Weakening the military is weakening the nation, says COAS

Weakening the military is weakening the nation, says COAS​

Gen Munir says Pakistan’s future is bright and secure, our forces will continue to defend it with unwavering resolve

August 14, 2024

chief of army staff coas general syed asim munir chairing the 262nd corps commanders conference ccc convened at the general headquarters ghq in rawalpindi on wednesday january 31 2024 screengrab

Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir chairing the 262nd Corps Commanders’ Conference (CCC) convened at the General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi on Wednesday, January 31, 2024. SCREENGRAB

On the occasion of Pakistan’s 77th Independence Day, Chief of Army Staff General Syed Asim Munir emphasised that any attempt to undermine the military is tantamount to weakening the country itself.

Addressing the Independence Parade at the Pakistan Military Academy in Kakul on Tuesday night – the eve of August 14 – where he was the guest of honour, General Munir reiterated the military’s commitment to defending the nation.

"Our national consciousness is rooted in the ideology of Pakistan, which is based on the Two-Nation Theory. Any effort to weaken our armed forces is akin to weakening the state," he stated. He expressed confidence that no negative force could undermine this trust.

The event commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by a laser light show depicting Pakistan's struggle for independence and nation-building. The cadets performed a march-past, and a flag-hoisting ceremony was held at midnight, where the national anthem was sung.

The national flag was hoisted by the 12th Baloch Regiment at midnight, and attendees stood to sing the national anthem. The event was attended by cadets, their families, and other distinguished guests, who praised the cadets for their disciplined march-past. The troops reaffirmed their commitment to making every sacrifice for the nation.

General Munir expressed gratitude for the blessings of freedom and the establishment of Pakistan, acknowledging the sacrifices made by the forefathers and paying tribute to the heroes of the independence movement. He also highlighted the importance of unity, warning that discord and division could hollow the nation from within, paving the way for external aggression.

He noted that Pakistan, despite the rapid global changes, held a prominent position within the Muslim Ummah and the world due to its steadfast stance.

"Pakistan’s future is bright and secure, and our forces will continue to defend it with unwavering resolve," he said, underscoring the enduring bond between the military and the people of Pakistan.

He concluded by acknowledging the ongoing threat of extremism and terrorism in the region, commending the sacrifices made by the people, armed forces, and law enforcement agencies in combating terrorism, and reaffirming their resolve to continue making sacrifices for the nation's security.
and this asswipe is equating his Shenanigans to weakening army…, no its to weaken him and his crock jarnails, who are snakes hiding in pak army uniform. they are ones weakening the army

Weakening the military is weakening the nation, says COAS​

Gen Munir says Pakistan’s future is bright and secure, our forces will continue to defend it with unwavering resolve

August 14, 2024

chief of army staff coas general syed asim munir chairing the 262nd corps commanders conference ccc convened at the general headquarters ghq in rawalpindi on wednesday january 31 2024 screengrab

Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir chairing the 262nd Corps Commanders’ Conference (CCC) convened at the General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi on Wednesday, January 31, 2024. SCREENGRAB

On the occasion of Pakistan’s 77th Independence Day, Chief of Army Staff General Syed Asim Munir emphasised that any attempt to undermine the military is tantamount to weakening the country itself.

Addressing the Independence Parade at the Pakistan Military Academy in Kakul on Tuesday night – the eve of August 14 – where he was the guest of honour, General Munir reiterated the military’s commitment to defending the nation.

"Our national consciousness is rooted in the ideology of Pakistan, which is based on the Two-Nation Theory. Any effort to weaken our armed forces is akin to weakening the state," he stated. He expressed confidence that no negative force could undermine this trust.

The event commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by a laser light show depicting Pakistan's struggle for independence and nation-building. The cadets performed a march-past, and a flag-hoisting ceremony was held at midnight, where the national anthem was sung.

The national flag was hoisted by the 12th Baloch Regiment at midnight, and attendees stood to sing the national anthem. The event was attended by cadets, their families, and other distinguished guests, who praised the cadets for their disciplined march-past. The troops reaffirmed their commitment to making every sacrifice for the nation.

