U-214/S-80 vs Hangor

There are so many of these type of threads.

You guys should use a formula I have developed. Simple A + B = C

If it’s A - a Chinese pile of shit
B - operated by a literal pakistani

It’s C - nothing to worry about
I made a simple one too
A: Insecure Indian posting crap on a Pakistani forum

B: probably has a tiny dick

C= likely the son of a brothel worker.
India paid 4.2 Billion USD for 6 Scorpene subs
Pakistan is paying 5.2 Billion USD for 8 Type 39 Yuan class Subs

The Indian numbers are incorrect. The amount was much higher. The whole project was plagued by scandals. In the initial contract the cost of certain steel plates was not included as they were supposed to be procured from the local industry, it was concluded that the local steel plates did not meet the required quality and had to be imported from France thus increasing the project cost significantly. This was not a mistake or an oversight. Just a way to make the project look cheaper.

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