Why were Arab armed forces so ineffective?

1000-1500 years ago Arab states didn't exist, so what's the point of going back that far to try to argue Arabs are actually great warriors ? that's not the topic. the topic is why Arab armed forces TODAY, and in RECENT HISTORY, have not been effective.
Not sure why objective critique gets you warning points...
I mean this isn't a Arab or Pakistan praising group

Rather the a defense forum

Which is why I put pride and lack of introspection as the main reason for why Israel can simply walk over a million Arabs without even inviting a tension or troops build up on the boarder or even diplomatic maneuver

Had this been Turks or Bengalis or any other ethnicity you would have seen a huge outcry even if their opponent is several times bigger (not the other way around)

If you don't think anything is wrong then nothing will be fixed

People like this is the reason why Arabs like they are
The only time Arabs defeated Israel/USA in recent history is Hezbollah forcing Israel to withdraw from South Lebanon in 2000 after 15 years of resistance.

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And many tactical victories against Israel in the 2006 war.

Iraqi Resistance groups also had some smaller tactical operation victories against the US military during their occupation of Iraq.
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1000-1500 years ago Arab states didn't exist, so what's the point of going back that far to try to argue Arabs are actually great warriors ? that's not the topic. the topic is why Arab armed forces TODAY, and in RECENT HISTORY, have not been effective.
Well weren't you talking about Persia and Turkey as great empires for thousands of years..HaHaHa
Yes the battle of 'Ain Jalut.. it was the Mamluks.. who were raised and trained as Arabs in Egypt..

They integrated into Arab culture yes, their training was steppe based fast moving cavalry which was alien to Arab military culture. It was the primary reason the Mongols were beaten in open battle, something which was considered impossible by many.
They were trained by elder Mamluks for generations.
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I think the OP is asking about events in the last 1000 years buddy
We can go back to Adam why not..

if we are going to back 1500 years why not another 3000 years back to Noah

Anything before 1900 is irrelevant today, has no value apart from learning form it

The Arab story starts with Arab revolt under the British patronage and ends with eygptians dealing alone under uncle Sam patronage

Who will reignites the Arab is different question
Not sure why objective critique gets you warning points...
I mean this isn't a Arab or Pakistan praising group

Rather the a defense forum

Which is why I put pride and lack of introspection as the main reason for why Israel can simply walk over a million Arabs without even inviting a tension or troops build up on the boarder or even diplomatic maneuver

Had this been Turks or Bengalis or any other ethnicity you would have seen a huge outcry even if their opponent is several times bigger (not the other way around)

If you don't think anything is wrong then nothing will be fixed

People like this is the reason why Arabs like they are
Nope it is your subjective critic that got you a warning..

You are showing too much of you inferiority complex.. deal with it..
Arabs against Arabs don't count..I would like to see them perform against a professional army..which probably the only one in the region is turkey and Israel
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They integrated into Arab culture yes, their training was steppe based fast moving cavalry which was alien to Arab military culture. It was the primary reasons the Mongols were beaten in open battle, something which was considered impossible by many.
They were trained by elder Mamluks for generations.
I meant their origins as well as their trainers..
Nope it is your subjective critic that got you a warning..

You are showing too much of you inferiority complex.. deal with it..
50,000 dead Arabs the largest genocide of 21 century will disagree with your superiorty complex

But then again..that's what I am saying Arab nationalism is dead since eygptians decided to go it alone
Arabs against Arabs don't count..I would like to see them perform against a professional army..which probably the only one in the region is turkey and Israel
You just want war..you must have a violent personalty then..
Well weren't you talking about Persia and Turkey as great empires for thousands of years..HaHaHa
Iran and Turkey inherited their empires, no Arab state inherited an Arab empire. Iran and Turkey are the two traditional superpowers of West Asia, Arab states were never in that position... 'HaHaHa' (very childish to be honest)
50,000 dead Arabs the largest genocide of 21 century will disagree with your superiorty complex

But then again..that's what I am saying Arab nationalism is dead since eygptians decided to go it alone
Told you it is not the Arabs behind your inferiority complex.. deal with it..it is in your own mind..
Iran and Turkey inherited their empires, no Arab state inherited an Arab empire. Iran and Turkey are the two traditional superpowers of West Asia, Arab states were never in that position... 'HaHaHa' (very childish to be honest)
There is still the Arab world..mind you!
Let's hope we don't call this victory
Israel wrecked Lebanon into Stone age
what you think is a victory is irrelevant, these are undoubtedly tactical military victories. please learn what that means before you criticise it

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