Why Iran never retaliates

Iran did fire missiles at Israel and quite a lot of them get shot down by Israel, some got shot down by Arabs.
Maybe Iran don't want a direct confrontation as It would also involve USA then. What Iran is to Hezbollah and Hamas, USA is to Israel so any direct involvement from Iran will invite direct involvement from USA as well. For now Iran will keep fighting through proxies.
because Iran don't have nuclear deterrence
His mistake is amazing!
The world thinks it is.
This is the pledge of peace.
If Iraq had had weapons of mass destruction at that time, there would have been no war.
Iran must follow Israel's example!

The army that Gen Patton led---its soldiers had a great saying---" our blood----his guts ".

And that is what Iran is---" palestinian blood---iran's guts ".

Israel did 2 strikes on critical iranian sites---. Since then iran has shut up---.

The army that Gen Patton led---its soldiers had a great saying---" our blood----his guts ".

And that is what Iran is---" palestinian blood---iran's guts ".

Israel did 2 strikes on critical iranian sites---. Since then iran has shut up---.

But not because Israel is strong. Iran doesn't respond to ANYBODY, no matter who the advesary is and how weak the advesary is. Iran didn't even respond to backward, undeveloped poor Taliban.
If tomorrow Iran has a conflict with Kenia, Iran will not respond.

Iran will only respond to a major Saddam-like military attack.

All other attacks, Iran will absorve, because Iran can recover from them. In the last 20 years the US and Israel did countless intelligence attacks against Iran, from sabotage to killings, but Iran didn't retaliate, because all this attacks, while humiliating, were only symbolic victories, they didn't have a serious impact.
When Israel attacked Iraqi und Syrian nuclear sites, their nuclear programms ended, when Israel killed Arab Missile scientists, this ended the domestic missile programms.
But nothing of that happened in Iran. Today Irans nuclear programm is more developed than ever before, Irans missile programm is stronger than ever before, Irans drone programm belongs to an elite club of the world,....

Only if Iran thought it would not be able to recover from an attack, only then would Iran retaliate.

So as long as nobody starts a big war that seriously threatens Iranian capabilities, Iran will absorve all attacks, no matter how many attacks and no matter who the attacker is....because Iran has long term goals.

And Iran will definitely not respond because its honour and prestige has been attacked....only normal citizens and civilians care about honour, statesmen don't think in such categories, at least if they are not dumb idiots like Saddam who brought total misery to his country....

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