23 travellers offloaded, shot dead in Balochistan’s Musakhail after identity check:

We pay from our own pockets with the money we work hard to earn. While we don't produce gas, Punjab is the breadbasket of Pakistan. The real injustice lies in the fact that the 18th Amendment fails to recognize agricultural produce as a resource, thereby denying the people of Punjab ownership of what they grow. We, unlike the people of other provinces, receive no royalties for our resources, nor do we have the power to set its prices. This discrimination against Punjab must come to an end.

We are fed up with shouldering the responsibility of feeding the entire nation while being unfairly attacked and criticized. Punjab gets back less than it contributes to the national exchequer. Anyone who still blames Punjab for exploiting other provinces is either grossly misinformed or pushing a deliberate lie to further their own agenda.
Bilkul Sarmad bhai........so true. This whole narrative that punjabi's/ Karachi waalay are thieves and crooks is all rubbish. If Punjabi's and Karachi waalay got the education and money, who is stopping you from doing the same.

Aaap bhee lay lo education. Aaap ko kiss ne roka hae?........... :p

Its the same logic as those guys constantly yelling sazish sazish.......oh bhai to aap bhee ker lo na sazish. Nobody's stopping you.

Hamain kub kisy ne paisay diye hain? Mian sahb, billo, Zardari, Shobaz, Akber Bugti? these mofo's will spit in our face if we ever asked them for even 1 rupee...... :p
Everytime there is a bla attack, it seems Pakistani soldiers lose their lives by the dozen.

In a western/European army, heads would roll. It seems that the value of a Pakistani soldier is not worth much to the ones in charge.

I remember when the taliban managed to shoot down a helicopter in Afghanistan, killing a dozen US SpecFor operators. It ended up with a ton of people being fired, a massive clearing operation being declared, and new OpSec and new engagement rules being implemented. It was such a massive scandal that it was all the news and politicians could talk about for the entire next few months.
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Everytime there is a bla attack, it seems Pakistani soldiers lose their lives by the dozen.

In a western/European army, heads would roll. It seems that the value of a Pakistani soldier is not worth much to the ones in charge.

I remember when the taliban managed to shoot down a helicopter in Afghanistan, killing a dozen US SpecFor operators. It ended up with a ton of people being fired, a massive clearing operation being declared, and new OpSec and new engagement rules being implemented. It was such a massive scandal that it was all the news and politicians could talk about for the entire next few months.
Exactly! Our army has bad reputation now as completely incompetent. Ghareeb soldiers get killed left and right. Bastard jharrnails send them to their deaths riding around in tin can pick up trucks. We should have disbanded all this sardar/ wadera culture back in 1947 but we did nothing! How is fucking sardar allowed to have personal militia of 1000 fighters toting assault rifles and RPG's? Which other country allows this shit? Somalia? South Sudan? It's 2024 and we got these jahil tribals killing people traveling on roads and hwys? Kachay k daaku? Army is not responsible for this. This is a federal gubment issue.
The US/ Nato instigated this same shit in da Sy-Raaq using those lower caste Turkey/ Qatar Sawdi bhungi........Let loose da cat among da pigeons and watch the tamasha.

Iran fucked their plans up no?

All this ethnic/ sectarian shit has ended over there, except in NATO/ Daesh protectorates.
This is wrong assumption and off-topic conversation. Iraqi diaspora convinced the US to topple the oppressive Saddam regime but the move opened a can of worms with different militant groups emerging in the region and these groups would have torn Iraq apart if the US had not created a new Iraqi government and worked with it to defeat all militant groups. But Syria was providing refuge and passage to militants in Iraq and they launched ISIL movement to retake Iraq. The new Iraqi government had no choice but to recall the US to help defeat ISIL forces (Operation Inherent Resolve). The US also helped organize anti-ISIL movement in Syria under the SDF framework in connection with Operation Inherent Resolve. Syrian dictator Assad has mismanaged the whole region but nobody question him coz holy Russia and Iran were supporting him. Don't believe me? I can point out the relevant Iraqi book that was authored by a Iraqi leader who was deeply involved in the fight against ISIL movement. It was of such scale that no regional power could handle it. This is a separate case study to understand how it was possible but the reasons are not the typical theories shared in this forum.

