Why were Arab armed forces so ineffective?

Without bothering to read my earlier posts...... Anyways, there is nothing that can be done about your lack of comprehension or the voices in your head. Do continue........

I did read your posts. If you didn't have a potato for a brain & had just a sliver of reading comprehension you would have known this. e.g. hence my comment about your focus on khan's playboy past & my reference to your Dr Israr claims. But do continue embarrassing yourself. 🤡

Ok wah jee

You're welcome. Happy to correct you anytime. ☺️
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North African Arabs have a promising future. Egypt, Algeria, Morocco and Libya will be important powers. Arabs in the Middle East have to deal with the scourge of Israel and Iran. It looks like there will always be turmoil and tension.
I don't think there is any impetus or political will to maintain large and modernized Arab forces atm. USA provides weapons and includes most nations under their safety net. Arab forces are only used and effective against poorly armed Insurgents rn. Whatever power the Arabs had collapsed post American entry in the region.
US is interested in weak brown countries in general. To make a post about arabs as inefective is a joke, US wants all the brown countries weak and dependent... Asia and Africa must learn before this is too late for them.

To laguht on arabs is not helpfull at all. Any one of asia can be in this dire situation gazans are if Israel were ubicated in the middle of their country. Just imagine Israel in the middle of India or China in the 1940 when chinese where poor and weak.
To be fair Hamas and Hezbollah are highly effective. It's just a shame their enemy is following judeo-christian values by bombing hospitals and kindergartens etc. and have no honour.
Arab countries should stop buying American overpriced shit then.

Look for alternatives like Turkey, China, Brazil, and Russia. Even South Africa. Or countries like Sweden.
Arab countries should stop buying American shit then.

Look for alternatives like Turkey, China, Brazil, and Russia. Even South Africa. Or countries like Sweden.
And France
anyway people ganged up on @ziaulislam but he is spewing some troublesome truths about particular and broader pictures in arab world.

He is telling some uncomfortable truths that people don't want to hear.

If you strip away all the irrelevant stuff in this thread about India-Pak, spelling differences, and things that happened 100+ years ago, then the reality is that Arab armies are hopeless because of the culture. We have the same cultural faults in the rest of the Middle East and South Asia, so we Pakistanis are not ones to speak.

What are those cultural faults?
  • Nepotism and lack of merit in hiring and promotions
  • Lack of initiative or internal critique because every pipsqueak boss has an ego the size of Mount Everest and fragile as a snowflake
  • Top ranks are corrupted by personal greed and conflicts of interest
Now some people will complain and say that things are changing or whatever. At the end of the day, we can see where the countries are ranked in global science, technology and innovation. The army reflects the culture; it is not imported from space.

As an aside, if anybody wants to make a lot of money, go to the GCC and open a technology company. You don't actually have to know anything because the GCC rulers investing the money don't either. These rulers built their fortunes by foreigners discovering oil; then they spent their fortunes on foreigners designing and building shiny new buildings; now they are spending their fortunes on foreigners promising to build the technology future. Every conman in the world is milking the GCC for investment in AI and tech startups. The Israelis and Indians are in the forefront of this gold rush. It's worth noting that the US government has forbidden the GCC countries from investing in startups that actually might be on to something.
Yes the French only care about money.

Thats why we got Agosta 70 and Agosta 90B submarines from France with ToT!
Remember the 40 Mirage 2K deal for 3B$ during BB government. 10% was going to make a killing on that deal which was quickly shelved.
Remember the 40 Mirage 2K deal for 3B$ during BB government. 10% was going to make a killing on that deal which was quickly shelved.
Good thing Asif Ali Zadari is not our leader anymore.
He is telling some uncomfortable truths that people don't want to hear.

If you strip away all the irrelevant stuff in this thread about India-Pak, spelling differences, and things that happened 100+ years ago, then the reality is that Arab armies are hopeless because of the culture. We have the same cultural faults in the rest of the Middle East and South Asia, so we Pakistanis are not ones to speak.

What are those cultural faults?
  • Nepotism and lack of merit in hiring and promotions
  • Lack of initiative or internal critique because every pipsqueak boss has an ego the size of Mount Everest and fragile as a snowflake
  • Top ranks are corrupted by personal greed and conflicts of interest
Now some people will complain and say that things are changing or whatever. At the end of the day, we can see where the countries are ranked in global science, technology and innovation. The army reflects the culture; it is not imported from space.

As an aside, if anybody wants to make a lot of money, go to the GCC and open a technology company. You don't actually have to know anything because the GCC rulers investing the money don't either. These rulers built their fortunes by foreigners discovering oil; then they spent their fortunes on foreigners designing and building shiny new buildings; now they are spending their fortunes on foreigners promising to build the technology future. Every conman in the world is milking the GCC for investment in AI and tech startups. The Israelis and Indians are in the forefront of this gold rush. It's worth noting that the US government has forbidden the GCC countries from investing in startups that actually might be on to something.
When you mentioned ago, it is not coincidence that some of the most fearsome combat forces were raised and acted among Sufi branches of islam, especially in near modern times. Along some other points you raised it is something to ponder on it.
When you mentioned ago, it is not coincidence that some of the most fearsome combat forces were raised and acted among Sufi branches of islam, especially in near modern times. Along some other points you raised it is something to ponder on it.

Must have been somebody else, LOL.
I try never to comment on Shia v/s Sunni issues.

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