UK right wing protests, riots and all news here please.

They have not got away scott free. A number of indians have been attacked and beaten up.

I am not surprised. It always happens.
They go to great lengths to suck up & assimilate and encourage hate towards Muslims in general & Pakistanis especially but then get beaten up in the process. Sometimes from both sides lol.

Dig a hole for somebody else and you’d be the first one to fall in to it.
Yuck those anti-muslim Iranians.

Basically this rally a hodge podge of everyone who hates muslims.

But tbf i am happy with an enemy who is open out than a rascal wolf in sheep clothing.

Diaspora Iranians are literally the most pathetic, whiter than white, KOONIER THAN KOONI, self hating, complexed bunch of Be Gherat, Islamophobes ever.
"Blaming the decay and suffering and crime of late capitalism on ethnic minorities is ludicrous, illogical, and thoroughly disgusting."

caught that b4 the delete !

@KingQamaR but it happens in our neck often enough.. Afghans in Pakistan, lungis in India.. and things get rioty when these immigrants are found to have been involved in crime or terrorism and etc

its all very weird, but that's just how the world is rn

No problem with people being angry but why scapegoat specific groups of people? Why are they not just angry at the fact if what has happened. All resources wasted that would have been better deployed to getting the prosecution through quicker ir supporting the survivors of this awful attack. Took police off the streets were they could potentially stop other crimes, probably had to deploy ambulances and put hospitals on standby for more mass casualties as the result of the riot. They are wasting resources by their riotous behaviour. Two wrongs don't make a right.
Yuck those anti-muslim Iranians.

Basically this rally a hodge podge of everyone who hates muslims.

But tbf i am happy with an enemy who is open out than a rascal wolf in sheep clothing.

They are parasitic, they want others to expend blood and resources on what they cannot

Utterly shameless but they are being given space

the Shah had his views lol

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