Turkish Air Force | News & Discussions

Ok gents no more bickering over maps. Only Turkish Air Force Stuff.
Aselsan ALP 300-G Portable Early Warning Radar Systems were delivered to the Turkish Air Force

S Band Early Warning AESA Radar not only detect airborne targets but also those with stealth technology or low radar cross-section targets from long ranges which offers the capability of making hidden aerial threats visible
A first in the world from ASELSAN!

Within the scope of the signed contract, 2 different Turkish UAVs will be equipped with the ASOJ-234U Radar and Communication Electronic Support/Attack (Stand-of-Jammer) payload.

Turkish Armed Forces will gain advanced electronic warfare capability from UAVs for both radar and communication systems.

This integration is a first in the world.

4 HAVASOJ airborne stand off jammer Aircraft will be ready in 2025 and 2026
The USA approved Turkiye's F-16V purchase

U.S. Embassy Türkiye

“Today marks an important step forward in Türkiye’s purchase of the latest-generation F-16 Block 70 fighter jets and upgrades to its existing fleet of F-16s. This is good for U.S. national security, Turkish national security, and NATO interoperability"

Political-Military Affairs, US Dept of State

The United States is proud to announce today a significant step forward in Turkey's acquisition of the new F-16 Block 70 fighter jets, the most advanced ever produced, available only to our closest allies and partners. This is just one of the latest examples of the United States' unwavering commitment to its security partnership with Türkiye.

KEMANKES-2 mini smart Cruise Missile to harm Air Defense Systems like PATRIOT , SAMP-T , S-300/400 , DAVID's SLING , AKASH-NG

💢 Domestic turbojet engine
💢 200+ km mission range
💢 Artificial intelligence supported optical guidance system
💢 70 kg maximum weight, 20 kg payload
💢 +0.6 Mach diving speed

-- Thanks to its artificial intelligence-supported optical guidance system, it will recognize its target and have the ability to destroy it with full accuracy even in difficult weather conditions.

-- Thanks to anti-jamming technology, it will be able to function without being affected by electronic Warfare

-- KEMANKEŞ 2 will provide support to the user in data tracking by transmitting all the data and images it obtains to the ground control station



cost effective and lethal solution for swarm attack

to produce 25-30 KEMANKES-2 in price of 1 SCALP Cruise Missile

to produce 25-30 KEMANKES-2 in price of 1 PATRIOT Air Defense Missile

Enemy Forces will fire $1,5-2 million Air Defense Missile to intercept mini Cruise Missile
Good luck to Enemies ...They will need it
cost effective and lethal solution for swarm attack

to produce 25-30 KEMANKES-2 in price of 1 SCALP Cruise Missile

to produce 25-30 KEMANKES-2 in price of 1 PATRIOT Air Defense Missile

Enemy Forces will fire $1,5-2 million Air Defense Missile to intercept mini Cruise Missile
Cost effective and super quality don't usually go together. It's a bit controversial how Turkey (or is it just you?)claims that everything is many times cheaper than anything the West (or East) has,but somehow is of top quality with state of the art technology?

Good luck to Enemies ...They will need it
This bullshit,why do you have to post this bullshit every single time?
Cost effective and super quality don't usually go together.

İts 70 kg mini Cruise Missile for cost effective solution

No need RF or IIR seeker
No need heavy warhead
No need big turbojet engine

on the other hand with state of the art technology

-- artificial intelligence-supported optical guidance system
-- anti-jamming technology, able to function without being affected by electronic Warfare
-- data tracking by transmitting all the data and images it obtains to the ground control station

Russia lack these weapons in Ukraine
therefore Russia fires heavy Cruise Missiles and Ballistic Missiles ( $1-10 million per unit ) to hit AD Systems
claims that everything is many times cheaper than anything the West (or East) has,but somehow is of top quality with state of the art technology?

I don't think he said Turkish equipment its cheaper than "East"(which itself is a broad definition, are we talking Korea, China, India?) for some countries its cheaper, some its more expensive.

With regards to be cheaper and top quality.. yes it can be both, you see Turkish equipment is NATO spec, but at the same time, Turkish has lower costs of production b/c frankly while inflation is bad for domestic things and imports, its steroids for export competitiveness, b/c cost of production is far cheaper, b/c labor is cheaper. You can get equivalent tech for cheaper prices, just look at surgeries and medical tourism that people come to Turkey for, compared to the US. Turkey is currently EXPORTING Artillery shells to the United States and even building a production facility in the US to produce Artillery Shells for the US, b/c frankly Turkey can just build it cheaper and maintain the same specs.

