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US Politics


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Dec 15, 2023
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The Republicans will want to bring over a demographic they think can serve their interests without asking much in return. Upwardly mobile Indian-Americans could be swayed over from democrats much the same way Cubans in Miami, reminded of how the leftists still control and rule Cuba, are a considerable vote bank for the Republicans in Florida.

It all comes down to how valuable the demographic is to republicans and how much they donate?
Here is what pollsters are saying about support for Trump vs Biden :

If that match happen, Biden has very less chance of winning. With each passing day, his base is getting suppressed over his support for Israel. You can not support a war with dead kids and look nice in big tent caucus that is Democrats. Biden is much less likely to win due to suppressed voting.


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Dec 15, 2023
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His model was to use shell companies to promote his failed drugs. Everything was within the letter of the law, I am not denying that, but lots of things are technically legal but ethically wrong.
Subsidiary companies are not really shell companies. Shell companies are companies that are used to hide the true ownership of a company or asset or money. In his case, his ownership of Roivant was very well known. Axovant had Roivant as its single largest shareholder. This is essentially subsidiary structure.

The only shady thing he did was to market the chances of success way more than those are possible. But anyone who invests in such companies know the odd of success of a clinical trial in hard to treat diseases like Alzhimer.

I mean Wall St routinely does some way worse things like hiding risk in housing market by colluding with rating agencies for MBS securities. Compared to that this is nothing. Like zero. Ziltch.

All founders and startups kind of over sell their company's potential to prospective share holders during IPO. Exchanges and regulators ensure that mom and pop investors do get into such things. A fund of any kind is supposed to have MBAs and experts to evaluate value and risk of their investments.

I am not saying he is a saint. Anyone who makes money on wall st is never a saint. However he is not a thief as people are saying he is. He is basically a shrewd businessman and a very capable salesman.

Will I vote for him? I cann't and if I were able to, I will not. Because he is surely going to make life of browns in America harder the way he is channeling white frustration. I will never like to live in a white country where he is at helm.

That being said, he is breaking new frontiers for browns and for first generation immigrants of my generation. So, certainly, he is VERY interesting to watch.... From a distance.
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Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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Here is what pollsters are saying about support for Trump vs Biden :

If that match happen, Biden has very less chance of winning. With each passing day, his base is getting suppressed over his support for Israel. You can not support a war with dead kids and look nice in big tent caucus that is Democrats. Biden is much less likely to win due to suppressed voting.
Wall Street via a JP Morgan strategist indirectly told Biden to drop out. It’s not “suppression” but a turned off base; not energized/not motivated to vote for him. Suppression would be if we were stopped from voting for him and we wanted to, while what is happening now is we are perfectly capable of voting for him but don’t want to. Two totally different things.



Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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Subsidiary companies are not really shell companies. Shell companies are companies that are used to hide the true ownership of a company or asset or money. In his case, his ownership of Roivant was very well known. Axovant had Roivant as its single largest shareholder. This is essentially subsidiary structure.

The only shady thing he did was to market the chances of success way more than those are possible. But anyone who invests in such companies know the odd of success of a clinical trial in hard to treat diseases like Alzhimer.

I mean Wall St routinely does some way worse things like hiding risk in housing market by colluding with rating agencies for MBS securities. Compared to that this is nothing. Like zero. Ziltch.

All founders and startups kind of over sell their company's potential to prospective share holders during IPO. Exchanges and regulators ensure that mom and pop investors do get into such things. A fund of any kind is supposed to have MBAs and experts to evaluate value and risk of their investments.

I am not saying he is a saint. Anyone who makes money on wall st is never a saint. However he is not a thief as people are saying he is. He is basically a shrewd businessman and a very capable salesman.

Will I vote for him? I cann't and if I were able to, I will not. Because he is surely going to make life of browns in America harder the way he is channeling white frustration. I will never like to live in a white country where he is at helm.

That being said, he is breaking new frontiers for browns and for first generation immigrants of my generation. So, certainly, he is VERY interesting to watch.... From a distance.

This NYT article gives the details of his sordid past.

I wrote that he stayed within the letter of the law but that he knowingly deceived investors. He knew inteperdine was junk. Big pharma are not in the habit of selling successful drugs for pennies on the dollar.

Also, Axovant was hyped up to $3 billion valuation with only 8 employees, including his brother and mother.

