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Who Rules the Waves? U.S. and Chinese Fleets, by Tonnage


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2021
Anti-ship ballistic missiles are a joke. It is unproven in combat anywhere
It is another way of saying I do not have a prayer against US Navy carrier group
That would mean no new technology can ever be field because it's not proven in combat.


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Oct 21, 2006
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The US is denying any hit to the carrier despite a number of photos circulating in the internet saying so.
The US/ UK were denying the success of the Iranian attack on Israel too.....However dozens of on de ground vidz appeared showing how dishonest that claim was no?
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Oct 21, 2006
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Anti-ship ballistic missiles are a joke. It is unproven in combat anywhere
It is another way of saying I do not have a prayer against US Navy carrier group
Maybe Indian media is a jhoke too no? Everybody's long acknowledged the use of an anti-ship ballistic missile on a live target:

Now, coming back to the topic here, who would want to invest in large naval warship fleets when theys so vulnerable? Just like who would want more warplanes or tanks?

Legacy weapons on borrowed time bud. Get reeeehll no?


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Jan 17, 2024
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Now, coming back to the topic here, who would want to invest in large naval warship fleets when theys so vulnerable? Just like who would want more warplanes or tanks?

Nope. Warships are too important and will stay. China too is building lots of massive warships. They are not fools. However, with advancements of technology, its possible that future warships will be largely autonomous and many functions controlled via AI. But presence on seas will always remain important.

If your enemy is 5000 miles away, how you are going to attack it without a navy? Through land based missiles means you need seriously expensive missiles that will be so large containing so much fuel to carry that long distances. However, if you have a navy, then a warship can go to the area and fire lot of cruise missiles. Even to deploy troops to far off distance you need large naval ships to transport the troops and protect them on the way. If you have aircraft carriers, you can bring air-power to that area. Even for drones to fly out, you need a carrier. Turkey is making a drone carrier, Portugal is procuring drone carriers, Even Iran converted a oil tanker and turn it as a drone carrier. So warships are important even if you have to deploy drones to far off distances. If you don't invest in large naval platforms than you cannot fight an enemy that is at a distance. Your whole strategy will become defensive or localized. Just like houthis. They are only localized player, they can only attack at a limited range.


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Oct 21, 2006
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Nope. Warships are too important and will stay. China too is building lots of massive warships. They are not fools. However, with advancements of technology, its possible that future warships will be largely autonomous and many functions controlled via AI. But presence on seas will always remain important.

If your enemy is 5000 miles away, how you are going to attack it without a navy? Through land based missiles means you need seriously expensive missiles that will be so large containing so much fuel to carry that long distances. However, if you have a navy, then a warship can go to the area and fire lot of cruise missiles. Even to deploy troops to far off distance you need large naval ships to transport the troops and protect them on the way. If you have aircraft carriers, you can bring air-power to that area. Even for drones to fly out, you need a carrier. Turkey is making a drone carrier, Portugal is procuring drone carriers, Even Iran converted a oil tanker and turn it as a drone carrier. So warships are important even if you have to deploy drones to far off distances. If you don't invest in large naval platforms than you cannot fight an enemy that is at a distance. Your whole strategy will become defensive or localized. Just like houthis. They are only localized player, they can only attack at a limited range
China and da US are building tanks, warplanes and warships to continue supporting their various third whurrlddh toady around da planet in hopes of rescuing their own obsolete industries, until dey make da switch no?........ Just like how we chutiya converts got sold coal fired power plants in CPEC, when coal is toxic death no, as of today? You understand all dis no?

Do mint main tabah hona hae rhim jhim corvette nay in rheel laaf!

Angrezi ich main iss waastay ne likhta kyun k itthay jerray saadday chinese/ roosi/ Irani/ arbi dost na parrh lain saadi galaan......

Dis for only us pendu......



Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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Smaller more automated ships is the future. Big ships are too vulnerable.


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Apr 16, 2024
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China and da US are building tanks, warplanes and warships to continue supporting their various third whurrlddh toady around da planet in hopes of rescuing their own obsolete industries, until dey make da switch no?........ Just like how we chutiya converts got sold coal fired power plants in CPEC, when coal is toxic death no, as of today? You understand all dis no?

Do mint main tabah hona hae rhim jhim corvette nay in rheel laaf!

Angrezi ich main iss waastay ne likhta kyun k itthay jerray saadday chinese/ roosi/ Irani/ arbi dost na parrh lain saadi galaan......

Dis for only us pendu......


Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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Oct 29, 2020
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Only a few. The rest are all Type 076 drone carriers.
Na, there will be 5-6 carriers for PLAN in the future, and how do you know the rest will be drone carriers, do you have a backup of your stupid claim or just assuming baseless


Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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Na, there will be 5-6 carriers for PLAN in the future, and how do you know the rest will be drone carriers, do you have a backup of your stupid claim or just assuming baseless

China will build like 10 Fujian size carriers and about 20 Type 076 drone carriers.
Oct 29, 2020
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Only a few. The rest are all Type 076 drone carriers.

Are you in a think tank of PLAN? And drone carriers are much less capable than full fledged aircraft carriers in terms of power projection

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