Weakening the military is weakening the nation, says COAS

army below Maj General is majorly clean and devoted to Pakistan
Hard to believe, all of the illegal orders are usually carried by the lower ranks, never seen a General climbing the walls of the parliament. Entire institution needs a revamp, the culture needs to change.
Hard to believe, all of the illegal orders are usually carried by the lower ranks, never seen a General climbing the walls of the parliament. Entire institution needs a revamp, the culture needs to change.

Do not forget that the armed forces are the servants of the people. You do not make national policy; it is we, the civilians, who decide these issues and it is your duty to carry out these tasks with which you are entrusted.”

This needs to be framed at every hall within GHQ, the desk of COAS, and in Kakul.
This needs to be framed at every hall within GHQ, the desk of COAS, and in Kakul.
For this to work, the words of the quote should effect the readers with it's weight, the Khaki boys have that "saviour of the nation" syndrome, hard to change someone like that.
The solution certainly isn't to impose single digit IQ corrupt retards in the government by the military establishment.
Both these entities are bigger threat to Pakistan than any external enemy.
Imposed by military? Are you in your senses? What was the whole process of general elections. Don't tell me the non-sense of form 45 or 47. All institutions tried their best to hold these election successfully and peacefully.

People of Pakistan have elected their representatives into power. General public in Pakistan is unwilling to go on streets for protests despite 17 appeals/requests from that convicted filthy vulture (currently serving jail sentence). That is the reflection of ground reality.

A whole gang of paid bots/trolls is active on the social media to give an impression as if Pakistan is going to collapse tomorrow. Nothing like that in the public mind. I was in Pakistan for past two months and found people busy with their daily routines. That is certainly a matter of disappointment for the mommy daddy burger production brigade. These idiots send their own sons to US and Europe but are seeking dead bodies of poor parents’ sons on the streets of Pakistan. Idiots.
Do you know what that brings? Do you honestly think people will be better off? Look around the world and in history when larger nations fell into smaller pieces. They are a shadow of themselves, weak and remain so.
Why the (crypto) hindus are being dragged here ?
For this to work, the words of the quote should effect the readers with it's weight, the Khaki boys have that "saviour of the nation" syndrome, hard to change someone like that.

Civilians needs to start telling them their place within the state structure. Insist on them to disarm and wear civilian cloths before they enter Islamabad. If still they dont obey, a force under civilian control needs to be establish for enforcement.
you are an idiot ! establishment has already achieved balkanization in 1971. don't be deflecting estab policies on Pakistanis.. the same policy was employed by establishment back with pakistanis in east pakistan and result infront of u. PTI had 80% of Pakistanis with them based on form 45… so Take a hike
I am not sure if a yo*thia can see the difference. Back in 1971, the majority party was denied their right to make the government. Rather military dictator, Yahya Khan, was playing games with both sides (Mujib and Bhutto). Indians (who had already done their homework including training of mukti-bahini) used this opportunity to attack East Pakistan (a couple of months before the war flame started on West Pakistan’s border) and broke Pakistan.

The situation now is just the opposite. While the military is unwilling to play any political role, PTI is continuously seeking negotiations with the military. On what basis? Under which articles of the constitution? To do or achieve what? The military has rightfully refused to entertain any such request.

That rotting old vulture wants the military play the same role as it did 2014-17. That is, removing an elected government and installing this filthy brainless idiot. How any person with some respect for law and constitution can support such a non-sense?
Imposed by military?
Are you in your senses?
Worry about yourself.
Don't tell me the non-sense of form 45 or 47. All institutions tried their best to hold these election successfully and peacefully.
Load of horseshit, Nawas Shareef lost, khawaja Asif lost, Maryum Nawaz clapped, multiple seats where PTI was leading till midnight by tens of thousands of vote and N League wins? Many constituencies, they even gave N League the vote of smaller parties, like in Lahore, in one halka, JI got 0 votes????

You are probably a dalaal of the khakis, don't worry, Injustice is never permanent, that's the law of Almighty. Wait for it
The Pakistan military serve American and Israeli interests.

Time for a revolution.

Pakistanis need to decide their destiny....stay donkeys or finally evolve into decent upright human beings who are treated with dignity.
You have let the army run your country for 75 years
Their leadership has cost left you way behind your neighbours.
and isolated from the west ..

I think modern successful Pakistan needs a strony civilian leadership with zero military involvement.
Otherwise a day will come when your neighbours have multiple times your gdp power and clout leaving your further adrift especially from the mideast and western countries
I am not referring to India in this comparison as they are regional super power already
Donkey detected.
You pay tax to your kaffir government who sends it to Israel and then come online with your midwit low IQ takes on third world countries trying to sustain themselves.

Trust me bro, by Allah there are not any bigger donkeys than you and your kind. You are munafiq hypocrites.
You pay tax to your kaffir government who sends it to Israel and then come online with your midwit low IQ takes on third world countries trying to sustain themselves.

Trust me bro, by Allah there are not any bigger donkeys than you and your kind. You are munafiq hypocrites.
Every one of you western donkeys who come online and tap on their screens criticising third world "Kaffir slave" nations for not going to war in conflicts that don't concern them should first leave that country and disown it's passport. Munafiqs.

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