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The same way India will pay back it's external debt amounting to $648 billion, Turkeyi with its $500 billion and Egypt with its $168 billion, to name some.

India total Exports 23': 767.5 Billion Foreign Debt: 624 Billion foreign reserves: Foreign Reserves: 562 Billion
Turkey total Exports 23': 255 Billion Foreign Debt : 500 Billion Foreign Reserves: 128 Billion March 24'
Egypt total Exports 23': 35.64 Billion Foreign Debt: 168 Billion Foreign Reserve: 35.1 Billion Nov 23'
Pakistan total Exports 23': 27 Billion Foreign Debt: 124.5 Billion Foreign Reserves: 8.0 Billion as off today

To bring things in perspective
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India total Exports 23': 767.5 Billion Foreign Debt: 624 Billion
Turkey total Exports 23': 255 Billion Foreign Debt : 500 Billion
Egypt total exports 23': 35.64 Billion Foreign Debt: 168 Billion
Pakistan total Exports: 6.8 Billion Foreign Debt: 124.5 Billion

To bring things in perspective
Pakistan's total exports were $6.8 billion in 2023?

Think, research and analyse before you respond.
India total Exports 23': 767.5 Billion Foreign Debt: 624 Billion
Turkey total Exports 23': 255 Billion Foreign Debt : 500 Billion
Egypt total exports 23': 35.64 Billion Foreign Debt: 168 Billion
Pakistan total Exports: 6.8 Billion Foreign Debt: 124.5 Billion

To bring things in perspective
That's not accurate.

For 2023, Pakistan exported $28 billion.

For 2022, Pakistan exported $40 billion.

While down, Pakistani exports are set to recover this year.
The same way India will pay back it's external debt amounting to $648 billion, Turkeyi with its $500 billion and Egypt with its $168 billion, to name some.
lol.India's foreign reserve is over 600 billion dollar.India’s export are over 700 billion dollar.they can easily pay back their debt.now come to Pakistan.Pakistan's debt is 123 billion dollar and Pakistan's exports are Only 26 billion dollar.now compare yourself with india.
lol.India's foreign reserve is over 600 billion dollar.India’s export are over 700 billion dollar.they can easily pay back their debt.now come to Pakistan.Pakistan's debt is 123 billion dollar and Pakistan's exports are Only 26 billion dollar.now compare yourself with india.
This has been talked about to death.

ForEx is not generally used to pay off sovereign debt. It's used mainly to pay for imports.

So no, India can't easily pay off its debts without hurting its vital imports.

Also, losing forex can also hurt investor confidence as well.

What is happening in Gaza would have opened the eyes of many a muslim nations---.

Paf may not be the only air force going for the J31---maybe quite a few others---.

Paf will spearhead the procurement and possibly GCC / Saudi arabia etc will follow thru---.

5th gen has changed all aspects of air combat---. Without it---you are better off submitting---.
No matter what type of equipment Pakistan acquires. Hell even somehow if the F22 found its way into PAF hands. There is no way it would win any conflict against India based on the simple fact the individuals who are sworn to protect the country are sold guns and are only loyal to there pockets.
Pakistan's total exports were $6.8 billion in 2023?

Think, research and analyse before you respond.
Thank you for pointing out the typo.

Care to extrapolate on your "Research" on how we are going to pay off the USD 125 Billion external debt?
lol.India's foreign reserve is over 600 billion dollar.India’s export are over 700 billion dollar.they can easily pay back their debt. ...
With all those reserves and exports why are the Indians borrowing left-right and centre month-after-month from all over the world and on top of that, being the biggest recipient of foreign aid?

Indians can pay back and they are paying back month-after-month like rest of the world, so, why can't they get rid of their external debt altogether?

The value of Pakistani assets is over $2,000 trillion as per former Finance Minister Ishaq Dar. So if they wanted and if it was such a big thing, Pakistan could easily sell/lease it's internal gas pipeline worth $50 billion alone. That's just one example.
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Thank you for pointing out the typo.

Care to extrapolate on your "Research" on how we are going to pay off the USD 125 Billion external debt?
Care to explain who is exactly demanding an immediate repayment of what is now $131 billion?

Pakistan repaid $24 billion last year. Did the sky fall? No. How did Pakistan make those repayments?

Again, think, research and analyse before answering.
Care to explain who is exactly demanding an immediate repayment of what is now $131 billion?

Pakistan repaid $24 billion last year. Did the sky fall? No. How did Pakistan make those repayments?

