Why were Arab armed forces so ineffective?

I think you are all missing one key point
Arabs are made to look incapable by their foes
Their enemies are Israel and USA the biggest best equipped and most developed trained militarys on the planet

Israel and USA would make most countries look inadequate

Ask Iraq

PAF pilots shot down Zionist pilots with ease in the 1960s and 1970s, using even worse planes than their Arab counterparts in some cases.

They dispelled the myth that Zionist were great aviators.

This dude was so badass he shot down superior Mirage III with a Hunter!

"Arabs recall Pakistani pilots’ gallantry in 1967 war

Pakistan Air Force shot down 3 Israeli planes in 6-day war that ended with Israel’s victory"​

Azam will go down in history, perhaps the only pilot who have flown fighter planes for four countries -- Jordan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. He also holds the unique record of destroying fighter planes of two different air forces -- India and Israel.

While flying the single-seat Hawker Hunter, he shot down the Israeli Air Force's flagship transonic Dassault Mystere fighter-bomber aircraft in Jordan.

When he was shifted to an Iraqi airbase the next day, he brought down two state-of-art Israeli fighter aircrafts Vautour IIA and Dassault Mirage III."
PAF pilots shot down Zionist pilots with ease in the 1960s and 1970s, using even worse planes than their Arab counterparts in some cases.

They dispelled the myth that Zionist were great aviators.

This dude was so badass he shot down superior Mirage III with a Hunter!

"Arabs recall Pakistani pilots’ gallantry in 1967 war

Pakistan Air Force shot down 3 Israeli planes in 6-day war that ended with Israel’s victory"​

Azam will go down in history, perhaps the only pilot who have flown fighter planes for four countries -- Jordan, Iraq, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. He also holds the unique record of destroying fighter planes of two different air forces -- India and Israel.

While flying the single-seat Hawker Hunter, he shot down the Israeli Air Force's flagship transonic Dassault Mystere fighter-bomber aircraft in Jordan.

When he was shifted to an Iraqi airbase the next day, he brought down two state-of-art Israeli fighter aircrafts Vautour IIA and Dassault Mirage III."

Gallantry does not work in the era of
Real time intel
Cyber war
Artficial intelligence
Stand off weapons
Force multiplers
Special forces
Gallantry does not work in the era of
Real time intel
Cyber war
Artficial intelligence
Stand off weapons
Force multiplers
Special forces

Hezbollah and now Hamas are making the Zionist armed terrorists look mediocre at best.

They cannot defeat besieged Hamas armed with light homemade weapons, despite reducing nearly the whole of Gaza to rubble.

Like that example shows, conventional Arab armies are bad and not that the Zionists are good.
Hezbollah and now Hamas are making the Zionist armed terrorists look mediocre at best.

They cannot defeat besieged Hamas armed with light homemade weapons, despite reducing nearly the whole of Gaza to rubble.

Like that example shows, conventional Arab armies are bad and not that the Zionists are good.

Your comparing guerilla war to a full.blown conventional conflict

Heck even USA could not win a guerilla war against Vietnam and Afghanistan

Russia lost too in Afghanistan

Now don't start telling me Russia and USA can't win a war bot USA and arussia have won the greatest battles in history

Stalingrad and D Day avd iwoa Jima etc
Your comparing guerilla war to a full.blown conventional conflict

Heck even USA could not win a guerilla war against Vietnam and Afghanistan

Russia lost too in Afghanistan

Now don't start telling me Russia and USA can't win a war bot USA and arussia have won the greatest battles in history

Stalingrad and D Day avd iwoa Jima etc

Lebanon 2006 was not a guerrilla war.

Entity wanted to invade all the way to Litani river but Hezbollah infantry was able to stop them using clever asymmetrical tactics, as they did not have heavy armour.

The war ended when a Zionist attempt to ambush a large Hezbollah force ended in themselves being ambushed, with 30 dead Zionist terrorists.

Next day entity accepted the ceasefire which they rejected earlier.

Hezbollah has shown its sophistication with the use of drones to map Zionist targets all across northern Palestine and they have plenty of more surprises if the entity wants to escalate.

Any half decent army would rout the Zionist terrorist forces. Arab armies are even worse though.
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Lebanon 2006 was not a guerrilla war.

