Weakening the military is weakening the nation, says COAS

delusional and a bloody fool you are.. Same is the case here, majority have been denied to form the government, see form 45… 185 seats reduced to 80 seats.. this is what i call ostrich moment

PTI is not requesting any negotiations, get out of ISPR fed narrative
So, again the same bullshit of form 45. Why don't you come to Pakistan, get those forms from PTI cowards, and submit them in a court of law (run by even a filthy yo*thia judge), confront the ECP in the court, and prove that ECP has fake form 45s. PTI candidates have not done that till now.

If someone snatches your car claiming that it's his car while showing you a fake ownership documents, what would you do? You prove in a court of law that your ownership document is the real one while other party's is fake. If you keep crying all over instead of approaching a court at all, that would imply that either you are lying or you are brainless idiot.

I think you're not lying. You are simple brainless idiot.

Worry about yourself.

Load of horseshit, Nawas Shareef lost, khawaja Asif lost, Maryum Nawaz clapped, multiple seats where PTI was leading till midnight by tens of thousands of vote and N League wins? Many constituencies, they even gave N League the vote of smaller parties, like in Lahore, in one halka, JI got 0 votes????

You are probably a dalaal of the khakis, don't worry, Injustice is never permanent, that's the law of Almighty. Wait for it
All BS. Go t the court and offer the proof there. Don't keep farting from your filthy mouth all the time.
I am not sure if a yo*thia can see the difference. Back in 1971, the majority party was denied their right to make the government. Rather military dictator, Yahya Khan, was playing games with both sides (Mujib and Bhutto). Indians (who had already done their homework including training of mukti-bahini) used this opportunity to attack East Pakistan (a couple of months before the war flame started on West Pakistan’s border) and broke Pakistan.

The situation now is just the opposite. While the military is unwilling to play any political role, PTI is continuously seeking negotiations with the military. On what basis? Under which articles of the constitution? To do or achieve what? The military has rightfully refused to entertain any such request.

That rotting old vulture wants the military play the same role as it did 2014-17. That is, removing an elected government and installing this filthy brainless idiot. How any person with some respect for law and constitution can support such a non-sense?
I have seen an elderly man cry in front of my eyes claiming that Pakistani army men raped his family members in 1971. This was when I just like you was delusional that mighty Pak fauj can never do such henious act but the fact is that they have done this and are continiuing to do this to Pakistanis including torturing, kidnapping, etc. Btw, PTI ruled just few years, what have these nooni toon and ppp done in the last 70 some years? People like you and their supporters disgust me. Wakt agaye hai ais establishment ko nanga karne ka
I have seen an elderly man cry in front of my eyes claiming that Pakistani army men raped his family members in 1971. This was when I just like you was delusional that mighty Pak fauj can never do such henious act but the fact is that they have done this and are continiuing to do this to Pakistanis including torturing, kidnapping, etc. Btw, PTI ruled just few years, what have these nooni toon and ppp done in the last 70 some years? People like you and their supporters disgust me. Wakt agaye hai ais establishment ko nanga karne ka
I have many Bangali friends who actually went through that nightmare (the 1971 civil war). They don't like PA but they don't hate it either. They never claimed that Pak army soldiers raped anyone in their town. BTW, they tell us how each of them (teenagers then) cast the vote six or more times during the elections (claimed to be the most fair elections by many silly Pakistani observers).

It is well known fact now that Indians and mukti-bahini terrorists (trained by filthy Indians) committed massive crimes like rape, murder, etc. while blaming PA for all those crimes. That makes sense too. The goal for Indians was to create as much hatred among Bangali population against PA as possible.

You are acting like a brainless mouse by accusing PA based on Indian propaganda.
Liar rulers? Baba, yahan to zaani, sharabi, aur chersi khota became the ruler. He lies all the time non-stop, even in official and legal processes (he submitted statements many times in the higher courts of law that he was a langar while his leg was all healthy. When ranger's soldiers kicked his as$ on the wheel-chair, he started running flawlessly).

