USA: The Decaying Empire

America Is Forcing Out Its Middle Class… Forever​

American members are laughing at China's fast dropping housing and rent price. It's true that China's housing and rent price dropped significantly and real estate sector is experiencing restructuring. it's for a better, healthier economy in the future, US just keeps building up its own real estate bubble.
American members are laughing at China's fast dropping housing and rent price. It's true that China's housing and rent price dropped significantly and real estate sector is experiencing restructuring. it's for a better, healthier economy in the future, US just keeps building up its own real estate bubble.

Same thing is happening in Australia.

House prices and rental rates are climbing sky high and public infrastructure is already stressed, but the government keeps making things worse by high immigration.

That's because the business lobby wants more consumers and business bribes the politicians. Young people and poor people, two groups who are most directly affected by high immigration, don't have the money to bribe politicians.

Video: 65-Year-Old Grocery Store Clerk Demolished by Green-Haired ‘They/Them’ Person – Watch the Bystanders’ Apathetic Reactions​

June 20, 2024Alex Hall

A 65-year-old deli worker is in critical condition after being BRUTALLY attacked, knocked unconscious, and repeatedly kicked in the head by a man with green hair!

The video shows a man with green hair bumping into a deli worker in Woodside, Queens!

After throwing the victim around, the suspect kicks him in the face, knocking him unconscious.

The man proceeds to kick the unconscious man in the face seven more times.

The suspect then returns and kicks him three more times in the head before leaving.

I'm sure Texas Governor Greg Abbott is laughing hard

Migrant moped gangs are terrorizing the Big Apple with an unprecedented rash of two-wheeled heists.

The NYPD is now revved up and fighting back.

The department fired the latest salvo in its war against reckless vehicles in Manhattan, including seizing 39 mopeds and motorcycles last week – issuing dozens of summonses and arresting one individual.
The seizures on Thursday evening come amid a frightening spike in mopeds and scooters being used for snatch-and-run crimes.

“Mopeds as a means of flight from the seven major [crimes] is up over 400% since 2022,” one law enforcement source told The Post. “And that’s when we believe we first started seeing the beginning of the wave of new arrivals. That’s telling.

The NYPD is honing in on migrant pickpocketing crews that are now working the Big Apple — with nearly 100 asylum seekers already popping up on the NYPD radar, law enforcement sources tell The Post.

One particularly sticky-fingered trio was nabbed over the weekend after allegedly picking pockets at three separate Greenwich Village watering holes in under 30 minutes, according to the sources.
“It’s been happening all the time here,” one staffer at the Red Lion on Bleeker Street told The Post. “The last few months it’s been intense. Maybe they spread the word, I don’t know. It’s on Friday and Saturday when it’s busy.
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US Marshals shoot would-be carjacker near Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor's DC home​

WASHINGTON (7News) — Two U.S. Marshals who were involved in the shooting of a would-be carjacker in Northwest D.C. were protecting property owned by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, according to law enforcement officials.

The shooting occurred on Friday, July 5 when Deputy U.S. Marshals were parked in front of a building near the U Street corridor in two separate vehicles.

As they were parked, a man later identified as Kentrell Flowers, 18, got out of a car and pointed a handgun at one of the Marshals in an attempt to carjack him, according to officials.

The Marshal fired his service weapon several times at Flowers. A second Marshal also responded and fired his service weapon, officials said.

Flowers was taken to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries and was later arrested and charged with armed carjacking, carrying a pistol and possession of a large-capacity ammunition feeding device, according to a police report.
American members are laughing at China's fast dropping housing and rent price. It's true that China's housing and rent price dropped significantly and real estate sector is experiencing restructuring. it's for a better, healthier economy in the future, US just keeps building up its own real estate bubble.

Chinese officials saw a sign of bubble in housing market.

That's why they stop it before it was too late.

Yes, there's always certain effect.

But thanks goodness that Chinese officials popped the bubble much earlier.

What I fear is the USA real estate market bubble right now.

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