The fact that you are making excuses for him confirms that you are playing identity politics. I will repeat once again that if a white person had duped millions of middle class Indians of their life savings, you would not be calling him a hero.

And spare me the nonsense about 'breaking new grounds for brown people'. You are lauding him only because he is Indian-origin, no other reason. There are plenty of Indian, Pakistan, Bangladeshi, Iranian and other entrepreneurs in the West who have made millions or billions through ethical means. This snake oil salesman is not one of them.

P.S. Nikki Haley and Tulsi Gabbard already broke that barrier when they ran for POTUS in earlier elections. Kamala Harris is half brown and she is VP. American voters only care about their pocketbook; they don't care about anyone's ethnicity as long as it helps their bank balance.
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Full Member
Dec 15, 2023
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Wall Street via a JP Morgan strategist indirectly told Biden to drop out. It’s not “suppression” but a turned off base; not energized/not motivated to vote for him. Suppression would be if we were stopped from voting for him and we wanted to, while what is happening now is we are perfectly capable of voting for him but don’t want to. Two totally different things.
Fair enough. The terminology should be more accurate, it is a unmotivated base.


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Dec 15, 2023
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This NYT article gives the details of his sordid past.

I wrote that he stayed within the letter of the law but that he knowingly deceived investors. He knew inteperdine was junk. Big pharma are not in the habit of selling successful drugs for pennies on the dollar.

Also, Axovant was hyped up to $3 billion valuation with only 8 employees, including his brother and mother.

The fact that you are making excuses for him confirms that you are playing identity politics. I will repeat once again that if a white person had duped millions of middle class Indians of their life savings, you would not be calling him a hero.

And spare me the nonsense about 'breaking new grounds for brown people'. You are lauding him only because he is Indian-origin, no other reason. There are plenty of Indian, Pakistan, Bangladeshi, Iranian and other entrepreneurs in the West who have made millions or billions through ethical means. This snake oil salesman is not one of them.

P.S. Nikki Haley and Tulsi Gabbard already broke that barrier when they ran for POTUS in earlier elections. Kamala Harris is half brown and she is VP. American voters only care about their pocketbook; they don't care about anyone's ethnicity as long as it helps their bank balance.
I don't think you read the actual piece.

In August 2017, SoftBank led an investment of $1.1 billion in Roivant. The investment wasn’t about getting in on Axovant; SoftBank thought intepirdine was unlikely to succeed, the person said. But SoftBank was seeking to invest in Mr. Ramaswamy’s wider drug portfolio, according to two people with knowledge of the matter.

But for many Axovant shareholders who lost money, many of whom were sophisticated institutional investors, the loss was one missed gamble on a high-risk, high-reward stock within a large portfolio of safer bets.

So yeah, its not that he was selling his stocks like Wolf of Wall St manner to individuals. All of the buyers in the article are corporations including the pension fund. They ARE supposed to know how to invest. If he had been actually defrauding them, he would have been sued to death now.

Also, you are WRONG! Very VERY dead wrong when you say this

"Big pharma are not in the habit of selling successful drugs for pennies on the dollar."

Big pharma are not in the habbit of brining drugs to the market that are not profitable enough. Sometimes for rare diseases, they research the drug and abandon them because the money is not good enough to go through entire regulation process. He is not wrong but he surely did overhype things. Business is more complex than you think.

Also, Axovant was hyped up to $3 billion valuation with only 8 employees, including his brother and mother.
You are acting as if the investors did not know this. LOL! These are not simpleton once again! And they DO sue if they find any chance.

if a white person had duped millions of middle class Indians of their life savings, you would not be calling him a hero.
How is this relevant? Did he dupe millions of middle class people of their life savings? Nope! Unlike middle class people, pension funds know how to invest and how to manage risk. I do not see what is the ethical issue you are seeing here?

And finally...
And spare me the nonsense about 'breaking new grounds for brown people'. You are lauding him only because he is Indian-origin, no other reason. There are plenty of Indian, Pakistan, Bangladeshi, Iranian and other entrepreneurs in the West who have made millions or billions through ethical means.
I am lauding him because he is a true upstart who became a MASSIVE success at an age where most people are not even sure what they will do in their life, he was a first generation immigrant and a brown guy who did not follow the usual path of playing with the white machinery of republican party and gate crashed into their highest race possible. Name ONE single brown guy who did this and at this age.