General Munir expressed gratitude for the blessings of freedom and the establishment of Pakistan, acknowledging the sacrifices made by the forefathers and paying tribute to the heroes of the independence movement. He also highlighted the importance of unity, warning that discord and division could hollow the nation from within, paving the way for external aggression.

He noted that Pakistan, despite the rapid global changes, held a prominent position within the Muslim Ummah and the world due to its steadfast stance.

"Pakistan’s future is bright and secure, and our forces will continue to defend it with unwavering resolve," he said, underscoring the enduring bond between the military and the people of Pakistan.

He concluded by acknowledging the ongoing threat of extremism and terrorism in the region, commending the sacrifices made by the people, armed forces, and law enforcement agencies in combating terrorism, and reaffirming their resolve to continue making sacrifices for the nation's security.

Pakistan is a failed banana Republic of Faujistan!
No duh, the military is an important institution in Pakistan.
The military has done a lot for Pakistan.

However the government should be run by civilian political parties if we are truly committed to democracy within an Islamic framework.
How has a military done a lot?
The military is made up of Pakistanis - who then did work in that profession but as a whole the military has a fairly average performance as a military. It just so happens that by the design of the elite in cohesion with military elite of old the military is now the only institution working compared to the rest so the metric becomes “done a lot”
Pakistan is a failed banana Republic of Faujistan!
But do those words have ANY meaning anymore to the housewife now holding down a job at a bank or her husband seeing his profits fall at the shop or the kids riding with 25 others in a cramped van?

Its irrelevant to them if Pakistan exists or not
Yes I do, 100%. When it’s a homogenous slump of its former self, then Punjabi’s and Sindhis can get their act together.

Hell, given that Sunni nations look to the US for protection, let US build bases in the leftover “Pakistan” and sub contract defense to them.

Better than the Kleptocracy you have today. Too busy occupying KPK and B-Stan.
I won’t talk to you anymore because you are in favor of our Balkanization.

Let me warn you…….i worked in Iraq a while and I saw their society up close and it was ugly and full of hate.

They went thru what you are suggesting happens to us along ethnic/sectarian lines.

I don’t believe you are Pakistani and I also don’t believe that you are Muslim either.

Good luck driving that Uber taxi in NYC.

Weakening the military is weakening the nation, says COAS​

Gen Munir says Pakistan’s future is bright and secure, our forces will continue to defend it with unwavering resolve

August 14, 2024

chief of army staff coas general syed asim munir chairing the 262nd corps commanders conference ccc convened at the general headquarters ghq in rawalpindi on wednesday january 31 2024 screengrab

Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir chairing the 262nd Corps Commanders’ Conference (CCC) convened at the General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi on Wednesday, January 31, 2024. SCREENGRAB

On the occasion of Pakistan’s 77th Independence Day, Chief of Army Staff General Syed Asim Munir emphasised that any attempt to undermine the military is tantamount to weakening the country itself.

Addressing the Independence Parade at the Pakistan Military Academy in Kakul on Tuesday night – the eve of August 14 – where he was the guest of honour, General Munir reiterated the military’s commitment to defending the nation.

"Our national consciousness is rooted in the ideology of Pakistan, which is based on the Two-Nation Theory. Any effort to weaken our armed forces is akin to weakening the state," he stated. He expressed confidence that no negative force could undermine this trust.

The event commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by a laser light show depicting Pakistan's struggle for independence and nation-building. The cadets performed a march-past, and a flag-hoisting ceremony was held at midnight, where the national anthem was sung.

The national flag was hoisted by the 12th Baloch Regiment at midnight, and attendees stood to sing the national anthem. The event was attended by cadets, their families, and other distinguished guests, who praised the cadets for their disciplined march-past. The troops reaffirmed their commitment to making every sacrifice for the nation.

General Munir expressed gratitude for the blessings of freedom and the establishment of Pakistan, acknowledging the sacrifices made by the forefathers and paying tribute to the heroes of the independence movement. He also highlighted the importance of unity, warning that discord and division could hollow the nation from within, paving the way for external aggression.

He noted that Pakistan, despite the rapid global changes, held a prominent position within the Muslim Ummah and the world due to its steadfast stance.

"Pakistan’s future is bright and secure, and our forces will continue to defend it with unwavering resolve," he said, underscoring the enduring bond between the military and the people of Pakistan.