As for the topic, truly disgusting development (Unacceptable).
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This is wrong assumption and off-topic conversation. Iraqi diaspora convinced the US to topple the oppressive Saddam regime but the move opened a can of worms with different militant groups emerging in the region and these groups would have torn Iraq apart if the US had not created a new Iraqi government and worked with it to defeat all militant groups. But Syria was providing refuge and passage to militants in Iraq and they launched ISIL movement to retake Iraq. The new Iraqi government had no choice but to recall the US to help defeat ISIL forces (Operation Inherent Resolve). The US also helped organize anti-ISIL movement in Syria under the SDF framework in connection with Operation Inherent Resolve. Syrian dictator Assad has mismanaged the whole region but nobody question him coz holy Russia and Iran were supporting him. Don't believe me? I can point out the relevant Iraqi book that was authored by a Iraqi leader who was deeply involved in the fight against ISIL movement. It was of such scale that no regional power could handle it. This is a separate case study to understand how it was possible but the reasons are not the typical theories shared in this forum.

As for the topic, truly disgusting development. Unacceptable.
Let me warn you. A 100th of an effort by the west will ensure our balochistan will secede from us just like the KRG has in Iraq. Do mint luggnay hain. It’s that easy!

Then we’re goin run to Iran to make sense of it and desperately beg them to stop it.

Thankfully this nightmare event ain’t happening yet.

Do you have any idea how volatile our balochistan/ KP are today?

You are Urdu speaker no? Go try walking around in KP/ Balochistan today…….do mint main aqal thikkanay aani hae aapki
Let me warn you. A 100th of an effort by the west will ensure our balochistan will secede from us just like the KRG has in Iraq. Do mint luggnay hain. It’s that easy!

Then we’re goin run to Iran to make sense of it and desperately beg them to stop it.

Thankfully this nightmare event ain’t happening yet.

Do you have any idea how volatile our balochistan/ KP are today?

You are Urdu speaker no? Go try walking around in KP/ Balochistan today…….do mint main aqal thikkanay aani hae aapki
Mate. I was late to edit my previous post.

The way forward is with academic research on issues in Balochistan to understand them properly and come up with a suitable strategy to address them. The army should fully support this initiative.
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Mate. I was late to edit my previous post.

The way forward is with academic research on issues in Balochistan to understand them properly and come up with a suitable strategy to address them. The army should fully support this initiative.

The only problem is that the nation and the establishment lack either the cognitive skills or the will to enforce laws and, more so, justice within their domain and maintain checks and balances on themselves after knowing what the problems are, just ignoring them, and turning the Baloch into buggy men and women.

While I understand many on this forum are saying Baloch are backward people and illiterate and lack education, they have a point; however, there are two types of freedom: the body and the mind. What good is education and being literate if you are in zanjeer (chains) from birth to death? Right now, the Baloch are fighting to free their physical selves from the cycle of repression the federation has put them into and under the feudal lords; the purpose of the state is to make sure all men and women are treated equally. Didn't the American Revolutionaries raise their Gadsden flag and write in capitals, "DON'T TREAD ON ME"? It was a warning to the British and its enemies about what would happen if you took away their individual freedoms and liberties. Once they are mentally at ease, then they can collect themselves and build their communities. No, mother or father wants to put a rifle in their child's hand, but some majbori force them to.

The problem isn't outside forces but rather us. We give others a chance to do us harm.
Gas isn't free

You have to pay for it, if you can't pay for it the laying expensive pipe's is impossible, building infrastructure is impossible.

If we had hundreds of years of gas reserves building pipelines in Balochistan may be feasible because you are supplying areas for centuries

But our reserves are counted in years and a few decades

So how much money can you spend laying pipelines to the middle of nowhere, under threat where people won't even pay their bills?????

You can't beat basic economic realities, the locals themselves cause so much problems that development in those areas in near impossible
CPEC itself in Balochistan is under threat because the cost of security for any project or roads or anything is net with constant fassad
Question is - if the people in the area from whose under feet gas is being extracted are still as is being implied not worthy of uplift due to the economic costs and remain in poverty - then what are they to do?
Just a simple - government will not help you because it is too expensive to uplift you, offer you opportunity to change your culture - here is what you do
We pay from our own pockets with the money we work hard to earn. While we don't produce gas, Punjab is the breadbasket of Pakistan. The real injustice lies in the fact that the 18th Amendment fails to recognize agricultural produce as a resource, thereby denying the people of Punjab ownership of what they grow. We, unlike the people of other provinces, receive no royalties for our resources, nor do we have the power to set its prices. This discrimination against Punjab must come to an end.

