US Politics

From one nightmare into the next? 😳

No was a great deal more quiet. Biden is crazy, just look how much the US is involved with.
No was a great deal more quiet. Biden is crazy, just look how much the US is involved with.

The whole country is going crazy over many things these days and the demagoguery is churning them all up. What a circus!
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While Biden could still win in November he’s gonna need Michigan. Peace in the middle east will be key to a Biden victory.

The following is a simulation of recent polls

It is funny america muslims want to vote for trump or abstain because of gaza but what they don't know is if trump was the president gaza would have been ethnically cleansed by now

Donald Trump projected winner of New Hampshire primary​


BREAKING NEWS: Trump Delivers Victory Address After Winning Republican New Hampshire Primary​

It is funny america muslims want to vote for trump or abstain because of gaza but what they don't know is if trump was the president gaza would have been ethnically cleansed by now

American Muslims don't have any good choices.

Ironically, the most pro-Palestinian candidate would have been Bernie Sanders, a Jewish man.
unless Biden steps aside and the dems find somebody half-decently qualified, man we're in for some crazy times. Biden likely won't be crazy enough to debate Trump or if he did do that will probably collapse on stage.

Modi should just take over the USA
It is funny america muslims want to vote for trump or abstain because of gaza but what they don't know is if trump was the president gaza would have been ethnically cleansed by now
They will abstain instead of voting trump, most republican are pro-Israel, and they know and people that have an issue with middle east would most likely vote for independent or not vote at all.
But it wasn't a runaway victory
So Nikki is is gonna stay in till Super Tuesday or the convention? spending more of the Koch brother’s (now that there is one brother left) money and hoping Trump passes away from natural causes, leaving her the last person standing?

She seems to be employing the Kamala Harris strategy, waiting for a funeral pyre.

So Nikki is is gonna stay in till Super Tuesday or the convention? spending more of the Koch brother’s (now that there is one brother left) money and hoping Trump passes away from natural causes, leaving her the last person standing?

She seems to be employing the Kamala Harris strategy, waiting for a funeral pyre.

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😆 🤣

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