UK right wing protests, riots and all news here please.

Everyberg Singlestein Timeowitz. This Turkey teeth mofo adds fuel to the fire by the day. Keep the goyim fighting whilst they conquer. Horrible people these lot but they are excellent in planning and execution.

tommy robinson, real name stephen YAXLEY-Lennon. Yaxley sounds jewish. He probably has some sort of Jewish heritage.
I will see if I can dig up some old dirt on Tommy Robinson.

I remember years ago, most of us in the White Nationalist movement were leery of him.

Then, Robinson is groomed and promoted as some kind of leader/spokesman.

Tommy Robinson is suspect.

I think that is odd. They white nationalists are shouting "take England back", whilst carrying Israeli flags
Some people will gladly embrace any flimsy excuse to let their prejudices run riot
I think the stabbings were the straw that broke the camel's back. At this stage it matters little what sparked or whether the perp was xtian, muslim or any other.

Their Islamophobia prolly been building for a while, all that anger just erupting now.. and they going after all immigrants now, nuts.

Stay safe, man, and away from all manner of protests.
I think that is odd. They white nationalists are shouting "take England back", whilst carrying Israeli flags
They are not white nationalists, whoever they are.

Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon (born 27 November 1982), better known as Tommy Robinson, is a British anti-Islam campaigner and activist.

Read section titled English Defense League.
This is (((their))) plan coming to fruition

(((they))) knew exactly what unbridled immigration will lead to, all while they safe squatting on arab land in their ethno state.

@Davey Crockett
Earliest mention of Tommy Robinson I see from white nationalists in the UK is one asking, "Who's the **** is Tommy Robinson?" back in December 2010.

They know this guy changed his name from Lennon.

One jokes Lennon got his new name from.....

Jew, Alan Lake, is the financial backer of "Tommy Robinson".

December 2010

It is the financial backer, Alan Lake, who is the Jew.
Then tell me why are muslims attacked ?

Because they don't really care about what happened.

Initially there was misinformation that his name was Ali. The police later revealed his real name which was Axel.

He was born in the UK. His parents are from Rwanda a 98% Christian country. He himself went to church. I suspect he was mentally unwell.

However there are lots of people who needed any excuse. Other members let's give this Indian a chance and stop calling him a kutta.
British government wanted Tommy Robinson to lead EDL and be their inside-man

The key moral question related to the European Genocide is whether the European peoples have given authentic democratic consent to their own replacement, their minoritisation within their own ancestral homelands. I contend that they haven't. The battery of "hate speech" laws and regulations, systematic disinformation from establishment media, state persecution of dissident political formations and their leaders have made authentic democratic debate and consent impossible. Part of the machinery of state repression has involved the infiltration of dissident parties and groups and their disruption from within.

I've been reading Tommy Robinson's book "Enemy of the State". In it he describes how the government machine mobilised against him and tried to get him to pressure him into becoming a state operative leading an emasculated, controlled opposition movement, the EDL. To his credit, he refused and paid the penalty. But how many other leaders of dissident groups or parties have been faced with similar dilemmas and have made the choice differently?

From the moment we started the English Defence League and began aggravating the authorities, the British state decided that it would do the same back to us. Or specifically to me, as the public face of the EDL. They – the police, Special Branch, MI5 and James Bond too for all I know – descended on me and my family like a ton of bricks. They scrutinised every penny I had ever earned, every bill, invoice and receipt I’d ever issued or collected. They swarmed all over my family. They even got a warrant to go through my mum and dad’s bank account – they did it to anyone I had ever done business with.

And after years of trying, on that at least, they got absolutely nowhere, found nothing wrong. It took them long enough, but they eventually found something they could hang on me, the mortgage case. That’s why I ended up with the time to tell this story. It’s why I’ve spent probably too much time tweeting about the evils and dangers of radical Islam. Even that isn’t without its dangers.

I was convicted of a minor white collar offence, but I was hit with licence conditions that all related to the EDL, for some inexplicable reason. People could tweet death threats to me, say they were going to rape my mum and behead my children, but simply by responding to them my liberty was physically taken from me. I was locked back up. And did the police go after those haters, the people making those vile threats? Don’t be silly. There’s only room for one pantomime villain in this story.

Until July 23rd 2015, I had to keep my nose clean, and if I knew what was best for me, my mouth shut. I had to report regularly to a pain-in-the-arse probation officer in Bedford who saw her main goal in life as turning me into one of her Politically Corrected puppets, and I now have to somehow plan a life beyond the EDL and, most probably, beyond Luton. It isn’t as if I can go down Bury Park – the town’s hotbed of extreme Islam

----- snip -----

read full article at source: http://diversitymachtfrei.blogspot.d...ted-tommy.html

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