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US Politics


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Dec 15, 2023
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For those who are really wondering what Vivek is doing in this mess ....

1. Trump's disqualification is almost impossible. The strange nature of American law is that a person who is not fit to hold the office because of rebelling against constitution can still run for the office and if elected can ask their Congress to remove his disqualification...

2. If Congress removes the disqualification, Trump becomes president (given he wins). If not, it is a political nightmare for democrats for opposing the public mandate.

3. Moreover, if trump is disqualified AFTER winning the election vice president takes office. Among all of the candidates OLNY Vivek has said openly that he will grant pardon to Trump in that case. So... that kind of settles it down. It can further open a path for Trump's presidency with a little bit more of political and legal maneuvering.

Vivek is a shrewd lawyer and his plans are interesting.


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Dec 15, 2023
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Nah he is fked. He is polling so bad, even Chris Cristie qualified for the New Hampshire debate.

This guy is dead in the water. His money is running out too.

The side show is coming to a close.

As much as I enjoyed him fighting with Nikkey Haley lol, we won't hear from him just like we don't hear from Andrew Yang.
Does it all matter? Trump is almost impossible from being removed from running in the election. If Trump runs, he decides his running mate. Rest I have posted above.


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Dec 15, 2023
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He is a grifter, you seem to be falling in love with the guy. lol
I do not quite like "party (wo)men". And honestly, if a grifter can make 1 billion on wall st, I say rest of the established folks working for likes of Goldman Sachs are idiots.


Jan 6, 2020
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he decides his running mate.

And you think he is gonna pick SlammaJammy? lol bruh, the guy is dead weight, and completely useless to Trump. Trump probably either picking Kristi Noem(Gov of South Dakota) or his own family or some shit, b/c he doesn't trust anyone.



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Dec 15, 2023
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And you think he is gonna pick SlammaJammy? lol bruh, the guy is dead weight, and completely useless to Trump. Trump probably either picking Kristi Noem(Gov of South Dakota) or his own family or some shit, b/c he doesn't trust anyone.
Err... You have not paid any attention. Trump does not need any support. He is going to win on his own and given how egotistical he is, he does not care. Have you seen him taking part in the entire song and dance of Primaries? And yet no one is even near him. What he wants is someone to carry his balls. And thats what Vivek is doing practically in all of the debates and what not. To top it all Vivek has been fairly anti Republican in his speeches.

Democrats voters are suppressed this time around for more than one reason, the latest is their unwavering support to Israel. The woke crowd is confused now. And when Americans become confused, they do not vote.

So, yeah, come the game day, Trump will be enough to win the election and Republican minus Trump is dead in water in the first place. Republican bosses do not have any real leverage and Trump knows it well.

It is strange none of the party line toers have realised this.


Jan 6, 2020
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I do not quite like "party (wo)men". And honestly, if a grifter can make 1 billion on wall st, I say rest of the established folks working for likes of Goldman Sachs are idiots.

We don't actually know how much money he has, considering he hasn't release tax returns(and he won't release them either way). The grifters all tell speak the mantra of the successful business man out here that will fix all of society's problems, and add in honey BS. it only fools morons, and people who see their ascendency as benefit for their own personal interests.


Jan 6, 2020
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Err... You have not paid any attention. Trump does not need any support. He is going to win on his own and given how egotistical he is, he does not care. Have you seen him taking part in the entire song and dance of Primaries? And yet no one is even near him. What he wants is someone to carry his balls. And thats what Vivek is doing practically in all of the debates and what not. To top it all Vivek has been fairly anti Republican in his speeches.

Democrats voters are suppressed this time around for more than one reason, the latest is their unwavering support to Israel. The woke crowd is confused now. And when Americans become confused, they do not vote.

So, yeah, come the game day, Trump will be enough to win the election and Republican minus Trump is dead in water in the first place. Republican bosses do not have any real leverage and Trump knows it well.