Hatta keh Na-jaize olaad ko be Pakistan mein dis-own karta hai. Still brainless youthi*s follow him like a cult leader.
you are an idiot ! establishment has already achieved balkanization in 1971. don't be deflecting estab policies on Pakistanis.. the same policy was employed by establishment back with pakistanis in east pakistan and result infront of u. PTI had 80% of Pakistanis with them based on form 45… so Take a hike
I love that they’re calling me s**mdog as if I’m one. I spoke the truth.
On watch list now bro. His posts are anger inducing but still within rules.
I'll also say anyone who wants such thing can never be one of us.
What watchlist is that?

Enlighten me and others here. Of course the mods are pushing the same failed agenda as the artificial state.
Do you know what that brings? Do you honestly think people will be better off? Look around the world and in history when larger nations fell into smaller pieces. They are a shadow of themselves, weak and remain so.
Yes I do. The alternative is the garbage fire you see today.
So, again the same bullshit of form 45. Why don't you come to Pakistan, get those forms from PTI cowards, and submit them in a court of law (run by even a filthy yo*thia judge), confront the ECP in the court, and prove that ECP has fake form 45s. PTI candidates have not done that till now.

If someone snatches your car claiming that it's his car while showing you a fake ownership documents, what would you do? You prove in a court of law that your ownership document is the real one while other party's is fake. If you keep crying all over instead of approaching a court at all, that would imply that either you are lying or you are brainless idiot.

I think you're not lying. You are simple brainless idiot.
Something to ponder for you. What if the one who snatched your car holds great power over the courts as well?
The guy has a self-hate and insecurity problem. Strong signs of mental health issues.

It's a Punjabi Shia but essentially hates his own existence (and country by extent) for being Indic and wishes he was Afghan or anything non-Indic. This is why youll see him hate on Muhajirs and others by using it as disparaging terms while trying to hype up cavemen people.

He believes in nationalism, just not for his own kind cause he has a deep inferiority and self hatred. National cuckold essentially, he's a racial cuck.
Not quite. I have comfortable in my skin. I believe in a strong country that doesn’t have a perennial begging bowl in its hands. That’s lives up to its ideal.

I belong to this region as my roots go back over 2300 years (as verified by modern DNA testing).

There’s a reason why the Brits deliberately hyped up Muhajirs and made them move to regions of Pakistan. It provided a steady stream from a community that had no choice but to depend on an outside force to protect it against the majoritarian that was Punjab and Sindh.

I have personally nothing against Indics as I want one of them, but the pakistan project has been an utter failure.

No backbone, no strategy, no honor.

I have no love for the Indians and afghans. In fact you know me from the old forum and also know how many times I’ve been banned for using abusive language towards the Indians there.

I have respect for the Sahaba and I’ll leave at that.
What watchlist is that?

Enlighten me and others here. Of course the mods are pushing the same failed agenda as the artificial state.

Of posters we deem a threat to community here.
No one cares what you think about the mods here, especially since you want the disintegration of Pakistan.
Yes I do. The alternative is the garbage fire you see today.

Then you haven't learnt anything from history, as that 'garbage fire' is a great deal better than the $hit storms these lovely new states are in. See South Sudan as a start.
Other than the Afghanistan wars during the two eras,

I do believe in General Zia's time there was a push to acquire nuclear weapons.

In Musharraf's time, since he was a western backed dictator, there was considerable more development in Pakistan.
Zia ul haq destroyed the fabric of Pakistan with so called “Islamization”

Created the factories that haunt us with mindless violence and have created violent animals within the wonderful people of KP.

Musharraf scared to the point he bent over backwards without fully extracting the cost of WoT from the US and then unable to root out the extremist narrative that Hamid Gul and company had planted.

Letting an operation like lal masjid be televised so it charged up all the idiots to tip over the edge

And finally - the NRO that sealed the fate for Pakistan’s economy

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