Again, think, research and analyse before answering.
Just to get things again in perspective “In December 2023, SBP Governor Jameel Ahmad stated that Pakistan was scheduled to pay $24.6 billion in foreign debt and debt servicing by the end of June 2024. This figure includes a rollover of $12.4 billion, with $9.3 billion of this amount already confirmed by creditors.” In short taking more loans and paying the old loan off and asking for debt roll overs is not a sane of a prudent strategy and is certainly not a long term workable solution. Need to boost exports, cut down expenditures, and imports of non essential and substitutable goods with local manufacture.

The Circular Debt, PSDP and new big ticket defence procurement in the current economic situation is not sustainable unless supported by more loans. With our negative GDP growth, if we factor in our population growth rates, and narrow tax base, we have little to no hope of repaying our debt.

If Pakistan was a private corp there would have been serious going concern and gearing ratio issues!

My 2c worth
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That's not accurate.

For 2023, Pakistan exported $28 billion.

For 2022, Pakistan exported $40 billion.

While down, Pakistani exports are set to recover this year.

From $40 billion to $28 billion is a massive drop. Any idea why this is so?
From $40 billion to $28 billion is a massive drop. Any idea why this is so?
Political instability, and a refocus on domestic consumption over export growth, which is a hallmark of PMLN.
From $40 billion to $28 billion is a massive drop. Any idea why this is so?
Take the previous record and see whenever there is a N-League government, Pakistan's exports have decreased, even during global golden economic period from 2015 to 2018, Pakistan's exports did not grow.
Nah... I feel if Gaza has shown anything, the Arab states are more entrenched with western interests than the interests of their own nations. Pakistan needs to figure out how to completely extricate itself from dependence on GCC ASAP. The dependence on them already showed it was a severe handicap when the forced IK to skip Kuala Lampur conference for their own benefits. They are fully in Indias camp along with US and Israel and have sold Palestinians down the river. They will/have also sold Kashmir. That is the lesson Pakistan should drawn from Gaza.
it has shown that the GCC decides its policies based on their economies not their stated ideologies.

If Pakistan focused on growing its economy, requiring it to import more GCC oil and gas, as well as build a rail line (directly or indirectly through Afghanistan and Central Asia) to China (and east Asia), it can make it worth the GCC’s economic benefit to be more balanced between India and Pakistan; a basket of opportunities and currently a basket case.

What Pakistan does have is a well trained military and decades of extensive knowledge employing and modifying Chinese arms, in wars and MOOTW. Pakistan needs to leverage this head start to become a part of the GCC supply chain for the economic diversification they are seeking to achieve.

The GCC also fear Iran, and before Israel and since Iraq, Pakistan was the only country to have fired major munitions into Iran.

Pakistan needs to find a way to be in a key irreplaceable place in the supply chains and economic development plans of all major countries around it (even India, although not at the expense of its strategic interests, especially for at least the next most critical 25-30 years; long enough for India’s demographic dividend to run out).
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Nah... I feel if Gaza has shown anything, the Arab states are more entrenched with western interests than the interests of their own nations. Pakistan needs to figure out how to completely extricate itself from dependence on GCC ASAP. The dependence on them already showed it was a severe handicap when the forced IK to skip Kuala Lampur conference for their own benefits. They are fully in Indias camp along with US and Israel and have sold Palestinians down the river. They will/have also sold Kashmir. That is the lesson Pakistan should drawn from Gaza.

That is one strange post---makes no sense---. You telling us that we need to cut our relationship with our known friends that have helped us for decades.

IK is a great guy but he fck'd up royally---. We have no resource---no wealth---we are a broke nation with nuc weapons---and christian world our enemy and you are telling us that we should forego our muslim brethren.

The piece of flesh known as tongue is so easy to wag----and IK has wagged it without any thought---.

Palestinian leadership sold its citizens when it walked out of Camp David peace deal---. Don't blame the GCC for that---. Palestinians are their own worst enemies---.

Who asked hamas ( palestinians ) to sneak attack israel when Bibi is in power---.

No person in the world is stupid enough to attack israel with Bibi in power---but only the hamas ( palestinians )---.

And don't bring Kashmir into it---we had kashmir in our hands during china / india conflict---then in 1965 as well---.

IK maybe a honest man---but he has fck'd up pakistan as bad as anyone else could---.

He talks about Riasat a medina---forgetting what the meccans did to medinites---. The muslim riasat was mecca---mecca was the center.

Who could be more stupid to appoint Usman Buzdar as the PM of the largest state in the nation---.

When evidence was presented to him---who could be more stupid to say---I don't believe it---they are innocent---she is just a property dealer agent. That is the height of stupidity of a leader to not to acknowledge an accusation made at those close to him and seek further investigation---.
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