Why were Arab armed forces so ineffective?

Arabi explaining the Arabi problem

People don't know that many a muslim Turkiye rulers had non muslim women in the harem---.

Possible @Hakikat ve Hikmet can shed more light on it---.

Some of Dr. Israr's comments lacked higher intellect---. They were of a very base thought process---.
As for the non-Muslim women in the Harem, they entered into the harem at a very tender age. And, they converted into Islam. They were groomed and educated inside the Harem into its own traditions, whose ultimate objective was the preservation of the Saltanat. The result was there were no fight amongst different dynasties in the Ottoman Empire.....
To fight against Israel means to go up against the United States and all 30 NATO countries. Since the start of the conflict in Gaza, the US has sent an unlimited supply of bombs and missiles to Israel, amounting to hundreds of thousands. The US, UK, and France have also bombed Yemen as they attempt to blockade the Red Sea with their air and naval forces.

Even in Ukraine, which shares a direct border with Russia and has the support of many local Russians, Russia is stuck in a quagmire due to the seemingly unlimited supply of weapons from the 30 NATO countries, as well as the powerful surveillance and communication networks provided by satellites.

From any fair perspective, the Arab nations have no chance of fighting Israel, no matter how wise their leaders may be. The US and NATO would send tenfold the amount of weapons they provide to Ukraine and immediately deploy their troops if it were for Israel's sake.

Unfortunately, faced with such a formidable enemy, the Arab nations had no choice but to succumb.
Problem with arabs is they are terrible naive, they are good people overall, but super naive people, they have been deluded by the white men again and again to these days...

However, arabs are people that are willing to die for their land and beliefs, and no one can joke about this, if they are united and joints rightly with Iranians no one would stop them. White men is very aware of this fact.

White men is lucky all this time and has been exploiting the naivity of eastern peoples, not only arabs, paksitanis, afgans turks,,..., face the same problem: naivity.

Iran is the only solution to this problem, and the fact it s all arabs allies who joints with Iran enjoys some kind of victory in the battlefiled, all the rest succumbed to white supremacy.

But turks and pakistanis are not better positionated, at all, they fall on the naivity they will be tolerated by westerners, how deluded "you" are, as a guy that has lived on the west i can say no one is on the white world is interested on arabs, turks or any other muslim to be a strong nation, NO ONE, NEVER. The most you can get is useless sympathy and stupid ideas that does not follow the core of the region.

Hope people of the east WAKE UP now. See Gaza, see it well. Gaza is a message for all arabs, for all muslim in extension,in steroids. LEARN, SMELL THE COFFEE, LEARN NOW,WAKE UP...you guys, any muslims city can suffer that if follow that naive and blind path.

Sad but truth.

Iran is the wiser nation of the region, recognize and work with them.
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Problem with arabs is they are terrible naive, they are good people overall, but super naive people, they have been deluded by the white men again and again to these days...

However, arabs are people that are willing to die for their land and beliefs, and no one can joke about this, if they are united and joints rightly with Iranians no one would stop them. White men is very aware of this fact.

White men is lucky all this time and has been exploiting the naivity of eastern peoples, not only arabs, paksitanis, afgans turks,,..., face the same problem: naivity.

Iran is the only solution to this problem, and the fact it s all arabs allies who joints with Iran enjoys some kind of victory in the battlefiled, all the rest succumbed to white supremacy.

But turks and pakistanis are not better positionated, at all, they fall on the naivity they will be tolerated by westerners, how deluded "you" are, as a guy that has lived on the west i can say no one is on the white world is interested on arabs, turks or any other muslim to be a strong nation, NO ONE, NEVER. The most you can get is useless sympathy and stupid ideas that does not follow the core of the region.

Hope people of the east WAKE UP now. See Gaza, see it well. Gaza is a message for all arabs, for all muslim in extension,in steroids. LEARN, SMELL THE COFFEE, LEARN NOW,WAKE UP...you guys, any muslims city can suffer that if follow that naive and blind path.

Sad but truth.

Iran is the wiser nation of the region, recognize and work with them.

They are not naive.

They know without the white man then Iran will dominate them and the ME.

Both Arabs and Turks to some extent act and behave like defeated peoples. Not all Arabs but most of them or at least their governments.

They would accept the loss of Palestine and the genocide of the Palestinians if it means that they are not dominated by Iran.
The ineffectiveness is due to one glaring error.
They are in conflict constantly with Israel and and by default USA
These two make any body look ineffective
Okay never knew that sheir shah suri and Ahmad abdali were central Asians
Just like how Turks were arabs per our posters

I mean what's happening to this world

Suri was born in Bihar where he began his campaigns from & he was brought up under the Mughals. He has nothing do with Afghans as a people. It's like calling the Bollywood Khans Afghans when everything about them is Bharati.

As for Abdali, his empire was essentially modern day Pakistan, Western Afghanistan & a bit of Bharat. So no he never conquered all of Indian subcontinent.
Wow just wow!!!! Bending over backwards trying to defend him, no surprises here. Your analogy may seem justified to you, but in reality it is miles apart. You just displayed your ignorance by dragging in the Prophet PBUH.

