UK right wing protests, riots and all news here please.

Absolutely, they are absolutely dickless and confused beyond belief, no faith, no culture, no values, fake blonde hair, white wannabes
Their women **** gorea and kala's

The shah supporters just became retarded and these clowns think they can take on the Islamic Republic and shias

These people are an absolute disgrace and frankly an embarrassment to all Iranian people ( not just iranins of Iran ).

I bet if the Great Cyrus ( who they can’t stop worshiping over ) were alive today, he would have had them buried alive.

UK civil war ‘inevitable’ – Musk​

The South African billionaire has weighed in on the anti-immigration protests across several cities in Britain

This idiot needs to save his own daughter/son first before he comments.
One thing indian hindus have to remember is that they CANNOT physically fight against whites or non-indians in general. Pakistanis can, indian hindus can't. Only a few indian sikhs can. So the indian hindus are potentially sitting ducks against white racists.
Their strategy is more to bend over and seem whiter then white with a kala face, so they will call themselves Bob and Tina etc and try to seem as docile as possible

They are simply defending the Muslim community from violent racists. Nothing else. We HAVE a right to defend ourselves.
Again, I agree the Muslim community has the right to defend themselves.

But this is not the perception many will get.

This is why I cautioned for peace.
These people are an absolute disgrace and frankly an embarrassment to all Iranian people ( not just iranins of Iran ).

I bet if the Great Cyrus ( who they can’t stop worshiping over ) were alive today, he would have had them buried alive.

There is a disgusting mental sickness some Iranians, Afghans and unfortunately some Pakistanis have. They HONESTLY believe that by trying to act like white europeans, copying their culture and worshipping them, you will become super successful, rich and superior. They are also very proud of this. Have NO idea why this is so.
Again, I agree the Muslim community has the right to defend themselves.

But this is not the perception many will get.

This is why I cautioned for peace.

There can be NO PEACE when one side is being ultra racist, dehumanising and attacking you. You have to fight back extremely violently. Perception and humanity no longer matters.
@Davey Crockett you should understand this is happening in Northern towns in the UK, towns that are far away from the centres it finance and commerce in the south, they have nothing really.

Detached from any possible positive economic benefit from globalism and exposed to only the negative

They are mostly of Irish or Celtic stock, different to the south

Everyone you hear on the news flaming this are upper middle class southerners, they don't care for the northerners, never have done and parasiting from their goblin mutant creations.

These southerners are all invested in globalisation, literally.

There is a class warfare element to this, Northern Muslims as the latest entrant in this social experiment

Cowardly filth. Any one of those bricks can easily kill a child and they were throwing them full force though living room windows. Horrid lot.
Yuck those anti-muslim Iranians.

Basically this rally a hodge podge of everyone who hates muslims.

But tbf i am happy with an enemy who is open out than a rascal wolf in sheep clothing.

They're a joke and will get their faces smashed in by the racists. They can kiss their backsides all they want but let them run into one of those 'White road checkpoints' or come across a group of them.
These Iranians are not worthy of the name or even old Persia.
There is a disgusting mental sickness some Iranians, Afghans and unfortunately some Pakistanis have. They HONESTLY believe that by trying to act like white europeans, copying their culture and worshipping them, you will become super successful, rich and superior. They are also very proud of this. Have NO idea why this is so.

Those Afghans & Pakistanis do not come anywhere near those Diaspora Iranians. They are just unique in their Diseased state of mind.
Praying for safety of all my Pakistani bro's and their fams.

Although the timing of these riots are very suspicious to me, some kind of Zionist connection, they prop these right wing elements in Europe.

The Zionists want to distract the people from atrocities and genocide against Palestinians.

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