Weakening the military is weakening the nation, says COAS

Good! I’m all for it. Break it up in 5 parts and these crypto Hindus handle just two provinces.

Do you know what that brings? Do you honestly think people will be better off? Look around the world and in history when larger nations fell into smaller pieces. They are a shadow of themselves, weak and remain so.
You ain't Pakistani. We know now.......

Anybody descending to the level of calling out for the balkanization of our country as a solution along ethnic/ sectarian lines is not one of us.

Why didn't you just come on out as an Indian all this while?........Nobody will ban you. I will lobby on your behalf.

@Waz ........iss nu ban na kareen. Let him be.

On watch list now bro. His posts are anger inducing but still within rules.
I'll also say anyone who wants such thing can never be one of us.
Muhajir? What’s wrong with it - technically my family migrated so what’s your point in wrong with it?

It includes extended folks such as the first person to bomb India and the planner of Dwarka or leading neurosurgeons..

So you’re racist then?
Who is better? Son of the soil Bajwa? Zardari? Ayub Khan? Niazi… not the cricketer but the surrendering orgy holding general?
The guy has a self-hate and insecurity problem. Strong signs of mental health issues.

It's a Punjabi Shia but essentially hates his own existence (and country by extent) for being Indic and wishes he was Afghan or anything non-Indic. This is why youll see him hate on Muhajirs and others by using it as disparaging terms while trying to hype up cavemen people.

He believes in nationalism, just not for his own kind cause he has a deep inferiority and self hatred. National cuckold essentially, he's a racial cuck.
"any attempt to undermine the military is tantamount to weakening the country itself"

fktards are full of themselves. Hiding behind the institution, thinking it will hide their ugly agenda. Dont even read the constitution. Army has nothing to do with the "state", its just a tool of the state.

Fear the day ahole, when you will be saying, "you too brutus!" . Cesar had many accomplishments under this belt, what you and your gang have done?
Mark my words these will be the last such videos before a major revolution happens. People say it won't it will.
I don t know what they are fixing in Pak society by doing all these hated acts.
In the last 3 minutes of video. This black vigo culture and young generation. Is Asim Munir intentionally destroying the image of Pakistan army ???????
Current Army Chief is intellectually the most dishonest Chief in the history of Pakistan.

Worst of the worst kind of Hypocrite this person he is
That’s the best you got? I was once like you too, irrational nationalistic until I started understanding what’s going on.

I wish you’d get this upset at the corruption, the constant begging to the IMF, country falling apart, a million + educated fleeing the country the last 3 years. Yeah I hope it breaks apart, for everyone’s sake.
So, if a house is in disorder, the solution is to destroy it? Get out of the filthy hole you seem to be living in.

BTW, you left Pakistan, why you even care about it? Wishing it destroyed is indicative of your seriously skewed mind.
I don t know what they are fixing in Pak society by doing all these hated acts.
In the last 3 minutes of video. This black vigo culture and young generation. Is Asim Munir intentionally destroying the image of Pakistan army ???????
Greed for clicks?
Mark my words these will be the last such videos before a major revolution happens. People say it won't it will.
All of this scum, these Patwari Nooniye and lot will rue the day they were born. I haven't once seen such a hate for state institutions in my lifetime. This independence day has the dead vibe.
So, if a house is in disorder, the solution is to destroy it? Get out of the filthy hole you seem to be living in.
The solution certainly isn't to impose single digit IQ corrupt retards in the government by the military establishment.
Both these entities are bigger threat to Pakistan than any external enemy.
Apparently youthias are smoking like a dud rocket. Sure, there may be many sl**dogs active here at the PDF in the garb of youthias. Whatever, but you cannot miss noticing one thing, that is, they are getting utterly desperate now. Before they used to talk against Pak army (in order to create a general environment against Pak army) but now they openly want balkanization of Pakistan. They must have tasted a significant setback just recently.

Dismembering Pakistan by removing KPK and Balochistan is the long-held goal of sl**dogs. I am wondering what happened during the last few days that this filthy creature is feeling real heat under their dark part.

However, I would let them painfully burn themselves in the fire of their own hate.

you are an idiot ! establishment has already achieved balkanization in 1971. don't be deflecting estab policies on Pakistanis.. the same policy was employed by establishment back with pakistanis in east pakistan and result infront of u. PTI had 80% of Pakistanis with them based on form 45… so Take a hike
@CPTPLANET , Establishment needs to be put to guillotine, army below Maj General is majorly clean and devoted to Pakistan.. Balkanization of Pakistan should never happen, shame on u… The fight is with terrorism spread by Establishment of Pakistan

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