It is strange none of the party line toers have realised this.

Aiit, you don't seem to know anything about American politics, this guy is not going to be vice president. His grifts ends once the primaries kick off in Iowa. Arguably his campaign ended in December with the last debate, now there is no screen time. Every election cycle there are grifters that try to run for president, and then use the attention to launch their grift in other areas, from the attention. Idk why you are so attached to him, maybe b/c he is Hindu or something(reminds me of the chinese people 4 years ago stanning Andrew Yang). If you are going to stan someone based solely on that, then there are far better Indian/Hindu politicians in the US with respectable careers, like Rohit "Roy" Khanna and others. This guy is just a straight up grifter. lol


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Dec 15, 2023
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We don't actually know how much money he has, considering he hasn't release tax returns(and he won't release them either way). The grifters all tell speak the mantra of the successful business man out here that will fix all of society's problems, and add in honey BS. it only fools morons, and people who see their ascendency as benefit for their own personal interests.
Are you talking about Vivek? He has released 20 years of tax returns. I have seen it too. He is not lying about his income and if the income adds up he is 950 million + a bit more.

And come on! Why do you believe any politician will fix everything? Has any one of them ever did? He is certainly not going to fix much, if at all.


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Dec 15, 2023
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Aiit, you don't seem to know anything about American politics, this guy is not going to be vice president. His grifts ends once the primaries kick off in Iowa. Arguably his campaign ended in December with the last debate, now there is no screen time. Every election cycle there are grifters that try to run for president, and then use the attention to launch their grift in other areas, from the attention. Idk why you are so attached to him, maybe b/c he is Hindu or something(reminds me of the chinese people 4 years ago stanning Andrew Yang). If you are going to stan someone based solely on that, then there are far better Indian/Hindu politicians in the US with respectable careers, like Rohit "Roy" Khanna and others. This guy is just a straight up grifter. lol
Well I like capabilities. And this "grifter" has legally made more than practically all of us will ever do. He did it from a typical middle class background. And now he is taking a shot at the highest place in power. Thats no longer grifting, thats an artwork.


Jan 6, 2020
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Are you talking about Vivek? He has released 20 years of tax returns. I have seen it too. He is not lying about his income and if the income adds up he is 950 million + a bit more.

And come on! Why do you believe any politician will fix everything? Has any one of them ever did? He is certainly not going to fix much, if at all.

I see this man talk, and I can see 10 min in, that he is a moron. With the dumb shit he says, the only thing I found entertaining listening to the debates(they were boring and inconsequential without trump anyways) was with him and Nimarata fighting. lol


Jan 6, 2020
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Well I like capabilities. And this "grifter" has legally made more than practically all of us will ever do. Thats no longer grifting, thats an artwork.

You a fan of the My pillow Guy(Mike Lindell, google him) too? he is a billionaire. and complete retard. I don't respect people just b/c they have money, only slaves to money do dumb shit like that.


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Dec 15, 2023
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I see this man talk, and I can see 10 min in, that he is a moron. With the dumb shit he says, the only thing I found entertaining listening to the debates(they were boring and inconsequential without trump anyways) was with him and Nimarata fighting. lol
If he is a moron, he would not have remained rich or become rich in the first place. If that is being dumb, I dunno, what everyone else is then.


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Aug 17, 2019
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A good salesman, plenty of them around. He's nothing unique. Anyway US politics is just so odd.
How many of them made 1 billion before the age of 35 or so and that too without any major familial connections or wealth? He is essentially to salesmen what Michel Phelp is to swimmers. A lot of people are swimmers due to their summer training camp, but it is an altogether a different ball game to win a single medal in olympic.

Lol, why do you put so much emphasis on the money.

He might have people opening doors or doing favours for him, people who get to make billions invariably do, it's not necessarily innate genius and I like him so far, but you don't always have to go over the up top, it's probable he was liked by important people in the us.

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