He concluded by acknowledging the ongoing threat of extremism and terrorism in the region, commending the sacrifices made by the people, armed forces, and law enforcement agencies in combating terrorism, and reaffirming their resolve to continue making sacrifices for the nation's security.
I’m sure you did.
You ain't Pakistani. We know now.......

Anybody descending to the level of calling out for the balkanization of our country as a solution along ethnic/ sectarian lines is not one of us.

Why didn't you just come on out as an Indian all this while?........Nobody will ban you. I will lobby on your behalf.

@Waz ........iss nu ban na kareen. Let him be.
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Apparently youthias are smoking like a dud rocket. Sure, there may be many sl**dogs active here at the PDF in the garb of youthias. Whatever, but you cannot miss noticing one thing, that is, they are getting utterly desperate now. Before they used to talk against Pak army (in order to create a general environment against Pak army) but now they openly want balkanization of Pakistan. They must have tasted a significant setback just recently.

Dismembering Pakistan by removing KPK and Balochistan is the long-held goal of sl**dogs. I am wondering what happened during the last few days that this filthy creature is feeling real heat under their dark part.

However, I would let them painfully burn themselves in the fire of their own hate.
You ain't Pakistani. We know now.......

Anybody descending to the level of calling out for the balkanization of our country as a solution along ethnic/ sectarian lines is not one of us.

Why didn't you just come on out as an Indian all this while?........Nobody will ban you. I will lobby on your behalf.

@Waz ........iss nu ban na kareen. Let him be.
That’s your comeback?

This foolish nationalist is what caused Pakistan to be a failed state. I see the writing on the wall but some don’t.

Look at its condition and history. It’s time to put it out of its misery.

A military that controls by the US, politicians that are control by God knows which country, groups that do not want to live under one roof, low intensity civil war. Pickup trucks full of Punjabis with dubious Islamic credentials getting blown up maniac Pashtuns and Baluchistan.

You said you’ve been to Iraq, well if you’re telling the truth then you could see the similarities between the two societies. Artificial states built by colonizers.

Your idea of Pakistan extends to Lahore Karachi Islamabad Pindi.

I hope it breaks up, but unlike the Iraqis, I highly doubt the Indics will fight back. They’re too timid. The Pashtuns will not have a reason to fight back once they reunite with their cousins across border and Balochistan becomes independent.

Let me know what I said wrong here.

The is fresh outside the boxing thinking. A f**ken failure of a nation that’s gone to the IMF 20+ times and can’t seem to get their act together.
Apparently youthias are smoking like a dud rocket. Sure, there may be many sl**dogs active here at the PDF in the garb of youthias. Whatever, but you cannot miss noticing one thing, that is, they are getting utterly desperate now. Before they used to talk against Pak army (in order to create a general environment against Pak army) but now they openly want balkanization of Pakistan. They must have tasted a significant setback just recently.

Dismembering Pakistan by removing KPK and Balochistan is the long-held goal of sl**dogs. I am wondering what happened during the last few days that this filthy creature is feeling real heat under their dark part.

However, I would let them painfully burn themselves in the fire of their own hate.
That’s the best you got? I was once like you too, irrational nationalistic until I started understanding what’s going on.

I wish you’d get this upset at the corruption, the constant begging to the IMF, country falling apart, a million + educated fleeing the country the last 3 years. Yeah I hope it breaks apart, for everyone’s sake.
Remnant of East Indian Company were serving British Raj like a loyal dogs, It was civilians who sacrificed to get Independence and make country (which the same remnant of East Indian Company broke). So, these ba$$tards should stop equating themselves to nation.
Lmao. Maybe during the 90s, but 9/11 changed the character of the military by that liberall cuck whiskey drinking Muhajir Musharraf. Wish that plane from Sri Lanka would’ve never made it back to Pakistan.

What a loser losing two large battles and still being made COAS by the Americans.

He sidelined all Muslim and Islamic lending Generals at the behalf of the US who wouldn’t give any funds unless Generals were liberal and secular. Overnight there was a purged of Islamist leaning Officers in order to ensure Pakistan military can take orders from nato.

The man who leap frogged Pakistan to acquire the ultimate weapon. Many others like him. Do not use that term in a disparaging manner again.

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