We are fed up with shouldering the responsibility of feeding the entire nation while being unfairly attacked and criticized. Punjab gets back less than it contributes to the national exchequer. Anyone who still blames Punjab for exploiting other provinces is either grossly misinformed or pushing a deliberate lie to further their own agenda.
I absolutely agree - don’t “feed the nation” - and in return the nation agrees to not send ANYTHING your way. No transit , no trade from ports - no imports, no coal or oil for electricity (you can manufacture solar panels using all resources available within Subah Lahore) nada.

You live on your own in the isolated prosperity and figure it all out being the most productive smart gods gift to earth , the rest can figure out their starvation based on their situation.
This is wrong assumption and off-topic conversation. Iraqi diaspora convinced the US to topple the oppressive Saddam regime but the move opened a can of worms with different militant groups emerging in the region and these groups would have torn Iraq apart if the US had not created a new Iraqi government and worked with it to defeat all militant groups. But Syria was providing refuge and passage to militants in Iraq and they launched ISIL movement to retake Iraq. The new Iraqi government had no choice but to recall the US to help defeat ISIL forces (Operation Inherent Resolve). The US also helped organize anti-ISIL movement in Syria under the SDF framework in connection with Operation Inherent Resolve. Syrian dictator Assad has mismanaged the whole region but nobody question him coz holy Russia and Iran were supporting him. Don't believe me? I can point out the relevant Iraqi book that was authored by a Iraqi leader who was deeply involved in the fight against ISIL movement. It was of such scale that no regional power could handle it. This is a separate case study to understand how it was possible but the reasons are not the typical theories shared in this forum.

As for the topic, truly disgusting development (Unacceptable).

Name of book, please. Thanks.
Do Baloch actually believe that a group like BLA can get them a separate country? A repeat of the 1970s operation will have them all running for Iran and Afghanistan.

We should do that honestly, and then try and educate the next generation to be more loyal.
We pay from our own pockets with the money we work hard to earn. While we don't produce gas, Punjab is the breadbasket of Pakistan. The real injustice lies in the fact that the 18th Amendment fails to recognize agricultural produce as a resource, thereby denying the people of Punjab ownership of what they grow. We, unlike the people of other provinces, receive no royalties for our resources, nor do we have the power to set its prices. This discrimination against Punjab must come to an end.

We are fed up with shouldering the responsibility of feeding the entire nation while being unfairly attacked and criticized. Punjab gets back less than it contributes to the national exchequer. Anyone who still blames Punjab for exploiting other provinces is either grossly misinformed or pushing a deliberate lie to further their own agenda.

BLA did this. BLA has known links to RAW. How and why are you blaming everybody for the acts of a terrorist group is beyond me?

There are injustices and issues all across the country. Common citizens commit suicide but they don't go on a rampage killing dozens of others like this. Unless they have a backing and funding from a foreign intel agency.

The issues you are reporting have some weightage to them for sure, but it goes for all Pakistani citizens not just a single province.

Excellent book. It expands on Iraqi issues and history through the Iraqi lens and perspective.

I will also say this: while some reconciliation needs to be done with the Baloch people, this sardari and tribal system needs to be banned entirely altogether. If these tribal leaders raise a hue and cry, they need to be gunned down, and people educated that they are of free will and none lords over them. Those hiding overseas in the UK and elsewhere need to be taken out as the Indians are doing with the Khalistan leadership hiding overseas; Pakistan need to take a page out of their book. These chains need to be broken from the roots.
Yet again - ignoring the core issues that lead to the culture perpetuating and asking people to “just change”.

I agree with the assertion that its time to forget about Unity and either let everyone fight it out for who keeps control with violence or let it break up.
There is no unity beside forums and FB, real world is different and fact is that every ethnic group in Pakistan hate each other, but at least Punjabi's are not to the point where they will kill people who will move to their state for work/income, unlike in KPK/Balochistan if you develop New York style cities these Tribal's will still hate any " outsiders " who come to " their " land for better future.

I saw few Punjabi students finally raising their voices against the hypocrisy of Pashtoon/Baloch, every where these two ethnic group goes violence/terrorism increases 100 fold, I know its stereotypical rant but that's the truth.

I don't want people nor I expect them to change, but self-accountability is first step in the right direction, but problem with the people is that no one even address the problem, you can clean their areas from insurgency but it will return within a year or two, not because of zulum ke pahar on them but its their culture to instigate violence against whom they consider outsiders, if that is the case than I rather have every Pathan move back to KPK, every Baloch move to Baluchistan, Punjabi to Punjab, Sindhi to Sindh... if that is what it takes to stop them from brutally killing each other so be it.

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