Turkey's biggest selling point is, NATO standard equipment with non Western NATO prices and speed of delivery along with production capacity. South Korea is doing something similar BTW.
I don't think he said Turkish equipment its cheaper than "East"(which itself is a broad definition, are we talking Korea, China, India?) for some countries its cheaper, some its more expensive.

With regards to be cheaper and top quality.. yes it can be both, you see Turkish equipment is NATO spec, but at the same time, Turkish has lower costs of production b/c frankly while inflation is bad for domestic things and imports, its steroids for export competitiveness, b/c cost of production is far cheaper, b/c labor is cheaper. You can get equivalent tech for cheaper prices, just look at surgeries and medical tourism that people come to Turkey for, compared to the US. Turkey is currently EXPORTING Artillery shells to the United States and even building a production facility in the US to produce Artillery Shells for the US, b/c frankly Turkey can just build it cheaper and maintain the same specs.

Turkey's biggest selling point is, NATO standard equipment with non Western NATO prices and speed of delivery along with production capacity. South Korea is doing something similar BTW.
Tourism and specific surgeries as well as Artillery shells and some ammo,are completely different from all the usual high-tech stuff MMM-E is advertising,it's still a weird thing how it's supposed to be super-quality and up to par(if not better)with Western equipment and yet be way cheaper. And I'm not talking about this only,the have been various products MMM-E has claimed are cheaper and cost effective to things the West and East are selling.

By the way,no,not India,I meant mostly Russia and China as in East. Maybe North Korea too,you can put North Korea too.
This bullshit,why do you have to post this bullshit every single time?

Keep sleeping .. we will wake up all daydreamers in a conflict

even We dont need expensive Ballistic and Cruise Misssiles BORA , TAYFUN , SOM , CAKIR , SLAM-ER , HARM , ATMACA , HARPOON Block2 to hit PATRIOTs

Cost effective IHA-230 , KUZGUN-TJ , KEMANKES-1/2 , KARGI , AZAB , SIMSEK , SUPER SIMSEK will be enough to harm AD Systems

for example
Greek Island Skyros hosts 1 Battery PATRIOT AD System with 8 launckers-32 Missiles


10 years ago Turkiye had nothing except 95 American HARM and 50 SLAM-ER Missles

Now Turkiye has numerous Cruise and Ballistic Missiles , long range guided munitions and Kamikaze Drones

only one example
Turkiye produce 485 SOM Cruise Missiles while Greece doesnt have even 485 PATRIOT Missiles... LOL

Greece never can stop thousands of Turkish TRG-300 , J600T , BORA , TAYFUN , SOM , CAKIR , ATMACA , IHA-230 , TOLUN-IIR , KGK-LR , KUZGUN-TJ , KEMANKES-1/2 , KARGI , AZAB , SIMSEK , SUPER SIMSEK

And you still dont understand what about the Turkish Armed Forces which has the 2nd biggest fire power in NATO after USA
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for example
Greek Island Skyros hosts 1 Battery PATRIOT AD System with 8 launckers-32 Missiles
Re mlk,why are you obsessed with Skyros? 2 years now,every time there's a scenario in your mind you always mention Skyros. As if it's the key to the Aegean. There's a lot of other points where Turkey can easily invade or take out AA defences and even closer to the Turkish coastline.

Greeece never can stop thousands of Turkish TRG-300 , J600T , BORA , TAYFUN , SOM , CAKIR , ATMACA , IHA-230 , TOLUN-IIR , KGK-LR , KUZGUN-TJ , KEMANKES-1/2 , KARGI , AZAB , SIMSEK , SUPER SIMSEK

And you still dont understand what about the Turkish Armed Forces which has the 2nd bigger fire power in NATO after USA
@hyperman see? That's what I'm talking about. It's like a 5 year-old behavior. If you can manage to rein that,I'll give you an applause.
Turkiye produce 485 SOM Cruise Missiles while Greece doesnt have even 485 PATRIOT Missiles... LOL
"Turkiye produce 485 SOM Cruise Missiles"

What does that mean? Turkey will produce? Can produce? Has produced? Could potentially produce during a conflict? Will at some point be able to produce?
Cost effective and super quality don't usually go together

Only one example
ATMACA anti-ship Missile which is superior to American HARPOON

USA sell HARPOON Missile for $1,3 million while Turkiye produce superior ATMACA for less than $500.000

ATMACA Cruise Missile has top tech super quality with cheaper price
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