UK right wing protests, riots and all news here please.

Whats also interesting is these chavs decided Lucy Letby and Harold Shipman wasn't enough...

But now....enough is enough 🍺 🍻 🍺 🍻

These guys don't care about justice. They are angry at losing their racial power and dominance. That's what these riots are about.
THESE ARE RACE RIOTS...why does the media not call them such?
Yes, these are race riots. Before this forum was experiencing difficulties, I was warning race riots across Europe was becoming a very real possibility.

Now hearing reports in Spain.

And above all - never forget (((who))) has been behind the animosity and misunderstanding between Christians and Muslims.
If someone attacks us or get's physical with us, we WILL defend ourselves, our families, our community and our race. We are not slaves to be beaten and abused. Yes, let's not be hypocrites. The white english/europeans wiped out many indigenous peoples across the globe and conquered their nations. The British empire spanned two-thirds of the globe at their peak. They murdered countless millions of non-whites. Now the descendants of these colonialist conquerors will pay the price. What goes around, COMES around however long it takes.
I cannot disagree with you. And I understand where you are coming from.
Everyberg Singlestein Timeowitz. Thus Turkey teeth mofo adds fuel to the fire by the day. Keep the goyim fighting whilst they conquer. Horrible people these lot but they are excellent in planning and execution.

I will see if I can dig up some old dirt on Tommy Robinson.

I remember years ago, most of us in the White Nationalist movement were leery of him.

Then, Robinson is groomed and promoted as some kind of leader/spokesman.

Tommy Robinson is suspect.
A muslim african immigrant killed 3 little white girls ?

is this what caused it ?

So much for "light of truth". He was not a Muslim you gandu, but I have a feeling you knew that already.
So much for "light of truth". He was not a Muslim you gandu, but I have a feeling you knew that already.
he's not a light hes a DOG. Kutta as we call it...
I will see if I can dig up some old dirt on Tommy Robinson.

I remember years ago, most of us in the White Nationalist movement were leery of him.

Then, Robinson is groomed and promoted as some kind of leader/spokesman.

Tommy Robinson is suspect.

As far as I'm concerned, he is a real threat to national security. But the zionist powers in Parliament are letting him spread his venom. Once the fire is fully burning, they'll send him off on an all expenses paid holiday.
@Waz @Musings

These indian needs a permanent ban. He is spreading lies that causes Muslims in the uk to be physically attacked. This is serious.
Muslims are already targetted , their are riots happening .....

why are you so scared of discussing it ?
Muslims are already targetted , their are riots happening .....

why are you so scared of discussing it ?
discussing what kuttay? you are the one barking out lies. How are Muslims relevant to this incident?

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