Plus he is swinging as a political candidate as well. His speeches are really fun to watch and whats more, he has a very real shot to power. It is interesting and entertaining beyond anything!

I do not know why are you so off'ed by him! Is it because he is an ethnic Indian and you identify yourself with Pakistan?


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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I don't think you read the actual piece.

I did read the article.

So yeah, its not that he was selling his stocks like Wolf of Wall St manner to individuals. All of the buyers in the article are corporations including the pension fund. They ARE supposed to know how to invest. If he had been actually defrauding them, he would have been sued to death now.

You keep repeating yourself to excuse this guy. He hyped up a failed drug. Yes, the buyers are supposed to do due diligence but the seller is also expected to be honest.

Also, you are WRONG! Very VERY dead wrong when you say this
Big pharma are not in the habbit of brining drugs to the market that are not profitable enough. Sometimes for rare diseases, they research the drug and abandon them because the money is not good enough to go through entire regulation process. He is not wrong but he surely did overhype things. Business is more complex than you think.

On the contrary, I know more about the drug development process that you think. I have made decent money investing in Australian and American biotech companies. The road through FDA approval is long, there are tricks of the trade and there are unavoidable delays. Big pharma knows how to play the game far better than some startup by a guy with no background in medical science. When big pharma sells off a treatment, it's because they know it's a dead duck.

How is this relevant? Did he dupe millions of middle class people of their life savings? Nope! Unlike middle class people, pension funds know how to invest and how to manage risk. I do not see what is the ethical issue you are seeing here?

It is relevant because you admit that your respect for him is based purely on his Indian origin. It is an absolute certainty that if a white person had done this to millions of middle class Indians, you would not be calling him a hero.

I am lauding him because he is a true upstart who became a MASSIVE success at an age where most people are not even sure what they will do in their life, he was a first generation immigrant and a brown guy who did not follow the usual path of playing with the white machinery of republican party and gate crashed into their highest race possible. Name ONE single brown guy who did this and at this age.

Once again, you confirm that your admiration for him is based purely on identity politics because of the color of his skin and because of his Indian-origin. If you want examples for young kids of immigrants who made their billions ethically, take a look at this guy

I do not know why are you so off'ed by him! Is it because he is an ethnic Indian and you identify yourself with Pakistan?

I don't like or dislike people because of their Indian background. As I wrote above, there are many Indian-origin rich people who earned their money ethically. This guy didn't.

P.S. This discussion isn't going anywhere so I will end my side here. You like him, fine. You can have the last word.
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Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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Chris Christie just dropped out. But in a hot mic situation, he says Nikki Haley gave land to China and will get smoked; 20 points behind Trump in New Hampshire. He basically is calling Haley UnAmerican in a way that could stir the base in a way she might not be able to surmount.
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Full Member
Dec 15, 2023
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On the contrary, I know more about the drug development process that you think. I have made decent money investing in Australian and American biotech companies. The road through FDA approval is long, there are tricks of the trade and there are unavoidable delays. Big pharma knows how to play the game far better than some startup by a guy with no background in medical science. When big pharma sells off a treatment, it's because they know it's a dead duck.
Here is the basic fact. If a drug can only bring in say 10-15 million dollars, will they spend their time and effort in bringing it to the market? Of if they have a more efficacious drug which they can sell for a higher price, will they bring a less efficacious drug in the market for cheap?


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Dec 15, 2023
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It is relevant because you admit that your respect for him is based purely on his Indian origin. It is an absolute certainty that if a white person had done this to millions of middle class Indians, you would not be calling him a hero.
The bigger question is: Did he actually dupe million of middle class people out of their life saving?
This is purely a straw man thing. If X would have done Y, you would hate him, even if Y is simply not in the picture!

And lets take right back at you, why are you so much put off by that person. Is it because you are an ethnic Pakistan and he is an ethnic Indian?


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Dec 15, 2023
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I don't like or dislike people because of their Indian background. As I wrote above, there are many Indian-origin rich people who earned their money ethically. This guy didn't.
Well then, you should find all of the current crop of politicians unethical and sell out because they take money from donors and run for their interest. If your definition of ethics are so out there, you can never even appreciate any kind of politics, especially in USA.

Cann't wear a white shirt and step in a coal mine.

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