UK right wing protests, riots and all news here please.

That’s true, Met an old Iranian gentleman a coupe of weeks ago & he was everything that you’d imagine a Persian gentleman to be. Educated, Polite, warm & welcoming. Someone you can have a conversation with. But this Middle aged to younger lot is just disgusting, delusional & down right Nutjobs. Not all of them but most of them.
Some of the best conversations I had when living in Detroit is when an older Iranian invited me into his back office where he told me about the old country.
and just why is this paj33t brother doing pro immigrant propaganda ?

Recent events aside, it appears the natives' frustration in the west with uncontrolled immigration in general been building up for a while, as was clearly demonstrated by Trump's 2016 win on the back of his fiery anti immigration rhetoric. More than once he paraded family members of victims of murders by illegal immigrants, and spoke about cutting down even legal lawful immigration. Then there was that horrific New Zealand mosque killings.

Whole thing been headed in that direction throughout the west. The eruption from the ethno nat/ultra right is a reaction to the left, who aren't entirely free of blame, on account of their obsession with diversity and letting everyone in.

Wars in the middle east didn't help matters, those poor people should have been let in imo, but then you see desperate poor Africans and others who saw a window to piggyback and get in.

Toxic cocktail, this.. jaahil right wingers, jaahil unvetted immigrants, and jaahil bleeding heart left winger, and jaahil right winger elite business interests who want cheap 3rd labour to further enrich themselves, even at the extreme cost of social unrest.

It'll only make it worse for legal, born there and generational immigrant background folk like you desi lot, and people from the Caribbean etc

Probably get worse before it gets better, Trump will very likely use these events at his rallies going forward too.

Proper messed up, innit bruv ? :P
Many of us old-timers in the far right left the movement years ago. By 2012, it became apparent to us the next generation of far right youths were uncontrollable.

Much of it has to do with social media. Unknowns, coming out of nowhere, with snazzy videos, short blurbs, became more appealing. The young were not interested in studying history like we did decades ago before the Internet.

In upstate New York there is a "Muslim compound" (I can look it up sometime) that used to belong to the Klan.

The point I am making is the far right used to see Muslims as natural allies against our common enemy - ZIONISM.


Adolf Hitler was actually favorable towards Islam....

Yet, because of what Hitler called Arabs' “racial inferiority” and inability to handle the harsher climate, “they could not have kept down the more vigorous natives, so that ultimately not Arabs but Islamized Germans could have stood at the head of this Mohammedan Empire.” Hitler concluded, “It's been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?”

Nazi Germany and Islam in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East - Volume 49 Issue 2
Daughter of the Ottoman Sultan. An example of a true European Muslim.
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What an embarrassment Britain has become after Brexit. Illiterate white thugs running around and breaking their own country. Picking fights with individuals and police on streets. Attacking various buildings and setting things on fire. Many Brits have already left their country and chosen a new life in other countries around the world. When you approach them and ask them about the state of their country they don't want to talk about it.

Rehmat's World

"There is no compulsion in religion," – Holy Qur'an​

YES: Islam doesn’t need reformation

I remember Rehmat on white nationalist forums years ago, trying to educate the far right about Islam.

He was often ridiculed and made fun of by hard right anti-Islamic Christians.

What could have been, if the Western world and the Islamic world took the time to understand each other.

I still think it is possible for a "meeting of the minds".

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