Why were Arab armed forces so ineffective?

Since when did Arabs went to war with Israel in proper manner.?
Last time was 1973

Other then it's just one sided plain slaughter
The Zionist bastards, since 1971, have been humiliated, by ill equipped militias. So in this case, its a moot point. Sorry.....
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Start with someone from Pakistan, may be listen to Israr Ahmad..who would have thought he will predict Arab predicament in 1990s to a word
He also called Imran Khan a Jewish agent......
I wouldn't single out the Arabs. In fact, all Asian nation-states have ineffective armed forces with no modern combat experience beyond fighting enemies who are not well-equipped. This includes countries like Pakistan and India. Even in a conflict between both these countries, neither side has managed to achieve a total victory.
Poor indecisive / corrupt leadership....
well there is also the Asian world and the world as well... so what?
The Arab world is united by language, culture and religion.. unlike the Asian world and the world!
The Arab world is united by language, culture and religion.. unlike the Asian world and the world!
Having traveled to Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Egyot, , Jordan and Syria. Lived in Lebanon, and Jordan - Same language, culture, religion YES, United? Hell NO!!
I'm not sure if soldiery holds the glamour and respect it once did in many Arab countries.
It's usually, what we call "matric fail/ high school drop outs" that join up.
And who finished the mongols..your ignorance?

It was the turks---.

The arab glory was started with the invasion / conquest of iran / iraq / syria / spain etc---and was effective for around 700 years.

The downfall came due to pride---what 'our' forefathers did kind of mindset---. Not changing with the changing environment---not understanding the change and the after effects of the change---.

We can blame the arabs but still we cannot---.

700 years of golden age and glory is a long long time in history---.

The USA just had it for maybe 80 years---.

The end of 100 years war in europe brought in a massive industrial change---. All the muslim nations except for Turkiya came under the colonial control---. Turkiye got split up---muslim empire in the sub continent was in shambles

UK for had glory for 200 years---. If it was not for the North sea oil---the UK would have been possibly a 2nd world country by now---.

The arabs got left with nothing---no technology to fight wars against the european invaders---. In the end it was their pride that became a hinderance in their development.

Sunni / shia divide got the better of iraq---shia suni divide got the better of syria---.

Libya got eaten alive due to its financial arrogance---.

Pakistan is also arrogant due to its weapons capability---and that will be the death of it---.

Pakistan is also clueless as to how to govern the public---how to run a nation---and that will be the end of it as well---.

The only nation that have come out of the fire complete is china---because it absorbed all the foreign conquerers and still stayed as one before and after the industrial revolution.

Japan / s korea being a lacky of the USA and exist due because uncle sam wants them to---.

And then there is russia---.
I wouldn't single out the Arabs. In fact, all Asian nation-states have ineffective armed forces with no modern combat experience beyond fighting enemies who are not well-equipped. This includes countries like Pakistan and India. Even in a conflict between both these countries, neither side has managed to achieve a total victory.

Son pakistan has---. We exist---even after facing an enemy 5 times larger than us---. That is a victory in itself---.

If Uncle Sam had not saved india in 1965---hindustan would have been in history books by now---.
I'm not sure if soldiery holds the glamour and respect it once did in many Arab countries.

I can put it this way: it can be applied to the entire Islamic world. During the Iran-Iraq War, commanders who performed better than Saddam's hand-picked officers were either executed or jailed based on false allegations. This was Saddam's way of maintaining his image. This ended up gutting the officer class and kept competent commanders on desk jobs.

Pakistan & Co., suffered the same way, elevating the “yes, sir” types because there bosses can't tolerate differing opinions. Hence, you have a failed military top-down.

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