 with the Afterburner, which will mostly complete the tech tree needed for the bigger diameter TF35000 fan.


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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I watch Greek Media everyday and obsessed with Turkiye
So you're obsessed with Greek Media.

s this an MoD map? or a fan made map?
I think he made it himself. I've seen other ones though here and there. Some on the previous forum,some online. I gotta start searching for them again,if you insist so much.

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