Entity wanted to invade all the way to Litani river but Hezbollah infantry was able to stop them using clever asymmetrical tactics, as they did not have heavy armour.

The war ended when a Zionist attempt to ambush a large Hezbollah force ended in themselves being ambushed, with 30 dead Zionist terrorists.

Next day entity accepted the ceasefire which they rejected.

Hezbollah has shown its sophistication with the use of drones to map Zionist targets all across northern Palestine and they have plenty of more surprises if the entity wants to escalate.

Any half decent army would rout the Zionist terrorist forces. Arab armies are even worse though.

Like who

Off the top of my head:

Pakistan, Turkey, Iran and probably India as well.

While Egypt and Syria did ok in 1973, they still were bad pilots as they lost around 20 of their planes for each Zionist plane they shot down.
The qualitative difference in aircraft does not wholly account for the 20:1 loss ratio the Arabs suffered in the air battles.

US and western military personnel that spent any time in Palestine with the Zionist forces always come back to say how mediocre they are and nowhere near Nato standards.

Face it the Zionists used to look good as their opponents were bad.
Good thing Asif Ali Zadari is not our leader anymore.
By not being our leader anymore means being the current serving President and commander in chief of military?

The landscape, plain open field with few water sources (I suppose). If Arabs can't match their enemy heads on, options are limited. While Turks and Iranians can bid their time behind the mountainous defense.

Solar panels will have a magic effect here.
A good reason to prevent anyone from reading that pile of trash.

Example - The first sentence in the 1st paragraph:

When arab air-defence crews helped fend off Iran’s attack on Israel in April, they drew much praise. And yet Arab states are not usually lauded for their martial prowess; many have lousy military reputations. They have been repeatedly humiliated in wars with Israel. They proved ineffective during the 1991 Gulf war; Egypt deployed two armoured divisions but America quickly sidelined them when they struggled to overcome even limited Iraqi resistance.

1) Wrote the word "arab" without capitalizing it.
2) Misspelled "defense."
3) Misspelled "armored."
4)And clearly didn't research the actual reason for the Egyptian armored divisions supposed "struggle against limited Iraqi resistance."
Those 4 items alone immediately shape the credibility of the rest of that rubbish.

As far as the true reason for the Egyptian ineffectiveness; they moved slowly against the Iraqi army because Mubarak had ordered them to participate in the coalition for political reasons and the last thing any of them wanted to do was to kill their Muslim brethren who came to Egypt and helped them fight against the zionists in 1973. They gave their lives for Egypt to help it fight the land invaders and they were expected to go kill those same people who laid their lives on the line for Egypt? No friggin way and the commander had an entire newspaper written about how he had unanimous support from all the grunts that they wouldn't kill a single Iraqi. So they tried communicating with the Iraqi battalions they were facing as they approached them but were unsuccessful, so they slowed down and took longer routes and maintained enough distance and waited out several of the encounters to get the Iraqis to either withdraw or surrender. That was the so-called "ineffectiveness against limited Iraqi resistance."

This was all over the news in Egypt and was well known as the news got back to Mubarak who was royally pissed off out of his mind and wanted to court-martial every single one of them. That was the reason, and this author could've and should've easily researched it and found out. But of course, that wouldn't support the theory he's trying to peddle.

Sorry, Fatty. Not worthy.
What you just did is called putting lipstick on a pig?

Loved this reason you give..... Arabs fail because of Authors spelling mistake
What you just did is called putting lipstick on a pig?

Loved this reason you give..... Arabs fail because of Authors spelling mistake

He did give a plausible reason as to why Egyptians “struggled” against the Iraqi Army.

With their superior M-60 tanks and air superiority, Iraqi divisions facing them would have been trounced. That is a simple fact when you have better optics and a longer range gun on your tanks.

Egyptian Army is the best out of all the Arab Armies but still not up to regional powers like Turkey and even Iran that is under military sanctions.
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Gallantry does not work in the era of
Real time intel
Cyber war
Artficial intelligence
Stand off weapons
Force multiplers
Special forces

Weird as you lot keep harping on about how gallant yoru Wing Commander was before we shot him down
Did I make up his Vir Chakra award too?
Maybe he earned it chasing a super duper best in Pak air force falcon with a rusty old mig21 with no working Comms or serious missiles

Fair play to him

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