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US Politics


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Jan 28, 2016
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Sunak wasn't elected. He lost everything he campaigned in. That being said he's a great deal better than this Vivek character.
Nobody is directly elected to highest office in parliamentary democracy, neither Boris, nor anyone before him.


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Oct 2, 2013
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Biden trails Trump by 8 points in Michigan: Poll​

BY LAUREN SFORZA - 01/09/24 6:38 PM ET

Former President Donald Trump and President Biden
Greg Nash
Former President Donald Trump and President Biden
President Biden is trailing former President Trump by 8 percentage points in the battleground state of Michigan, according to a new poll.
The latest Michigan poll found that while neither of the front-runner candidates secured a majority support, voters were more likely to support Trump than Biden, The Detroit News reported. The poll, which was commissioned by The Detroit News and WDIV-TV, found that 47 percent of likely Michigan voters would back Trump and 39 percent would support Biden.

The newspaper noted that 3 percent of Michigan voters polled said they would back another candidate and 11 percent were undecided.
The poll also asked voters whether Biden and Trump did well enough while serving in the Oval Office to deserve a second term, The Detroit News reported. Just 17 percent said Biden did well enough to get another term in office and 77 percent said they would want to see someone else in the White House. On the other hand, 33 percent said Trump should get another term while 62 percent said someone else should be elected.
Michigan is a key swing state in this year’s election. Biden won the state in 2020 by 3 percentage points, taking back a state Trump narrowly won in 2016. According to The Hill/Decision Desk HQ polling average of Michigan polls, Trump has a 6-point lead over Biden in the state.

The Detroit News noted that Trump fared better against Biden in the state when voters were asked to choose between the two front-runners and a third-party candidate. When the poll included potential third-party candidates, including former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) who has not announced plans to run for the White House, Trump extended his lead over Biden to 11 percentage points.
The poll was conducted by the Glengarrif Group among 600 likely Michigan voters and has a margin of error of 4 percentage points, according to the newspaper.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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He duped corporations mainly. And US law identifies corporations as persons. So.... I am not sure why are you so jealous.

Sure as hell you would have done the same.

He duped pension funds.

If a white person had stolen the life savings of millions of middle class Indian teachers, I am sure you would have a different view.

This is not about jealousy; it is about pointing what an unscrupulous thief he is.

And, no, I would never knowingly lie about a failed medicine to steal the life savings of millions of middle class people.


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Dec 15, 2023
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He duped pension funds.

If a white person had stolen the life savings of millions of middle class Indian teachers, I am sure you would have a different view.

This is not about jealousy; it is about pointing what an unscrupulous thief he is.

And, no, I would never knowingly lie about a failed medicine to steal the life savings of millions of middle class people.
Pension funds are no mom and pop shops. They are institutional investors and major funds that invest money all over the world including in some really messed up places. Actually they invest in most of the asset classes.

Lastly, its not that a person will go and sell stocks to pension funds. They buy stocks like any other funds: according to their risk apetite.

And no, he is no thief. At worst he could be blamed for Pump and Dump which is also unlikely because otherwise he would have been investigated by SEC.

Lastly, if you are a sophisticated investor like funds (PE or HF or IE), you are supposed to know the business model of the company you are putting your money in. You are also supposed to hedge the bets (sure as hell they would have done all that). His model was to buy drug patents which had failed once for cheap and try and see if they could be brought to the market. If it was unworkable fundamentally, Ivestors would have avoided him like plague.


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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His model was to buy drug patents which had failed once for cheap and try and see if they could be brought to the market. If it was unworkable fundamentally, Ivestors would have avoided him like plague.

His model was to use shell companies to promote his failed drugs. Everything was within the letter of the law, I am not denying that, but lots of things are technically legal but ethically wrong.

You are hostage to identity politics. Just because he is an Indian-origin Hindu and he stole from mostly non-Indian Americans, he is a hero to you.

As I wrote above, if the roles were reversed and a white person duped millions of middle class Indians of their life savings, you would not see that person as a hero.

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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His model was to use shell companies to promote his failed drugs. Everything was within the letter of the law, I am not denying that, but lots of things are technically legal but ethically wrong.

You are hostage to identity politics. Just because he is an Indian-origin Hindu and he stole from mostly non-Indian Americans, he is a hero to you.

As I wrote above, if the roles were reversed and a white person duped millions of middle class Indians of their life savings, you would not see that person as a hero.
and ou sir think US media and so called domocratic lobby he is contantlly expossing on there own shows dose not know about his buissness and how he made his millions and ... kindly why are they so naive that you can judge that he did a fraud but they can;t ...??????

siji this is big buissness and thats how it works in US of A ... nakkal ke liye bhee akkal ki zaroorat hotee hai ;) :p


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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and ou sir think US media and so called domocratic lobby he is contantlly expossing on there own shows dose not know about his buissness and how he made his millions and ... kindly why are they so naive that you can judge that he did a fraud but they can;t ...??????

siji this is big buissness and thats how it works in US of A ... nakkal ke liye bhee akkal ki zaroorat hotee hai ;) :p

Like I wrote above, he did not break the letter of the law. The reason Democratic Party is not pointing this out is probably because he has zero chance of being relevant in this election.

At this point, this election is a cakewalk for Trump.
Dec 27, 2023
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Positioning himself for the long game, Trump may pick him as VP OR in 8 years from now he will be billed as the rising star of Republicans and will bank on his ethnic background.

If all else fails, he will be on the speaking circuit and will make a lot of money.


Senior Member
Apr 1, 2022
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Funny guy and hilarious addition to the usa political circus.
Valuable clown for media shows.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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He is a good talker, smart and off the cuff, he genuinely seems to have a bit of fizz about him, the Nikki Haley put down lol

I think he has a future tbh

There are many aspects of him the republicans will have to test out, to see if he has a future with them. Donors want a sure thing. They don’t want that fizz to fizzle out come election time.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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Thing is, all of this is a side game so long trump is not disqualified. And IF trump is disqualified, the game will change so drastically that all of the current alignments will become meaningless..

People are not voting on party lines really. And republican party surely does not know what to do of Trump. He never turns up in any debate and yet he is the top pick. Where he is being banned in primary, there is talk of converting the primary into a caucus. So... yeah... lets see how does it roll.
Doubt the base will let Trump get banned. The Supreme Court will back up Trump as he was convicted for Sedition, if I recall correctly.


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Dec 15, 2023
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Doubt the base will let Trump get banned. The Supreme Court will back up Trump as he was convicted for Sedition, if I recall correctly.
I am also sure that short of dying, nothing can prevent Trump from running in the election. And if trump runs and wins, Vivek has a decent chance of being VP or someone big in the trump's staff.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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I am also sure that short of dying, nothing can prevent Trump from running in the election. And if trump runs and wins, Vivek has a decent chance of being VP or someone big in the trump's staff.
The Republicans will want to bring over a demographic they think can serve their interests without asking much in return. Upwardly mobile Indian-Americans could be swayed over from democrats much the same way Cubans in Miami, reminded of how the leftists still control and rule Cuba, are a considerable vote bank for the Republicans in Florida.

It all comes down to how valuable the demographic is to republicans and how much they donate?

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