US Politics

This is hilarious, Trump laying into Macron and Biden after (impressions)

Looks like they are gonna try to show Haley’s character. Trump’s not playing around this time.

Some right wingers are Also being up Nikki Haley’s Birth name, as of though that disqualifies her somehow. When some republicans were asked if they would vote for Vivek, a couple of months ago, they said they like what he has to say, but he reminds them of 9/11. The birth name thing harkens back to how some republicans got hung up on Obama’s middle name being Hussein. And that Obama/Biden reminded them of OBL.

So this probably indicates that it will take another generation, till the electorate changes enough, for perceptions to have a chance to change.

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Some right wingers are Also being up Nikki Haley’s Birth name, as of though that disqualifies her somehow. When some republicans were asked if they would vote for Vivek, a couple of months ago, they said they like what he has to say, but he reminds them of 9/11. The birth name thing harkens back to how some republicans got hung up on Obama’s middle name being Hussein. And that Obama/Biden reminded them of OBL.

So this probably indicates that it will take another generation, till the electorate changes enough, for perceptions to have a chance to change.

Do you think she would give a damn if someone abused Muslims or Pakistanis?
Do you think she would give a damn if someone abused Muslims or Pakistanis?
She’s a Neocon. She will especially not give a Damn as it proves her loyalty to the system, the way Obama did.
She’s a Neocon. She will especially not give a Damn as it proves her loyalty to the system, the way Obama did.


She would ride racism and Islamophobia to actively hurt US relations with Pakistan and Muslim countries. She is a staunch supporter of the Israeli genocide on Palestinians.

If her campaign is stunted by racism, then that is an ironic twist that I would watch from the sides. No sweat off my back.
Most Honest Americans acknowledge the kind of egregious Racism in America’s past (The Declaration of Independence literally calls the natives “Merciless Indian Savages”) and the long path to move away from it, as well as present struggle to fight our personal biases today (which we all have to fight in ourselves), but it looks like this is the hill Nikki Haley’s campaign might die upon, that being America is striving to be egalitarian and judge people on the content of their character, not the color of their skin.

She even gets called out on MSNBC, so is she was trying to market herself to the donors as a middle of the road, and more electable candidates, she may just have the “POC” (Person of Color) vote.

Ben Franklin, one of America’s founding father had to get over his racism, not just towards Blacks, he was also racist against Germans amongst other Europeans.
“[T]he Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted.”

Herbert Hoover was the first president of German descent to be US President. JFK was the first Irish American president a genration later. Many had hoped a genration after that Mario Cuomo would have become the first Italian-American President.

We might have an Indian American president in a generation but not likely from the right wing. I honestly think we will have a Latino-American before we have an Indian American President.

Btw, Haley allegedly shielded Boeing from safety checks.
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We have spent the last three years working on behalf of the American people. Let's keep it going. Biden


Good news for Biden administration:

The University of Michigan survey of Consumer sentiment gauge posted the largest two-month gain since 1991. Consumer Sentiment is an important indicator of consumer spending and economic activity. It measures how people feel about current and future economic conditions, such as employment, income, inflation, and housing. High level of consumer sentiment suggests that consumers are confident and willing to spend more on goods and services, which can boost economic growth and create more jobs.

According to the Bankrate, wages have been rising faster than inflation since the second quarter of 2023.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500 rallied north of 1% to close at new highs Friday, while the Nasdaq composite touched its highest level in two years. All three major indexes finished a second-straight week of gains as the Nasdaq rallied 2.3%, the S&P 500 climbed 1.2% and the Dow Jones index added 0.7%.
We have spent the last three years working on behalf of the American people. Let's keep it going. Biden

View attachment 12985

Good news for Biden administration:

The University of Michigan survey of Consumer sentiment gauge posted the largest two-month gain since 1991. Consumer Sentiment is an important indicator of consumer spending and economic activity. It measures how people feel about current and future economic conditions, such as employment, income, inflation, and housing. High level of consumer sentiment suggests that consumers are confident and willing to spend more on goods and services, which can boost economic growth and create more jobs.

According to the Bankrate, wages have been rising faster than inflation since the second quarter of 2023.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500 rallied north of 1% to close at new highs Friday, while the Nasdaq composite touched its highest level in two years. All three major indexes finished a second-straight week of gains as the Nasdaq rallied 2.3%, the S&P 500 climbed 1.2% and the Dow Jones index added 0.7%.

LET’S GO BRANDON, with all due respect

P.s. This cartoon is before the Ukraine war, The Gaza war, and the Ouster of the PTI government.
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Trump says he won’t pick Haley as his VP candidate; She’s “Not Presidential Timber”.


I think Trump will pick JD Vance as his VP Pick, who is from southern Ohio of Scots-Irish Descent. Considering Trumps Scottish mom, I think Trump will feel a connection with JD. It may sound like a stretch but Trump is not a normal type of American, He’s a New Yorker, where ancestry still has a lingering effect on self-identity.
If Republicans are to hold onto the working class vote (including amongst minorities) they will need a person that they can relate with. He is a Marine Veteran that served in the Iraq War. In 2017, He moved to San Francisco and worked for Peter Thiel, so that his connection with the “PayPal Mafia” and Silicon Valley.

He’s from where Appalachia meets the Midwest. A lot of the Midwest went for Biden in 2020, so if Trump turns it around economically in the Midwest from 2025-2029, JD will be left with a good head start to hold and keep the Midwest for the Republicans in 2028.


He basically speaks to the Rednecks of America from authenticity.
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Dumb DeSantis gone, great news.

Looking forward to seeing you Auntie Haley get smashed in New Hampshire. :LOL:
Dumb DeSantis gone, great news.

Looking forward to seeing you Auntie Haley get smashed in New Hampshire. :LOL:

Be careful what you wish for. 😁

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