UK right wing protests, riots and all news here please.

UK civil war ‘inevitable’ – Musk​

The South African billionaire has weighed in on the anti-immigration protests across several cities in Britain

First country warns citizens against travelling to UK after week of riots - Mirror Online

Malaysia has become the first country to issue a travel warning to its citizens visiting the UK, following a week of dangerous and violent protests.

The notice was released via Malaysia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which said it is "closely monitoring the series of riots currently taking place in several areas of the United Kingdom, following the stabbing incident in Sourthport on July 29". Maylasians were urged to register their presence with the country's High Commission in London.

The ministry said: "Malaysians residing in or travelling to the United Kingdom are urged to stay away from protest areas, remain vigilant and follow the latest updates and guidance provided by local authorities."
Malaysia is also a Commonwealth nation.

Will Russia and China score a geo-political coup by following suit?
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@Davey Crockett you should understand this is happening in Northern towns in the UK, towns that are far away from the centres it finance and commerce in the south, they have nothing really.

Detached from any possible positive economic benefit from globalism and exposed to only the negative

They are mostly of Irish or Celtic stock, different to the south

Everyone you hear on the news flaming this are upper middle class southerners, they don't care for the northerners, never have done and parasiting from their goblin mutant creations.

These southerners are all invested in globalisation, literally.

There is a class warfare element to this, Northern Muslims as the latest entrant in this social experiment

Muslims of GB should not do anything which would alienate decent parts of british society and chill out unless their lives, properties and dignity as community are in danger..
Those thugs took bite bigger then they are able to chew and let them continue making fools and morons out of themself, one thing what white liberal hates most is properties violations, so let them dig their own hole and exploit as much as could zionist role in their agenda.
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The guy doesn't work. Where is he getting his money from?
He gets a lot of donations from his various websites and media streams

They planned to rock up in our town - so we rolled down in numbers. Nobody showed up, but if they had we were gathered around one of our masjid, in the hundreds, tooled up.
Same here. I'm further south, but we did have an EDL protest almost 10 years ago, which was a bit messy. Lots of Muslims ensured they attended the mosque for daily prayers etc, just in case the rioters did turn up.
Only 5 Protest guys ended up rocking up, and even then they were very disorganised and left soon after. Counter protestors outnumbered them by five times at least.
It was all a big flop in the south.
You gotta give it to the Gangus, they are Gandus but they are pretty sly too.
But then again all Gandus are inherently sly, as the absence of Heart & physical prowess leads them only with a brain & a smooth tongue.

They have not got away scott free. A number of indians have been attacked and beaten up.

They think they are close to a miracle.

Yuck those anti-muslim Iranians.

Basically this rally a hodge podge of everyone who hates muslims.

But tbf i am happy with an enemy who is open out than a rascal wolf in sheep clothing.

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