I'm going to disengage now, but you do continue to believe whatever suits you, and spin whatever fairy tales you like. Dr Sahab's videos will always counter you.

Have a nice evening!

P.S. Here is a video from Dr Sahab's official site, testament to his views. But do continue clutching at straws, indulging in whataboutism, and promoting "Islamic Touch"

Ok let's say Dr. Israr did say that. So what? He's wrong on this point. Big deal. Does that mean he can't be correct on anything else? Would he say that if he was alive today? I'd imagine it's very unlikely.

Get out of this stupid khaki mindset that just b/c I disagree with you on one thing then I should become your enemy.

And get out of this stupid mullah mindset that people can't change & become better Muslims. Some of the sahaba (Ra) used to be drunks. Instead of questioning his playboy days, you should be happy that IK became a better Muslim. At least he didn't hide what he did while pretending to be religious unlike the so-called conservative PMLN hypocrites.
They aren't ineffective.... atleast Egypt has shown in 73 war what are they capable of..... unfortunately Egyptian victory in 73 never got any importance due to western media bully,..... so yes they aren't at all ineffective..... some people possess nuclear weapons with delivery systems and still they can't do anything even after nuclear program was started under the name of ISLAMIC BOMB..... yet they have audacity to....
To fight against Israel means to go up against the United States and all 30 NATO countries. Since the start of the conflict in Gaza, the US has sent an unlimited supply of bombs and missiles to Israel, amounting to hundreds of thousands. The US, UK, and France have also bombed Yemen as they attempt to blockade the Red Sea with their air and naval forces.

Even in Ukraine, which shares a direct border with Russia and has the support of many local Russians, Russia is stuck in a quagmire due to the seemingly unlimited supply of weapons from the 30 NATO countries, as well as the powerful surveillance and communication networks provided by satellites.

From any fair perspective, the Arab nations have no chance of fighting Israel, no matter how wise their leaders may be. The US and NATO would send tenfold the amount of weapons they provide to Ukraine and immediately deploy their troops if it were for Israel's sake.

Unfortunately, faced with such a formidable enemy, the Arab nations had no choice but to succumb.
It would be retarded for the US to deploy troops for Israel. And wouldn't even be possible. An Arab war with Israel can have limited objectives. Such as stopping the Holocaust in Gaza. No one will succumb to Jews in any case.
Others are giving reasons such as, Strategy & Tactics, Technology & Competent Leadership. Yes lack of these things have caused Arabs to be ineffective during the war but the question is this: WHY do they lack these things?

My belief is that it's due to Muslim elite's inferiority complex. Their inferiority complex has caused the rest of us to enter a state of civilizational depression. I think the word "Mayoosi" fits us very well. When the leadership doesn't care & is constantly fighting over meagre crumbs, then there's no drive to improve and be better. No drive to compete with others.

I think the reason why the Turkiye has seen success lately is because Erdogan's rule helped bring confidence back to the Turkish elite & their country has gotten rid of their Mayoosi. They're not satisfied with what they have & want more and therefore they have the drive to better themselves.

This can be seen in Azerbaijan, China, India, East Asia also. It's what turned Europeans into world powers.

When the rest of us look at technology coming from West or China or even Turkiye, we don't think "Cool! I'm going to make things like these too. A better version." Instead it's "Wowww Sarrr! So coool! How much does it cost?"

For rest of us it's just business as usual. We're focused on controlling our populations & brainwashing them into worshipping corrupt & incompetent rulers instead of encouraging debate & utilizing their talents for progress. And it's because the elite don't see themselves as anything more than what what they are. What they could be.


The desire to better yourself & compete with others is missing in us. We need to overthrow the westernized, inferiority complex elite that lacks these qualities & create a new class of elites. PTI represents this struggle in Pakistan. Don't know about other countries. Fix that & the rest will come naturally.
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Ok let's say Dr. Israr did say that. So what? He's wrong on this point. Big deal. Does that mean he can't be correct on anything else? Would he say that if he was alive today? I'd imagine it's very unlikely.

Get out of this stupid khaki mindset that just b/c I disagree with you on one thing then I should become your enemy.

And get out of this stupid mullah mindset that people can't change & become better Muslims. Some of the sahaba (Ra) used to be drunks. Instead of questioning his playboy days, you should be happy that IK became a better Muslim. At least he didn't hide what he did while pretending to be religious unlike the so-called conservative PMLN hypocrites.
Without bothering to read my earlier posts...... Anyways, there is nothing that can be done about your lack of comprehension or the voices in your head. Do continue........
Suri was born in Bihar where he began his campaigns from & he was brought up under the Mughals. He has nothing do with Afghans as a people. It's like calling the Bollywood Khans Afghans when everything about them is Bharati.

As for Abdali, his empire was essentially modern day Pakistan, Western Afghanistan & a bit of Bharat. So no he never conquered all of Indian subcontinent.
Ok wah jee
I see this thread is truly a fertile ground of ideas. A classic self analysis, oh yes " America and white man is to blame ""
We shouldn't abandone this treasure of ideas. Please brothers, carry on for another 20 pages.

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