Vietnam seeking to learn from China with high-speed rail plan

I just hope the US can make Vietnam a rich developed country soon, good luck to them. But, without Chinese suppliers and investments too, all these are not easy. Most foreign investments in China over the decades are not from US and the West, but greater Chinese sphere like HK, Singapore and Taiwan. China just has access to Western markets, but the Western consumers benefited a lot too.


That is 100% true.

USA says, China should say thank you to USA for helping China economy prosper...

If that so, why are there so many anti-China news in the Western media?

When China was poor and can only made cheap products, Western media was accusing over low quality and the danger of importing Made in China products.

When China invested in mining in other countries, the West was mobilizing local NGOs and media in purpose to kick China out, rising issues like environment, imperialism, etc.

When China finally had money and gave credit to other countries, it was called China's debt trap.

Now, when China finally able to make high-tech products, the West is accusing it as security threats.

So, in the cases above, which positive part of the West that helps China?

The anti-China campaign by the West is not small or insignificant, it's HUGE!!!

That is 100% true.

USA says, China should say thank you to USA for helping China economy prosper...

If that so, why are there so many anti-China news in the Western media?

When China was poor and can only made cheap products, Western media was accusing over low quality and the danger of importing Made in China products.

When China invested in mining in other countries, the West was mobilizing local NGOs and media in purpose to kick China out, rising issues like environment, imperialism, etc.

When China finally had money and gave credit to other countries, it was called China's debt trap.

Now, when China finally able to make high-tech products, the West is accusing it as security threats.

So, in the cases above, which positive part of the West that helps China?

The anti-China campaign by the West is not small or insignificant, it's HUGE!!!
Exactly, the West just wants to take all the credits of Chinese developments and progress, but at the same time blames all the problems and evils in the world on China, what are hypocrites.

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