Why were Arab armed forces so ineffective?

Remember the 40 Mirage 2K deal for 3B$ during BB government. 10% was going to make a killing on that deal which was quickly shelved.
Too bad that deal came 30 years too early. Nowdays the whole system from ACM to COAS as well as their civilian counterparts would have eagerly drank from that fountain of services rendered, AKA commission.
Remember the 40 Mirage 2K deal for 3B$ during BB government. 10% was going to make a killing on that deal which was quickly shelved.

Out of topic but I have to correct this..not saying zardari wasn't corrupt..but..
Let's be honest..the source for this news is a guy who would have said anything to malign PPPP in 1990s
Hence trusting this news is intellectual dishonesty of the greatest degree

We all know what happened with similar French deal and who took the money there(French subs)

Hence its clear from extrapolation that more likely scenario was that it is the other way around..i.e probably benazir scuttled the deal so air chiefs and army chiefs don't get the money
Out of topic but I have to correct this..not saying zardari wasn't corrupt..but..
Let's be honest..the source for this news is a guy who would have said anything to malign PPPP in 1990s
Hence trusting this news is intellectual dishonesty of the greatest degree

We all know what happened with similar French deal and who took the money there(French subs)

Hence its clear from extrapolation that more likely scenario was that it is the other way around..i.e probably benazir scuttled the deal so air chiefs and army chiefs don't get the money
That's your view.
Well at least we know what happened in agosta deal for sure through French courts...
But you know that the Admiral was the front man!
But you know that the Admiral was the front man!
Admiral(s) !

Ain't all of them are..
real question has always been who is the front man for who..!!
Keep on topic..
As an aside, if anybody wants to make a lot of money, go to the GCC and open a technology company. You don't actually have to know anything because the GCC rulers investing the money don't either. These rulers built their fortunes by foreigners discovering oil; then they spent their fortunes on foreigners designing and building shiny new buildings; now they are spending their fortunes on foreigners promising to build the technology future. Every conman in the world is milking the GCC for investment in AI and tech startups. The Israelis and Indians are in the forefront of this gold rush. It's worth noting that the US government has forbidden the GCC countries from investing in startups that actually might be on to something.
The Arabs discovered oil and called it "Naft"..they used to light their houses and streets with lamps containing it..It is rather the Westerners who came looking for what was that..you know the West was living in darkness and was called the dark ages of the West..

Now you seem to take Arabs for stupid..because they invest in technologies they know nothing about..So why would they be investing in it if they didn't know the trends of today and have sent their sons to study these technologies in the best western universities.. to come back as scientists and engineers to innovate on these same technologies..

Hiring the best talents in the world was how the US technologies' advances were built..
Interesting article, some prejudices in it, but some very valid points.

I think it is a mistake to lump all "Arab" countries in the same catagory.

GCC, North Africa and Levant maybe a better split.

Armies that do not have massive economies but face very real threats have an immediate pressure at all levels to be efficient and their soldiers motivated. Certainly it seems to be the case with Jordan and Egypt, you can even put Hezboallah in the catagoary. Well trained, motivated and good use of asymmetrical warfare. Their political leadership has let them down often, but at a tactical level, Jordan, Egypt and Hezb seem like very good fighters. I would take a battalion of them over a battalion of IDF any day.

GCC. Now here, I think there are many issues. Apart from the glamerous job of fighter pilot, many GCC Arabs look down on a career (both as officer and other ranks) in the army. It is hard, not that well paid (relatively) and there are many other easier government jobs for them if they are national of Saudi, Kuwait, UAE, Qatar or Bahrain.
As the article mentions, many of their weapons are vanity purchases or to keep political infleunce. Kuwait cannot even take delivery of nee F-18E/F Super Hornets for lack of pilots, Qatar has 4 different types of modern jets from 3 different suppliers, yet could probably not stop a Division level ground invasion from Saudia Arabia if it came.

Thirdly disunity stops a lot of joint training and integration.

Another issue is the US and to a lesser extent the West in general has kept teh very best weapons out of Arab hand. F-35, Aegis etc.

There has been almost no strategy around protecting sea lanes of building up naval forces. For counrties that reply on sea lanes for their life blood, GCC combined has no dedciated submarines or MPAs, and only a handful of decent sized frigates.

In summerly, cultural, political, Geo-Political and economic factors all play a role here
Armies that do not have massive economies but face very real threats have an immediate pressure at all levels to be efficient and their soldiers motivated. Certainly it seems to be the case with Jordan and Egypt, you can even put Hezboallah in the catagoary. Well trained, motivated and good use of asymmetrical warfare. Their political leadership has let them down often, but at a tactical level, Jordan, Egypt and Hezb seem like very good fighters. I would take a battalion of them over a battalion of IDF any day.

It is an insult to compare Egypt, let alone Jordan with Hezbollah.

Hezbollah are the best trained and motivated military in the Arab world. None one else comes close. Period.

Egypt is hard to judge but I would guess they would be the best out of the conventional Arab militaries. They did ok in 1973 with what they had but that was a time when promotion was made on merit and Egypt has been a Zio-US vassal for coming on 50 years.

Jordan has a toy Army for a toy King.

PS - I am not including Hamas who have shown immense courage and tactical deployments under overwhelming odds that no Arab military has ever faced. They are absolute lions and will go down in history as one of the most bravest and tactically superb military forces to ever emerge from the Muslim world.
It is an insult to compare Egypt, let alone Jordan with Hezbollah.

Hezbollah are the best trained and motivated military in the Arab world. None one else comes close. Period.

Egypt is hard to judge but I would guess they would be the best out of the conventional Arab militaries. They did ok in 1973 with what they had but that was a time when promotion was made on merit and Egypt has been a Zio-US vassal for coming on 50 years.

Jordan has a toy Army for a toy King.

PS - I am not including Hamas who have shown immense courage and tactical deployments under overwhelming odds that no Arab military has ever faced. They are absolute lions and will go down in history as one of the most bravest and tactically superb military forces to ever emerge from the Muslim world.

Be less emotional. No sane person can deny the courage of Hamas and Hezb, but would a Jordanian or egyptian be just as brave if in a similar situation? Most probably yes.
I think you are all missing one key point
Arabs are made to look incapable by their foes
Their enemies are Israel and USA the biggest best equipped and most developed trained militarys on the planet

Israel and USA would make most countries look inadequate

Ask Iraq
Be less emotional. No sane person can deny the courage of Hamas and Hezb, but would a Jordanian or egyptian be just as brave if in a similar situation? Most probably yes.

That is like a "thought" crime dude.

Just because they may does not mean they are.

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