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Violent clashes between Turkey-backed militants in Syria and Turkish forces in Syria

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Full Member
Dec 29, 2023
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hmm thats interesting, could i get more info on this, I was under the impression that they were on the same side.

I don't see the Iranians leaving though. They invested too much into Syria to lose it now, they sacrificed a lot of human capital to prop up the regime during the years when the regime looked like it was collapsing, to lose that would be a big loss for them, not to mention Russia is extremely pressed in other theaters right now..
For long-term national survival. They are competing from day one in Syria.


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Oct 21, 2006
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Anybody supporting these types of terrorist jihadist criminals should immediately be prosecuted without even a second thought:



Elite Member
Oct 2, 2015
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These protests might be regime instigated, anyone with any sense in Northern Syria understands that Turkey is the only reason that Assad hasn't come and done what he did in Homs or Damascus.
What a joke. Turkey is an other Israel in the north of Syria.

Turkey has been supporting terrorist elements from the day first till now that it sees cooperation with Syrian central government the only solution to it's own problems including refugee problem.


Elite Member
Oct 2, 2015
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Turkey will never make peace with criminal genocide perpetrator Assad, at least not with AKP in power. Turkiye are not fools, they know the moment they withdraw from Northern Syria millions of syrians in idlib will move to Turkiye.
Oh, they were indeed fools to dream of reviving Ottoman empire with western support.

Turkey has occupied parts of Syrian lands in coordination with Zionists. The first condition for talks was leaving Syrian soil and apparently Turks have agreed to that hence terrorists fire back at Turkish forces.


Elite Member
Dec 14, 2008
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These clashes were triggered by violent riots in Turkey, where mobs burned and attacked Syrian-owned buildings and cars, after a Syrian refugee admitted to a crime against a Turkish child [I don't know the exact details].

As a result, Syrian militants in the Turkish occupied areas of Syria responded violently, attacking Turkish vehicles and taking down all Turkish flags, leading to armed clashes with Turkish troops in Syria.

Turkish forces have killed at least 5 Syrian militants and injured many more.

Very convenient time of diverting the focus from Palestine.


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Bankrupt Turkey is stuck with 4 million of these refugees that it has to feed/ clothe/ house/ educate......lol......A lot of these Idlib guys are very bad characters and hardcore terrorists.

Assad should tell the turks that look, you brainwashed these guys and turned them into talibunnies. now you keep em. We just want our land back, minus all these zombies.

Thank you very much.
They brought them in themselves.


Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
Happened right after Fidan's scheduled meeting with Syrian FM in Iraq for normalization talks.

Turkey and Syria must proceed and reach a benefiting agreement without giving a crap about extremist groups.

Turkey is responsible for this, they supported and funded extremist believing they're allies with them but extremists will one day turn against you. Turkey needs to amend relations with Syria, withdraw to Turkey and make joint efforts to destroy extremists groups, in return Syria will keep Kurdish rebels under control. Turkish threat will be eliminated and Syria will also once again united. I see high potential of Turkish and Syrian alliance if this works out.


Full Member
Dec 29, 2023
This happens all the time in Turkey. There is a strong public reaction against the refugees. House rents have gone up a lot, economic difficulties have started. People don't want to live with 7 million Syrian refugees.

For 13 years the problem has been gangrenous, but the government has no intention of letting the Syrians go. Maybe it will be on the agenda for a few more days and everything will continue as it is. I think it is a temporary tension.


Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
This happens all the time in Turkey. There is a strong public reaction against the refugees. House rents have gone up a lot, economic difficulties have started. People don't want to live with 7 million Syrian refugees.

For 13 years the problem has been gangrenous, but the government has no intention of letting the Syrians go. Maybe it will be on the agenda for a few more days and everything will continue as it is. I think it is a temporary tension.

7M refugees is a big number. The locals must be frustrated.


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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What to comment first...

Ok...first of all,I understand the Turkish people getting frustrated with the whole "refugee" situation.It's not a case of a "few bad apples" coming,but a lot of bad apples. On the other hand,Turks have had a history of pogroms against minorities as soon as something happens. But now in this current situation,I understand they were outraged and tired of the situation where they have to keep seeing tens of thousands of "refugees" coming to their towns and cities.

As for the armed groups...what did they expect when they backed them up? They are scum. They are extremists,what we call "jihadis",but many guys here don't like that term. They are a mixture of criminal gangs mixed with religious fanatics.

So there you have it.

Enough with the dumb "Assad is genocider man" bullshit. Enough.


Elite Member
Jul 6, 2017
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Foreign Ministry warns against provocations in Syria

The Foreign Ministry said the exploitation of the incidents in Türkiye’s central province for provocations in Syria is wrong, amid the tensions in both countries over the sexual abuse of a Syrian minor by a Syrian national.

In a statement, the ministry warned against provocations.

It continued by saying that Türkiye’s efforts and principled stance for the well-being of the Syrian people is above all provocations.

Riots broke out over the sexual abuse of a Syrian child by a Syrian man in Kayseri province.

Across the border, in areas liberated from DAESH and PKK/YPG terrorists in Syria, a group of people desecrated the Turkish flag and attacked trucks from Türkiye.




Elite Member
Jul 6, 2017
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Real criminal gangs are Iran , Russia , USA , Israel , France backed PKK-YPG , ISIS , SAA , WAGNER , IRGC , Hezbolshit who killed hundreds of thousands of Syrian civilians
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