UK right wing protests, riots and all news here please.

"Blaming the decay and suffering and crime of late capitalism on ethnic minorities is ludicrous, illogical, and thoroughly disgusting."

caught that b4 the delete !

@KingQamaR but it happens in our neck often enough.. Afghans in Pakistan, lungis in India.. and things get rioty when these immigrants are found to have been involved in crime or terrorism and etc

its all very weird, but that's just how the world is rn

147 arrests and more to come, police chief sayspublished at 17:32

Since Saturday night, police have made 147 arrests across the country, and that number is expected to rise, BJ Harrington of the National Police Chiefs’ Council has said in a statement, external.

He blamed disinformation for driving the "appalling violence", adding that "often posts are being shared and amplified by high profile accounts".

He also had a warning for those involved in the unrest:

“Intelligence teams, detectives and neighbourhood officers are working round the clock to identify and apprehend those involved and make no mistake, if you haven’t had a knock on the door yet, your time will come."

  • In Rotherham, hundreds of anti-immigration protesters surrounded the Holiday Inn Express hotel, where some people lit a fire, smashed windows and doors and managed to get inside the building where asylum seekers were staying. Riot police surrounded the hotel and pushed crowds back, but the scene there remains tense
  • Crowds in Middlesbrough set fire to an overturned car and pushed burning wheelie bins at police
  • A protest in Bolton started off peacefully, but then became heated when two groups clashed. One, most with faces covered by face masks or balaclavas - charged towards town hall shouting "Allahu Akbar" - or God is greatest. They clashed with a separate group waving England flags
  • There were heated scenes in Bolton where two groups of protesters clashed
  • There have also been protests in Hull and Weymouth
  • PM Keir Starmer has condemned the "far-right thuggery" and vowed to do "whatever it takes to bring these thugs to justice"
We stood out ground in Bolton today. None of the "Right wing" came near us.
Thing is nothing they do , can shock us ,as we already seen worse in our home countries.
We just need to go back to how we were in the 70s when white racism against us was rampant in England and we used to fight back

This crowd was very large and that is scary indeed. Had the police not arrived dozens of asylum seekers would have been killed.
Then tell me why are muslims attacked ?
They are attacked because the racist bastards leading the retard brigade point to the Muslims shouting “ The Muslims are taking your jobs - immigration bla bla bla - and the brigade, lacking in intellect believe all they hear.
Now stop spreading shit and false news like your previous post or you will be banned

Tommy enjoying himself in the sun in a £400 per night hotel. We all know who is paying his salary, as he's not working himself nor does he own that tanning salon he had.
Idiots rioting in his name.

It’s very typical. Tommy is the actual traitor. He sold his country and his race out to the Jews.

Those Pakis are not traitors. They are foreigners. They are bringing their own people in. They could actually be viewed as very patriotic.

It’s wild that the leaders of the UK, Scotland, and Ireland are all Indian. That seems like a way bigger problem than the “jihad” no one can see.

(Comment by an actual white nationalist back in 2017 defending the two Pakistani businessmen)

Think I presented enough on Tommy Robinson who is very likely a paid shill to promote anti-Islam feelings in England and elsewhere in the pay of Jews.
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Tommy enjoying himself in the sun in a £400 per night hotel. We all know who is paying his salary, as he's not working himself nor does he own that tanning salon he had.
Idiots rioting in his name.

The guy doesn't work. Where is he getting his money from?

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